Just 1 YEAR ago, look who was endorsing Gina Swoboda for AZGOP chair, INCLUDING Cory McGarr. With a historic Trump win and 6 point swing red for Arizona, what changed? According to multiple sources TP Action was denied valuable data access and a closely tied organization lost a major contract.

This statement from Gina Swoboda clarified her position: The Republican Party of Arizona is not for sale. Not to PACs, not to consultants, not to anyone, no matter how well intentioned, including Turning Point. Our party belongs to the State Committeemen who are elected by our PCs. This is a bottom up organization led by our grassroots and it will remain that way as long as I’m in the chair.”

Read about the plan in the TP Action Mount Vernon Project

Turning Point Action Exposed with “Mount Vernon Project” Documented Attempt to “Take over the GOP party” Seizing State Chairs and National Positions Nationwide