The AZGOP Purpose: Propping Up Scumbags Who Are Trying to Destroy the Republican Party

The AZGOP Purpose: Propping Up Scumbags Who Are Trying to Destroy the Republican Party

Last week in their “Good News” email, the AZGOP spread propaganda promoting a convicted Drug Dealer who intimidates women and PCs and threatens physical violence. This week, the AZGOP sent out more propaganda, propping up the other 3 who were recently Censured by a majority of the MCRC Executive Guidance Committee including all 20 Legislative District Chairs (see below) for trying to Destroy the Republican Party and their role in the Maricopa Board of Supervisors blocking the appointment of now 250 Precinct Committeeman Appointments for 10+ weeks. Jeff Dewit’s role in this coup attempt and backstabbing of 250 PCs in one of the most egregious attempts to destroy the Republican Party can no longer be doubted. Jeff Dewit is the Kevin McCarthy of Arizona and must be removed from office.

First propping up of Tatiana Pena 2nd Vice Chair MCRC, who owes $10k+ in attorneys fees after losing false Injunction filing against her LD Chair and other PCs:

Next Propping up of Linda Migliore LD 29 Chair. Read what one LD29 PC had to say:

“Our LD29 board is dividing our party. Unfortunately, at our last LD29 meeting House Rep. Steve Montenegro read a letter of support for Linda Migliore which none of us PCs are allowed to comment on or vote on. I believe Frank Rizzo PC LD29, who is not on our board, but admitted to going to the County Attorney to complain about the process of approving PCs, should have also been censured. Jeff DeWit was invited as a surprise speaker at our last LD29 meeting. Some of the LD29 PC applicants had signed their applications in January and February of 2023 and had been waiting months to have their application approved so our Chair was not doing her job. There was one vacancy left in a particular precinct and an applicant had put her application in on January 11, 2023 and was not appointed until September 1, 2023.  Then Chairman Linda Migliore complained that one of her PC applicants was not appointed to this vacancy but I heard that the applicant she wanted to appoint lived in California but had an address in Arizona. I hope and pray that the Board of Supervisors will approve the 200+ PC’s that are waiting to be approved.”

Linda sent a long letter full of lies out to her PCs. She spreads lies about the MCRC violating bylaws which is not true and conveniently omits parts of the MCRC bylaws about PC appointments.

ARS 16-821County committee; vacancy in office of precinct committeeman

A. At the primary election the members of a political party entitled to representation pursuant to section 16-804 residing in each precinct shall choose one of their number as a county precinct committeeman, and the members shall choose one additional precinct committeeman for each one hundred twenty-five voters or major fraction thereof registered in the party in the precinct as reported pursuant to section 16-168, subsection G on January 2 of the year in which the general election is held. The whole number of precinct committeemen of a political party shall constitute the county committee of the party.

B. The board of supervisors upon the recommendation of the county chairman, or the recommendation of a committee designated in the bylaws of the county committee for that purpose, shall determine when a vacancy exists in the office of precinct committeeman. If a vacancy exists, the vacancy shall be filled by the board of supervisors from a list of names submitted by the county chairman of the appropriate political party. Only a precinct committeeman elected at the primary election prior to the date of a state or county committee organizing meeting shall be permitted to vote at such meeting. The criteria used to establish when a vacancy exists in the office of precinct committeeman shall be as established in section 38-291.

The County Bylaws clearly lay out the process and authority of the County Chairman:

ARTICLE II – MEMBERS, Section 2 – PCs, D. Filling Vacancy by Appointment

The District Chairman and the Precinct Captain are charged jointly with the responsibility of appointing PCs to fill vacancies. When the District Chairman receives the notice of a vacancy in a precinct, the
Precinct Captain shall be notified within the next 5 days. The Precinct Captain may recommend such appointments to the District Chairman. (See Appendix II for the appointment form.) If the District
Chairman approves, he must sign the appointment within fifteen (15) days of receipt. Within the next fifteen (15) days, the MCRC Chairman, if he approves, must certify the appointment and forward to the
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for appointment. If the Precinct Captain and the District Chairman disagree regarding the person to be appointed, the MCRC Chairman, within fifteen (15) days of the notice
of disagreement, will make the certification based upon an evaluation of the recommendations of the Precinct Captain and the District Chairman. If both the Precinct Captain and the District Chairman fail to
appoint PCs to fill vacancies, the MCRC Chairman shall give fifteen (15) days written notice to the District Chairman of his intention to make a recommendation for appointment of a specific person.
Should the District Chairman not offer a name for the proposed appointment within the next fifteen (15) days, the MCRC Chairman may make the recommendation of appointment.

Linda then goes on a RINO projection rant where she describes the very group of herself and her allies in their blind attempt to hold on to power which resulted in the backstabbing of 250+ PCs:

“There exists a sizable element in our party that has no interest in winning elections, only in accumulating power, donations, contracts, and visibility to feed their ambition and egos. They are not a majority in our party, but they use conservative language to pretend to champion conservative causes and purity that endears them to the majority they need to win office in the first place. Ignoring the promises they made during their campaigns for party office, these same bad actors continue to neglect critical areas, including fundraising, training, voter registration, meaningful election integrity efforts, and get-out-the-vote initiatives.”

Lastly, the AZGOP and Jeff Dewit Prop up Violent, Racist, Narcissist Dan Farley as an Example of an LD Chair When He Cancelled LD4 Meetings for 5 Months and Abuses His Power for Personal Gain Promoting His Tea Party and Himself. 

No one is more divisive or has more actively sought the destruction of the Republican Party than Dan Farley. Learn the truth:

All of the Above Must Be Removed from Power. See the Censure Below:

Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.


Masks are Ineffective and Cause Harm Evidenced and Sourced

Masks are Ineffective and Cause Harm Evidenced and Sourced

The world has experienced a reprieve to the cult-like religious faith in the fake science of masks. Many have been propagandized and refused to reconsider new evidence that masks not only are ineffective against the transmission of influenza-like viruses including Covid19, but that prolonged use of masks actually make the wearer more likely to contract these viruses and include many other health risks including reduced blood-oxygen levels, increased risk of bacterial infection, increased risk of headache and exhaustion, lowered immune system, and much more. Please review the below examples of scientific, peer-reviewed and published medical articles as well as extensive investigation and research exposing the truth. Say no to mask mandates forever!

Horowitz: CDC study: 85% of COVID-19 cases in July were people who often or always wear masks

A survey conducted by over a dozen medical institutions for the CDC and published in Sept. 11’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report showed that 85% of those who contracted COVID-19 during July among the study group either “always” or “often” wore face coverings within the 14 days before they were infected. More than 70% of those outpatient individuals who tested positive reported always wearing masks.

Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses

“The pooled results of randomised trials did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks during seasonal influenza. There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection. ”
“There is moderate certainty evidence that wearing a mask probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory-confirmed influenza compared to not wearing a mask”

Study article:


Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery

“We included three trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials”

Study article:

Face seal leakage of half masks and surgical masks

“The filtration efficiency of the filter materials was good, over 95%, for particles above 5 micron in diameter but great variation existed for smaller particles.

Coronavirus is 0.125 microns. therefore these masks wouldn’t protect you from the virus”

Study article:

VIDEO on Virus Size:

Aerosol penetration through surgical masks

“Although surgical mask media may be adequate to remove bacteria exhaled or expelled by health care workers, they may not be sufficient to remove the submicrometer-size aerosols containing pathogens ”

Study article:

The efficacy of standard surgical face masks: an investigation using “tracer particles”

“Since the microspheres were not identified on the exterior of these face masks, they must have escaped around the mask edges and found their way into the wound”. Human albumin cells, aka aborted fetal tissue, is much larger than the virus and still escaped the mask.

Study article:

Significantly more likely to experience headaches:

N95-masked health-care workers (HCW) were significantly more likely to experience headaches. Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds. Cowling, B. et al. (2010) “Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: A systematic review”, Epidemiology and Infection, 138(4), 449-456. doi:10.1017/S0950268809991658 systematicreview/64D368496EBDE0AFCC6639CCC9D8BC05

Airborne coronavirus particle (<0.125 micron) will pass directly through a N95 face mask.

Study article:

SIZE OF THE CORONAVIRUS: Size can vary but all are smaller than 0.3 micron .

“Human coronaviruses measure between 0.1 and 0.2 microns, which is one to two times below the cutoff” This “cut off” is referring to the size an N95 mask can trap. Most of us, are not using MEDICAL or regular N95s.

Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery

Face mask side effects include lowered oxygen levels.

This study proved that surgeons that wore a mask in surgery for an hour + had significant reductions in blood oxygen saturation.

This is relevant because most of us are being made to wear face masks at work for the whole shift, long journeys on public transport, and when we are in a public places doing shopping etc. and this requires a degree of exertion that is not taken into account.

“Considering our findings, pulse rates of the surgeon’s increase and SpO2 decrease after the first hour.”

Decreasing oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide in the bloodstream stimulates a compensatory response in the respiratory centers of the brain. These changes in blood gases result in increases in both frequency and depth of breaths. This exposes another risk – if your mask traps some virus you are breathing more hence increasing viral load and exposure.
Study article:

Respiratory consequences of N95-type Mask usage in pregnant healthcare workers-a controlled clinical study

The benefits of using N95 mask to prevent serious emerging infectious diseases should be weighed against potential respiratory consequences associated with extended N95 respirator usage.

“Study article:

“It is known that the N95 mask, if worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygenation as much as 20 percent, which can lead to a loss of consciousness, as happened to the hapless fellow driving aroundalone in his car wearing an N95 mask, causing him to pass out, crash his car and sustain injuries. I am sure that we have several cases of elderly individuals or any person with poor lung function passing out, hitting their head. This, of course, can lead to death”

“CONCLUSIONS: Breathing through N95 mask materials have been shown to impede gaseous exchange and impose an additional workload on the metabolic system of pregnant healthcare workers,and this needs to be taken into consideration in guidelines for respirator use”

Yet we force pregnant women to use them…? What could this do to the fetus?

The adverse skin reactions of health care workers using personal protective equipment for COVID-19

Face mask side effects include adverse skin reactions

The adverse skin reactions of health care workers using personal protective equipment for COVID-19
Study article:

When You Wear A Face Mask Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Lungs

Mask use can trigger allergies due to the mask collecting particles that stay on you for long periods of time.

Virus interactions with bacteria: Partners in the infectious dance

Bacteria and viruses can interact an increase infection suseptability:

Meta-Analysis of 65 Studies Reveals Face Masks Induce Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome


Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.

Maricopa Board of Supervisors AGAIN Do Not Approve 200+ PC Appointments Pending for 10+ Weeks

Maricopa Board of Supervisors AGAIN Do Not Approve 200+ PC Appointments Pending for 10+ Weeks

The Maricopa Board of Supervisors AGAIN Did not approve over 200+ PC Appointments pending for 10+ Weeks. This is a gross overreach of government authority and interference in Private Party matters.

You can thank these Traitors for attempting to Destroy the Republican Party and colluding with MCBOS asking for this:

  1. Jeff Dewit AZGOP who on record according to MCBOS requested delay and on video spoke in favor of adding unneeded policy and bureaucracy
  2. Dan Farley LD4 Chair who cancelled all meetings for 5 months
  3. Jeff Dewit backed Candace Czarny fake LD Chair running Nazi anti-dissent boards
  4. Andrew Adams LD14 Chair and convicted drug dealer intimidating women and PCs and peddling lies
  5. Linda Migliore LD 29 Chair
  6. Tatiana Pena 2nd Vice Chair MCRC owes $10k+ in attorneys fees after losing false Injunction filing against her LD Chair and other PCs
  7. Frank Rizzo former LD chair and a 20 year friend of a MCBOS member.
  8. LD10 Chair Ken Berger.

You can clearly read on the October 18, 2023 MCBOS Agenda

Item #58.PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN Only vacancies were approved see the linked list on file with the Clerk here image and video below. A call was placed to the MCBOS Clerk’s office who verified 19 vacancies and 0 PC appointments were approved.

Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.

Richer, MCBOS Send Out Estimated Double Number of Ballots in Arizona

Richer, MCBOS Send Out Estimated Double Number of Ballots in Arizona

In multiple twitter and social media posts, countless voters recounted stories of receiving up to double the amounts of ballots mailed to them than registered voters who lived there by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer and the Maricopa Board of Supervisors. Reports indicated old residents who no longer live there and unexplained duplicates. National Republican Delegate Tyler Bowyer tweeted on xLook how many ballots came to my house today, @maricopacounty! Guess how many voters I have at my house? 2! These people haven’t lived in this house for many many years. Also, we did not receive their ballots in previous elections. How is it right to send early ballots to people who haven’t requested them who haven’t lived in a location for so long? The only people that could be okay with this don’t take elections seriously.”

AZ Women of Action tweeted @stephen_richer, this family got more ballots than there are voters at their residence. Hopefully, the voter rolls will be cleaned up amd ready for 2024!” and “As per this families’ experience: The daughter removed herself from AZ voter rolls through the @RecordersOffice  when she moved to NY 6 yrs ago. After getting an AZ ballot, she contacted the Maricopa recorder’s office to remove herself again. She then moved to CA & continued to get AZ voter info but no ballots until now. The last time she voted in AZ was in 2016.”

A third tweeted “Oh look! It happened AGAIN at my house. None of my adult kids live here. All of them are registered at their current address. One has lived in CA for 10+ years. He votes there. Every cycle they respond to the Recorders office to change this, but I still receive their MiBs.”

One commenter said “I moved and registered to my new address and sadly getting maricopa election info to old address. Will have to see if I get a ballot there”

Another who received TRIPLE the number added: “I got 4 last year also. Just me living in my home.”

Others said:

“I’m a first time voter in Arizona & Maricopa. When I got my drivers license, I said I didn’t want a mail ballot. I wanted to vote in person. I STILL got a ballot. Arizona is a broken election state”

My Mom passed away last month and a few days later, I get a letter confirming her passing and she’ll be taken off the Voter roll. Today, I get a mail-inballot for her. IDIOTS @stephen_richer

“Looks like the crooked state government and election officials are going to try and pull off another fraudulent election.”

“The cheat is in. They are letting non-profits print and send ballots with out any accountability.”

“My mom just received a ballot at her house for me. It was under my maiden name. I’ve been married for 32 years.”

Wife and I both removed our names from the PEV rolls as indicated by the voter IDs we received (hers was “processed” 2 days before mine on 5/9). I no longer receive MiBs, she does. Such a scam.

Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.

AZGOP Promotes Convicted Drug Dealer Who Intimidates Women and PCs and Threatens Physical Violence

AZGOP Promotes Convicted Drug Dealer Who Intimidates Women and PCs and Threatens Physical Violence

Both in a mass email to Arizona and on their Twitter page, the AZGOP is promoting convicted drug dealer Andrew Adams, who intimidates women and Precinct Committeemen and just 2 weeks ago threatened physical violence in front of 2 witnesses after following a County Member at Large into a dark parking lot. One reader had this to say: “AZGOP promoting this scum?” Another said: “Why unhinged guy like Adams, convicted drug dealer has been approved to serve as the AZGOP LD14 Chairman??!! This is unacceptable! AZGOP, what kind of message are you sending to the people of Arizona? Selling drugs through the open borders?”

In a tweet AZGOP said “GREAT NEWS FROM #LD14 Andrew Adams, LD14 Chairman, shared their impressive 2022 election wins and their commitment to amplifying efforts in 2024. Join them ” The AZGOP Newsletter email dated October 16, 2023 went on to add “LD14 can not only maintain its position but can also inspire neighboring districts to follow suit. The goal is clear: Keep LD14 solidly Republican and set an example for others.”

Witnesses of Threats of Violence by Andrew Adams had this to say:

Witness 1: “I saw Andrew Adams holding up and leading out the door, He held it open and stared at Brian Ference as he was walking through the door. Brian didn’t turn to acknowledge him or engage. I held back talking to someone, then in the parking lot I saw Andrew engaging Brian. Brian said “I’m trying to leave”.”

Witness 2: “I went inside and waited when Brian came down the stairs speaking with (Name Omitted). Andrew Adams was in front of Brian and exited the building. I was exiting the building with Brian when Andrew turned around and waited for us outside. We started walking down the sidewalk and Andrew walked directly behind us. When we were walking in the parking lot, Andrew stated to Brian “I see you have your girlfriends with you.” Then Andrew started insulting Brian and saying he would “Meet Brian any day in the parking lot.” Around this time Brian pulled out his phone to record the incident.

Witness 3: “When we left the complex Andrew Adams made sure to let us walk in front of him. He was looking angry at Brian the hole time and said “Oh, you got your two bitches to defend you?” I turned to him to ask him if he called me a bitch. There was some follow up conversation but I didn’t pay attention as I was more focused on keeping an eye on Andrew’s hands to see if he was going to try and hit me.”

This is a Pattern of Intimidation. See What Other LD14 PCs Who Andrew Doesn’t Agree With Had to Say:

“In response to the intimidation of PCs for speaking out or asking questions in our social media groups, we have all witnessed this happening over the past several months. The executive board has no problems with singling out and actively engaging in the degradation of individual PCs in posts discussions.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“I have been a PC with LD14 and LD12. In the past year I have seen a gradual change in Andrew Adams, from being very friendly and supportive to aggressive and hostile towards PCs, especially those who openly won’t “tow the line” on FB and telegram.
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“I am a Precinct Committeeman for Legislative District 14. It is very concerning to see the extreme measures the District Executive board, especially Jim Hamilton and Andrew Adams, will take to keep hidden what is occurring within our District. They have created a very hostile environment both on social media and at our meetings to discourage the members from asking questions or disagreeing with them through intimidation.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“I am a LD14 PC and have an issue with trusting what my chairman says when I have seen many “half-truth” statements being posted to our social media groups by him. His responses to those who question the validity of his statement are often gaslighted rather aggressively.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“I am a PC in the LD14 district and find it very intimidating to be photographed by our district photographer at our meetings, openly denying our request not to be. Yet, we are reminded each month prior to our district meetings that recording the meeting by attendees is not allowed. ”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“If you question them they kick you out of the District Facebook and Telegram Group and tell people you are ‘evil’ or ‘nasty’ and to ‘block’ you.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“Jim Hamilton and several others are all in support of Andrew without even discussing the merits of Andrew’s accusations. While others on the LD14 telegram channel (like myself) are afraid to post for fear of retaliation”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

Prior Drug Conviction and Juvenile Arrests

Andrew Adams was sentenced for a Drug Conviction on March 8, 2010. A review of the Chandler Police Departmental Report #0902756 refers to Andrew Adams listed in a drug buyers phone contact list as “Andrew Coke guy.” This points to likely prior hard drug sales/use by drug dealer Andrew Adams. The police report also provided evidence he was considered a “major drug dealer” and indicated Andrew had prior “Juvenile History” arrests. See the charges he pled guilty to, served probation, and had reduced to a misdemeanor in below screenshots of the police report:


Video: Andrew Adams LD14 Chair Follows Brian Ference to Parking Lot Threatens Physical Violence

Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.

BREAKING: LD23 Joins LD8, LD3 in Censuring AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit – Demanding His Resignation

BREAKING: LD23 Joins LD8, LD3 in Censuring AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit – Demanding His Resignation

On October 10, 2023, Legislative District 23 joined LD8 and LD3 in censuring AZGOP Chairman Jeff Dewit. The full Censure can be seen below which passed UNANIMOUSLY with 19 votes yes, 0 votes no, and 0 abstaining from the vote. The Censure also demands that Jeff Dewit resign from office:


Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.

Open Letter Response to Frank Rizzo Past LD29 Chairman

Frank Rizzo begins his jumbled and disjointed propaganda with “It’s a shame that a supposed bright young man like Brian Ference should be reducing himself…” Apparently Mr. Rizzo is far from bright as he gleefully announced to the entire MCRC EGC and a room of near 100 PCs that “I was the one that got this whole thing started with the Maricopa Board of Supervisors.” Mr. Rizzo is reportedly a 20+ year friend of Supervisor Clint Hickman, a significant red flag and point against his discernment and judge of character. The shocking admission was blurted out with pride, and immediately met with the ire of the entire room. Sometime after that and the Censure of 4 EGC members for the attempted coup and try at destroying the Republican Party, Mr. Rizzo tucked his tail between his legs and fled from the room.

Mr. Rizzo goes on with pedantic smears, stating that my “opinion is of no value” and my analysis of the situation is “way off track”, and that I am unable to “grasp the essence of possible erroneous or inaccurate information.” I wonder if Mr. Rizzo thinks the opinions of the majority of the entire EGC including the board and LD chairs is also of no value? I wonder if Mr. Rizzo also thinks the opinions of the 200+ Precinct Committeemen who were blocked for 8+ weeks is of no value? It appears that Mr. Rizzo has drunken the RINO Kool-Aid and has himself lost all ability to “grasp the essence of possible erroneous or inaccurate information.” Instead Mr. Rizzo betrays the Republican Party Platform and seeks more red tape and process, craves the government overreach and violation of our Constitutional Rights, and aligns himself with big government, the MCBOS, and RINOs like Dan Farley.

Mr. Rizzo truly embodies everything wrong with the RINOs, crying for unity and getting Republicans to vote as he slides a knife into the back of 200+ PCs undermining that very effort. He astonishingly goes on to say: “If your words are so powerful, put them to good use. Let everyone know where the current officials’ failings are so we could win the next round of elections in 2024.” Thank you for the compliment Mr. Rizzo, but what is powerful in my words is the Truth–Something your words lack as they ring hollow. Putting my words to good use to expose what the “current officials’ failings are so we could win the next round of elections in 2024” is exactly what I have been doing, and now I am doing it to expose you and your failings.

Mr. Rizzo goes on to say “The EGC Meeting was a decorum nightmare!” A common phrase uttered by his friends in the corrupt MCBOS where the lowly peasants who dare to speak their minds are even denied bottles of water within the holy sanctum of the elite. He says “The continued attacks were cheered by the audience. It’s a shame they don’t understand what’s happening!” They do understand, Mr. Rizzo, they understand that you and your liberal-minded, power-crazed, backstabbing, tyrannical cronies are the problem.

Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.
Corrupt Mohave County Chair Jeanne Kentch Creates “Hitler-like” Conduct Council Just 4 Days After Censured Dan Farley Featured as Guest Speaker

Corrupt Mohave County Chair Jeanne Kentch Creates “Hitler-like” Conduct Council Just 4 Days After Censured Dan Farley Featured as Guest Speaker

Corrupt Mohave County Republican Chair Jeanne Kentch is instituting “Hitler-like” tribunals against dissent called a “Conduct Council” Just 4 days after Dan Farley (a violent, racist, narcissist who was recently censured and his resignation demanded for trying to destroy the Republican Party by a majority vote of the Maricopa County EGC including board and LD chairs) spoke at the Mohave County Republican Central Committee quarterly meeting on September 30, 2023 as a featured guest speaker. One Mohave PC said: “MCRCC is becoming the gestapo.  Seriously unglued.” A second commented “this is akin to Hitler-like policies, which are unacceptable in the Republican Party.” Below see the agenda from the quarterly meeting where Dan is mentioned. In the below email from Mohave County Republican Chair Jeanne Kentch, she creates the Conduct Council saying it: “accepts conduct violations and considers consequences for the inappropriate actions.

This is similar to the Nazi-like tribunals against dissent that fake LD3 Chair Candace Czarny created and tried to use to ban nearly a dozen of her elected PC political opponents from attending, speaking, or voting. Candace Czarny filed a fake lawsuit against the Maricopa County Republican Committee, which a judge recently dismissed saying “It is therefore ordered denying Plantiff’s claim for injunctive relief”. The audio of the judges order can be heard here, and the full ruling can be read on the Maricopa Superior Court site by anyone clearly demonstrating the truth that Candace lost as well as seen below. Dan Farley reportedly worked with Candace closely as well.

History of Tribunals Against Dissent

As the Nazis worked to consolidate their power and build a cohesive “national community,” suppression of dissent played a key role. In 1933, the Nazis issued a decree that required Germans to turn in anyone who spoke against the party, its leaders, or the government (see reading, Outlawing the Opposition in Chapter 5). That decree, “For the Defense against Malicious Attacks against the Government,” stated:

  1. Whoever purposely makes or circulates a statement of a factual nature which is untrue or grossly exaggerated or which may seriously harm the welfare of the Reich or of a state, or the reputation of the National government or of a state government or of parties or organizations supporting these governments, is to be punished, provided that no more severe punishment is decreed in other regulations, with imprisonment of up to two years and, if he makes or spreads the statement publicly, with imprisonment of not less than three months.
  2. If serious damage to the Reich or a state has resulted from this deed, penal servitude may be imposed.
  3. Whoever commits an act through negligence will be punished with imprisonment of up to three months, or by a fine.

To enforce the decree, the Nazis set up special courts to try people who were accused of “malicious attacks.” In December 1934, the government replaced the decree with the “Law against Malicious Attacks on State and Party,” adding a clause that criminalized “malicious, rabble-rousing remarks or those indicating a base mentality” against the Nazi Party or high-ranking government or party officials.

On Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 09:27:42 AM MST, Jeanne Kentch <> wrote:

Dear PC’s

I had already discussed the implementation of a Conduct Council with our ByLaws Committee.
We felt it best to have a separate “Conduct Council” that actually accepts conduct violations and considers consequences for the inappropriate actions.
I considered putting this on last Saturday’s agenda, but I held back due to the large list already on the agenda. Considering the actions of the last meeting, I do not want to wait until January’s meeting to get started with this council.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Conduct Council, please let me know.
I will put the 1st 7 people from all three districts, that ask for inclusion on the council and pick a chair.
Once the council is created the chair will call for a meeting.
Thank you for your interest.

Jeanne Kentch
Mohave County Republican Central Committee
Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.
Dan Farley Censured for Trying to Destroy Republican Party

Dan Farley Censured for Trying to Destroy Republican Party

Dan Farley Censured by Maricopa County Republican Committee EGC including Majority of Board and All LD Chairs – Demand His Resignation for his Role in Colluding with the MCBOS and Blocking 200+ PC Appointments for 8+ Weeks and Attempting to Destroy the Republican Party

Watch the Videos of the Comments and Read more About this Issue Here


Dan Farley is the SAME as Gavin Newsome in SUPPORT for FRAUDULENT MACHINES

Dan Farley Cancel’s ALL LD4 Meetings for 5 Months (EXACTLY like the Prior McCain Chair Kathy Petsas did):

Dan Farley Accused of Scraping State List Violating Disclosure Agreement and Abusing his LD4 Chair Position adding emails without Permission to his Tea Party List:

Video Dan Farley and Goons Swap Out Censure in Attempt to Deceive PCs

Video Shows LD4 Chair Dan Farley, Joe Junker, and “Parliamentarian” Dan Grim in a dishonest attempt to deceive the PCs and swap out the subject of a censure which is OUT OF ORDER as it violates Roberts Rules of Order 12th Edition #12:6 Amend – “An amendment must always be germane – that is, closely related to or having bearing on the subject of the motion to be amended. This means that no new subject can be introduced under pretext of being an amendment.” Dan Grim, Joe Junker and Dan Farley knew this but instead proceeded in the lie. They cannot be trusted and should be removed from all leadership as you can hear the PCs in the video saying. Fortunately the illegal amendment failed and the true one passed.

Dan Farley Supports a Chinese-Like Social Credit for Republicans:

Dan Farley Defends the FBI, Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer, and MCBOS Chairman Bill Gates:

Remember that time Dan Farley stuck up for the FBI, his buddies Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer, and MCBOS Chairman Bill Gates–defending them publicly in Republican Briefs?

Dan Farley, LD 4 Chairman, sent an email message to MCRC EGC members Sunday morning expressing opposition to the censures as well as the manner in which the censures were presented to the EGC members. Ference is one of several board members who have recently pushed through the censures of Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates and the FBI. Without naming Ference in his letter, Farley questioned the timing and effectiveness of the censures. Farley message to Ference on Sunday: Fellow MCRC EGC Members – I have seen what seems to be an alarming trend emerging in our MCRC EGC meetings. We commonly have an agenda and someone interjects to add another censure/recall/resignation motion to the agenda and we spend considerable time on it. The last one which passed our body criticized Stephen Richer for things that aren’t even in his job duties, which doesn’t reflect well on us. It makes us look like we don’t know what we’re talking about. What did passing this censure accomplish? Has Richer resigned? What if he did, then where would we be? It called for a recall as an option, is there an understanding of the recall process, how laborious it is and how it benefits Dems if it is done? We are in the midst of a general election cycle! Richer is providing us more information at MCRC than he is required to. Is the best timing to do something like this now? I am tired of our meetings being hijacked by the same person for censures. It feels tyrannical and haphazard by the actions of this person, implying a purity test each time a censure is introduced, no matter how well or poorly thought out it is.

The clear sabotage of printers in only Republican areas under Richer and Gates in the 2022 General election and the release of “The Twitter Files” proves both the Richer and Gates censures and the Maricopa LD3 Censure of the FBI in August was absolutely correct and lead the way with courage and integrity despite massive backlash from Uniparty Republicans like Dan Farley, Michal Joyner, and Eric Morgan, all now running for State and County GOP positions. Once again Dan Farley was absolutely wrong. You can even hear one of their allies try to destroy the entire LD over it, specifically mentioning the FBI censure in a long-winded Biden-like rant: Legislative District 3 Precinct Committeeman Michele Swinick on her show played the full audio (fast forward to 13:40) of the divisive, Biden-like speech which LD3 1st Vice Chair gave on September 8th in lieu of an officer report. Michele described the speech as “this is really Liz Cheney” and “Biden-esque without the red lights and the marines”. She noted it was “uncalled for” and “out of order” and that the statements made were “not true” and asked “where is all this hatred coming from?”. Dan Farley and Michal Joyner were in attendance that night.

Dan Farley LDS Are Losers Leaked Audio

Dan Farley Security Camera Assault

Per witnesses, Brian (Red Shirt) and Dan (White Shirt) were “standing 3 feet apart” and Brian was “defenseless with hands behind his back” having a “pretty civil conversation and (Brian’s) tone didn’t change at all” about “Define a RINO?”. The answer given was Liz Cheney and Rusty Bowers. Then Dan “struck you with an audible thud and I saw you fly backwards…he pushed you back 3 feet”. Witnesses heard Dan say, “you’re a f**king a**hole”. Brian responded, “Dan that was assault”. As he was leaving, Dan stopped and then yelled again, “you’re a f**king a**hole”. Watch Video.

Dan Farley Email 10/7/22 Saying 1/3 of Republicans are Money Grubbers, 1/3 are Nazis:

What PCs Say About Dan:

Dan is one of the heaviest anchors

“Dan is one of the heaviest anchors.”

He’s the worst thing to happen to LD4

“Dan Farley is a joke. He’s ruined LD4 and he’s trying to take down the MCRC. He hasn’t held an LD4 meeting since May and isn’t planning to have another meeting until November. He tries to silence his own elected PCs. He’s the worst thing to happen to LD4!”

Disenfranchised Half the PCs

“Republican legislative district 4 has officially been hijacked by the rinos. Dan Farley and the board have disenfranchised half of the precinct committeeman because they have questions and would like to have open dialogue within their legislative district meetings.”

Hasn’t Attended Executive Guidance Committee Meeting in 6 Months

“Says the LD4 absent Chair who hasn’t attended a single Executive Guidance Commitee meeting of all LD Chairs and MCRC Board members in over 6 months. Interestingly @realDanFarley would not even qualify as a Chair if the EGC was run according to Dan’s “Merit based” system

Spoken Like a True RINO

“Spoken like a true rino. The deceivers within the party need to be exposed and expelled. We are in the mess we are in because of people like yourself who are duplicitous. The people are no longer going along simply to get along. We won’t be Fooled Again.”

No Time for Your Petty Divisive Establishment Crap

“Dude you need to pack up shop and get out of the way. LD4 patriots have real work to do and no time for your petty divisive establishment crap.”

Dan A Democrat in Drag

“Dan, people like you are the reason Republicans are jumping ship You’re a Democrat in drag Do us all a favor and switch teams”

People are No Longer Fooled by RINOs

“The difference between your claims and those of @LizHarrisMBA and @BrianFerence1 is that yours are political manipulation of the truth, and theirs are factual, documented, supported truths. The people are no longer fooled by rinos.”

You Dan Farley are the Divider

“You have caused people to reach out to them only to learn the true facts that you are spreading lies and trying to defame them. You are the problem in dividing the party. Yes, you Dan Farley are the divider.”

Get Lost Communist

“Gatekeep much? Sure, that’s exactly what we need…everyone to line up nicely and let overlords tell us what and how to think. Get lost communist.”

Using your LD position to send bully emails

“Dan you suck at politics. You divide and attack your own PCs as well as those at MCRC. Using your LD position to send bully emails that any professional is cringing at. Keep your personal baggage to yourself. There’s only one 5 year old in the room.”

All about Power and Ego

“Dan Farley is hurting the conservatives in LD4. He’s doing exactly what he complained about Petsas doing. My way or the highway. All about power and ego. Pathetic!”

You don’t understand that because as a loser, all you know is how to lose.

“Dan , it is people like Mr. Dimwitt, you and the 25 % of our State Legislators that say 2020 is over, move on. If we don’t fix our elections, we will never win. But you don’t understand that because as a loser , all you know is how to lose.”

Not a Leader

“Dan Farley is not a leader. He’s not having LD4 meetings. He’s holding social meetings and excluding many PCs. It’s absolutely pathetic.”

The Democrat Handbook

“It is like Farley is taking direction from the democrat handbook.”

Master Gaslighter

“He certainly is the master gaslighter. I’ve never seen anyone quite so skilled at it. He truly is part of the sickness that is the establishment/McCain faction.”

Do Us a Favor and Resign

“Dan Farley is “quietly quitting” because he can’t work within the party or with anyone with different views. He continually bashes the MCRC and his own PCs. Dan, please do us a favor and resign so we can all get to work. Most of us work corporate jobs and know how to get along.”

Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.

LD14 Chair Andrew Adams Follows Brian Ference to Parking Lot – Intimidates and Threatens Physical Violence in Front of Multiple Witnesses

LD14 Chair Andrew Adams Follows Brian Ference to Parking Lot – Intimidates and Threatens Physical Violence in Front of Multiple Witnesses

At approximately 10:51pm on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, the Legislative District 14 Chair Andrew Adams followed me outside after the MCRC EGC Board Meeting in order to intimidate me and threatened physical violence in front of multiple witnesses. (see video of the tail end of the encounter below)

Witnesses had this to say:

Witness 1: “I saw Andrew Adams holding up and leading out the door, He held it open and stared at Brian Ference as he was walking through the door. Brian didn’t turn to acknowledge him or engage. I held back talking to someone, then in the parking lot I saw Andrew engaging Brian. Brian said “I’m trying to leave”.”

Witness 2: “I went inside and waited when Brian came down the stairs speaking with (Name Omitted). Andrew Adams was in front of Brian and exited the building. I was exiting the building with Brian when Andrew turned around and waited for us outside. We started walking down the sidewalk and Andrew walked directly behind us. When we were walking in the parking lot, Andrew stated to Brian “I see you have your girlfriends with you.” Then Andrew started insulting Brian and saying he would “Meet Brian any day in the parking lot.” Around this time Brian pulled out his phone to record the incident.

Witness 3: “When we left the complex Andrew Adams made sure to let us walk in front of him. He was looking angry at Brian the hole time and said “Oh, you got your two bitches to defend you?” I turned to him to ask him if he called me a bitch. There was some follow up conversation but I didn’t pay attention as I was more focused on keeping an eye on Andrew’s hands to see if he was going to try and hit me.”

This is a Pattern of Intimidation. See What Other LD14 PCs Who Andrew Doesn’t Agree With Had to Say:

“In response to the intimidation of PCs for speaking out or asking questions in our social media groups, we have all witnessed this happening over the past several months. The executive board has no problems with singling out and actively engaging in the degradation of individual PCs in posts discussions.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“I have been a PC with LD14 and LD12. In the past year I have seen a gradual change in Andrew Adams, from being very friendly and supportive to aggressive and hostile towards PCs, especially those who openly won’t “tow the line” on FB and telegram.
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“I am a Precinct Committeeman for Legislative District 14. It is very concerning to see the extreme measures the District Executive board, especially Jim Hamilton and Andrew Adams, will take to keep hidden what is occurring within our District. They have created a very hostile environment both on social media and at our meetings to discourage the members from asking questions or disagreeing with them through intimidation.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“I am a LD14 PC and have an issue with trusting what my chairman says when I have seen many “half-truth” statements being posted to our social media groups by him. His responses to those who question the validity of his statement are often gaslighted rather aggressively.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“I am a PC in the LD14 district and find it very intimidating to be photographed by our district photographer at our meetings, openly denying our request not to be. Yet, we are reminded each month prior to our district meetings that recording the meeting by attendees is not allowed. ”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“If you question them they kick you out of the District Facebook and Telegram Group and tell people you are ‘evil’ or ‘nasty’ and to ‘block’ you.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC
“Jim Hamilton and several others are all in support of Andrew without even discussing the merits of Andrew’s accusations. While others on the LD14 telegram channel (like myself) are afraid to post for fear of retaliation”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

Prior Drug Conviction and Juvenile Arrests

Andrew Adams was sentenced for a Drug Conviction on March 8, 2010. A review of the Chandler Police Departmental Report #0902756 refers to Andrew Adams listed in a drug buyers phone contact list as “Andrew Coke guy.” This points to likely prior hard drug sales/use by drug dealer Andrew Adams. The police report also provided evidence he was considered a “major drug dealer” and indicated Andrew had prior “Juvenile History” arrests. See the charges he pled guilty to, served probation, and had reduced to a misdemeanor in below screenshots of the police report:

Video: Andrew Adams LD14 Chair Follows Brian Ference to Parking Lot Threatens Physical Violence

Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.

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