“Andrew Coke Guy” Police Report Points to Likely Prior Hard Drug Sales by “Major Drug Dealer” Andrew Adams

“Andrew Coke Guy” Police Report Points to Likely Prior Hard Drug Sales by “Major Drug Dealer” Andrew Adams

I wrote before about the PC intimidation by LD14 Chair and Convicted Drug Dealer Andrew Adams. A review of the Chandler Police Departmental Report #0902756 refers to Andrew Adams listed in a drug buyers phone contact list as “Andrew Coke guy.” This points to likely prior hard drug sales/use by drug dealer Andrew Adams. The police report also provided evidence he was considered a “major drug dealer” and indicated he frequently smoked marijuana “as a way to combat anxiety” and was taking “anti-anxiety medication“. It also mentioned Andrew had prior “Juvenile History” arrests. One commenter questioned if Mr. Adams had any Cartel connections or suppliers in present or past. This question was forwarded to Mr. Adams, but no response was received at time of publishing. See below screenshots of the police report:

The AZGOP is Broke and in Debt – Jeff Dewit is a Total Failure and Must Resign Immediately

The AZGOP is Broke and in Debt – Jeff Dewit is a Total Failure and Must Resign Immediately

According to an article in the Tucson Sentinel, under Jeff Dewit the AZGOP is now broke and taking on debt. “A key component of his campaign was a pledge to “drastically improve fundraising” (seen below and on Jeff’s site) over his predecessor, Kelli Ward.” the article states. The party’s most recent federal campaign finance report shows $31,561.85 in debt. “At the end of August, the party had just $14,800 left in the bank. During that month, the party spent nearly $89,000 — more than twice the roughly $44,000 in revenues it reported. But the AZGOP only paid about $57,000 of those bills, and took on almost $32,000 in debt.”

“The August fundraising figures are dismal for the Arizona Republican Party: It only raised $18,321 in contributions from individuals, and the remaining $26,000 or so in revenues was a transfer from the AZGOP’s state campaign finance account. The figures are a sharp drop from poor fundraising in July, when the party raised less than $24,000 from individual donors and ended the month with only $28,000 on hand. Baker noted that there were no large donors to the AZGOP in August, and the largest contribution was $500, which came from a construction executive in Wisconsin.”

“That the party isn’t even taking in enough money to cover its monthly bills is concerning enough, Baker said, but that’s amplified by the fact that the Arizona Republican Party in June took out a mortgage to purchase an entire floor of a midtown Phoenix office building for its new headquarters.”

Aside from Dewit’s constantly lies, supporting fake Chairs and Legislative Districts that openly violate the US Constitution and State Statute, he recently colluded with other RINOs and the hated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in an astonishing Coup attempt of the Maricopa County Republican Committee. They were all in support of adding much more red tape which will make it HARDER to appoint Precinct Committeemen, and of course makes it IMPOSSIBLE to remove fake ghost and paper PCs (some of which have never attended a single meeting in nearly 2 years and are unreachable by phone or any method) that the McCain RINOs have used for years to commit proxy fraud and voter fraud. Again proving the intent of this new process and the MCBOS, RINO, and Dewit collusion is to DELAY PC APPOINTMENTSAll patriots must attend the next Maricopa County Board of Supervisors meeting on September 27th, 2023 and urge them vote down this unnecessary and dishonest attempt to slander and preserve proxy fraud and voting fraud!

By all accounts AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit has lied, broken his word, failed in his promises, and betrayed Arizona and America. He is an abject failure and must resign immediately!

Fearful PCs Comment on LD14 and Chair Andrew Adams a Convicted Drug Dealer and His Lies & Persecution of Them if They Dare to Question

Fearful PCs Comment on LD14 and Chair Andrew Adams a Convicted Drug Dealer and His Lies & Persecution of Them if They Dare to Question

Below are comments from Precinct Committeemen in Legislative District 14. They are anonymous because they are afraid of being persecuted, ostracized, kicked out of the LD social media groups (which has happened several times), being trashed and badmouthed, all for simply asking questions, speaking their mind, or daring to disagree with the Tyrannical Dictator and CONVICTED DRUG DEALER Andrew Adams. See the charges he pled guilty to, served probation, and had reduced to a misdemeanor. Andrew admits it is true. He is now a political drug dealer, dealing in lies, fear, and intimidation and relentlessly persecuting any PC who dares think differently, challenge him, or share any information outside. Anyone who observes Andrew Adams in action sees how mentally and emotionally unstable he is. This liberal pretending to be a Republican is an ULTRA RINO, lies constantly, and “took the ballots to another location to count over the weekend” in the recent state committeeman election.

Also below are publicly available records, which seem to support that Andrew Adams is indeed retaliating and bad mouthing LD14 PCs and removing at least 2 of them from Legislative District social media groups:

PC Comments on Andrew Adams:

“As a PC for LD 14, I have struggled with feeling like my District executive board supports me and my voice on different matters, when they take my opportunity to make comments or ask questions at our monthly meetings away due to not enough time. Our meetings generally range from 2-2.5 hours with back-to-back speakers. It is a very lengthy miserable time where you can’t wait for the meeting to end.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“I am a Precinct Committeeman for Legislative District 14. It is very concerning to see the extreme measures the District Executive board, especially Jim Hamilton and Andrew Adams, will take to keep hidden what is occurring within our District. They have created a very hostile environment both on social media and at our meetings to discourage the members from asking questions or disagreeing with them through intimidation.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“I am a LD14 PC and have an issue with trusting what my chairman says when I have seen many “half-truth” statements being posted to our social media groups by him. His responses to those who question the validity of his statement are often gaslighted rather aggressively.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“I am a PC in the LD14 district and find it very intimidating to be photographed by our district photographer at our meetings, openly denying our request not to be. Yet, we are reminded each month prior to our district meetings that recording the meeting by attendees is not allowed. ”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“In response to the intimidation of PCs for speaking out or asking questions in our social media groups, we have all witnessed this happening over the past several months. The executive board has no problems with singling out and actively engaging in the degradation of individual PCs in posts discussions.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“I have been a PC with LD14 and LD12. In the past year I have seen a gradual change in Andrew Adams, from being very friendly and supportive to aggressive and hostile towards PCs, especially those who openly won’t “tow the line” on FB and telegram.
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“If you question them they kick you out of the District Facebook and Telegram Group and tell people you are ‘evil’ or ‘nasty’ and to ‘block’ you.”
– Anonymous LD14 PC

“Jim Hamilton and several others are all in support of Andrew without even discussing the merits of Andrew’s accusations. While others on the LD14 telegram channel (like myself) are afraid to post for fear of retaliation”
– Anonymous LD14 PC




Dewit MCBOS RINOs Collude on County Coup Attempt

Dewit MCBOS RINOs Collude on County Coup Attempt

Update: The entire MCBOS conversation was completely against statute! ARS 16-821. County committee; vacancy in office of precinct committeeman B. “The board of supervisors upon the recommendation of the county chairman, or the recommendation of a committee designated in the bylaws of the county committee for that purpose, shall determine when a vacancy exists in the office of precinct committeeman.”  Now the RINOs want to try and violate statue by taking that role out of the county chairman’s hands, throwing in LD Chairs, and arguing over what counts as a vacancy. Completely ridiculous! Even the additional definitions of Vacancy referenced in 38-291 give leeway to the County Chairman.

The hated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors met on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. There an unusual spectacle played out on video with the influence and comments of RINO AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit (absent), along with a block of RINO/Establishment Legislative District Chairs (and Fake Chairs in the case of Candace Czarny) including Dan Farley, Andrew Adams, Frank Rizzo, and MCRC 2nd Vice Chair Tatiana Pena. Tatiana was particularly deceptive, asking to be allowed to speak without a comment card and falsely leading others to believe she represented MCRC Chair Craig Berland when in fact the opposite was true and she did not represented him and opposed him. When she was brought up to speak she immediately stated she was not representing the Chair and then immediately began to lie and throw him under the bus. The County Chairs including Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian had ZERO REPRESENTATION in this Coup attempt of collusion between Jeff Dewit, RINO LD Chairs, and the MCBOS. Almost all of the statements were lies which one sole speaker, Timothy Schwartz, attempted to point out that the LD Chairs are ignoring PC Applications they don’t like for 15 days, at which time per the bylaws the MCRC County Chair is required by bylaws to act on. This is extensively documented.

This is the draft of the new policy and form, which adds much more red tape and will make it HARDER to appoint Precinct Committeemen, and of course makes it IMPOSSIBLE to remove fake ghost and paper PCs (some of which have never attended a single meeting in nearly 2 years and are unreachable by phone or any method) that the McCain RINOs have used for years to commit proxy fraud and voter fraud.

The vote was delayed for two weeks as were pending PC Appointments (delayed for 2 meetings now) again proving the intent of this new process and the MCBOS, RINO, and Dewit collusion is to DELAY PC APPOINTMENTS. All patriots must attend the next Maricopa County Board of Supervisors meeting on September 27th, 2023 and urge them vote down this unnecessary and dishonest attempt to slander and preserve proxy fraud and voting fraud!

See the Video Below (Items #97-#99) rewind more towards beginning while live streaming or wait 24 hours and replay

AZGOP Dewit Sends Deceptive Survey Omits Elections Fraud Option as Most Important Problem Facing America

AZGOP Dewit Sends Deceptive Survey Omits Elections Fraud Option as Most Important Problem Facing America

I have written many times about the corruption of the AZGOP and Chair Jeff Dewit. In a deceptive and biased survey sent out Tuesday to only certain Arizona voters, Dewit and the AZGOP (possibly coordinating with the RNC) asked “What do you think is the most important problem facing America?” but left off “Elections” or “Stopping Election Fraud” as an option. This is clearly intentional and the same thing has been done before including in 2022 when the former MCRC Chair Mickie Niland then repeated the falsified survey results that voters do not care about Election Fraud. She was censured as a result. Once again, Dewit and the AZGOP plan to lie and claim that Election Fraud is not a “most important problem” according to voters BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO OFFER THAT AS AN OPTION!

The bottom of the survey clearly asks if you want to receive text updates from the “AZGOP” meaning it is from Jeff Dewit or at least working in coordination with the RNC.

See the survey question below:

Open Letter Response to Gila County Chairman Morris Over AZ PPE

Chairman Morris,

I direct you to a quote from RNC National Committeeman Tyler Bowyer: “If ‘Country Club’ Republican leaders are not replaced at the National, State and County levels— the Republic will die at the hands of Marxists and money changers.”

This quote stands at the heart of the complaints against the dishonest actions and repeated lies of AZGOP Chairman Jeff Dewit and in rebuttal to your email dated Sept 6, 2023 where you mentioned my name several times yet neglected to copy me on the communication starting “Brian Ference comments and opposition to the AZGOP’s Chairman Jeff DeWits detailed explanation to the MCRC’s resolution is short sighted.” In fact, it is your comments which are short-sighted.

How can you speak about strategy, funding, logistics, and timing when you were denied the opportunity to even hear a presentation containing these details when Chairman Dewit went back on his word and refused to call a zoom meeting where you could receive this information? Chairman Dewit again showed his tyrannical nature in denying the people the ability to hear and decide for themselves. The duplicitous and pathetic excuse given by him through legal counsel was:

“The Party’s Bylaws specifically mandate that the Secretary notifies the Executive Committee of any special meeting a minimum of 30 days before the proposed meeting date. Considering this, any attempt to convene an emergency meeting without adhering to this 30-day notice would not only contravene the Bylaws but would also render the meeting unlawful.”

He asks us to swallow this craven lie despite previously called AZGOP Executive Board meetings with shorter notice by him and his predecessors, and the fact that no such rule exists for such a meeting. According to one AZGOP ExCom Member “The purchase of the AZGOP headquarters would be illegal then since we received a 3 day notice for that vote which was held via zoom.” See the email call letter from Nick Ivory Chief of Staff Republican Party of Arizona (AZGOP) which clearly shows only a 3 day call/notice for a zoom meeting of the AZGOP Executive Committee Members for a vote on purchasing the AZGOP headquarters. This clearly disproves Jeff Dewit’s lies that a meeting requires 30 day notice. The AZGOP bylaws Article 3 deals with meetings of the Full State Committee and clearly states in a section under calling for the meeting “…the members of the state committee representing at least nine counties…” which can only be interpreted as the entire body of elected state committeemen and not the Executive Committee:

Article III C. Special Meeting
Special meetings may be held at any time.
1. A written call issued by the State Chairman, or signed by 20% or more of the
members of the state committee representing at least nine counties, or signed by 40%
of the voting members of the executive committee; and
2. The call and notice must contain the time and place of the special meeting and the
object or objects thereof.
Any call must be delivered to the Secretary at least thirty days before the date of the
proposed meeting. In the event of a call issued by members of the State Committee or
of the Executive Committee, the Secretary shall immediately notify each person or
group who may be threatened by the object of the meeting and give them ten days to
inspect the call and challenge any questionable signatures. If at the expiration of such
time, the required number of qualified signer’s remains, the Secretary shall send notice
of the call.
No business other than that stated in the notice of call shall be transacted at a special

Article 5 deals with the Executive Committee:

Article V A. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the State Committee shall consist of the elected officers of
the State Committee, the National Committeeman and Committeewoman, the chairman
and first and second vice chairman from each county, three members at large from
each congressional district, and the
president/chairman of each nationally recognized Republican auxiliary organization with
at least 2,000 dues-paying members in the state. The State Chairman shall chair the
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall approve the annual budget and
review and counsel the State Chairman on all programs relating to the state party. The
Executive Committee shall meet at least three times each year.
The State Chairman may appoint non-voting members of the Executive Committee. A
quorum for the Executive Committee shall be one-third of its voting members present in
person and representing at least eight counties. If a quorum shall fail to attend in person
at the time and place fixed for the Executive Committee meeting, a majority present in
person may adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than an
announcement at the meeting until a quorum shall be present, at which time any
business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the original meeting.

Chairman Dewit has a history of proven lies including backing a fake Legislative District engaging in Nazi-like tribunals against dissent, improperly interfering with court cases, and lying to a judge; which you can read about here, here and here.

The AZGOP dependence on incorrect legal opinions and fear of lawsuits which the Democrats file no matter what anyways, is a large contributor to “Country Club” Republicans who are paralyzed by fear and unable to take any action while America is destroyed.

Chairman Morris, you incorrectly assign blame anywhere and everywhere on Chairman Dewit’s indisputable failure at raising funds saying “Even the RNC is experiencing great difficulties in getting contributions – all because of Republican infighting and the failure to united on a solid focus of getting Republicans elected.This is not the reason. Elections are being stolen and Republicans are doing nothing to combat it. The voters and Republican base are disgusted and have closed their wallets until Election Fraud is stopped (an important step is proving handcounts are viable which is EXACTLY what the MCRC Resolution attempted to prove). 

You state “And this current AZGOP/MCRC debate has already reached national news headlines further embarrassing Republicans.” Republicans like Mitch McConnell, Rona McDaniel, Kevin McCarthy, the Arizona Legislature, Jeff Dewit, and Gary P. Morris embarrass themselves with their inaction and betrayal of the will of WE THE PEOPLE.

Your further assertions “We all should recognize that the “prime directive” of Republican organizations is to get a Republican elected to the Presidency. And it’s so critical in 2024 that we get this done. We cannot be detracted from that effort.” are so out of touch and disconnected from reality, they could only be uttered by a “Country Club” Republican. Until Election Fraud is stopped, the Democrats will steal every single election regardless of candidates, unity, or funding. You and the above “Country Club” Republicans will be to thank for the utter destruction of America if you do not change course TODAY.


Brian Ference

Bond Season Renews $500M P2P School Board Bribery Contractor Scam

Bond Season Renews $500M P2P School Board Bribery Contractor Scam

It is Bond and Override Season again for the School Boards including Paradise Valley Unified School District. That means the school board members who received donations (bribes) from contracting companies will be heavily pushing tax increases in the form of School Bonds and Overrides to repay the contracting companies who fund their re-election and also fund PACs to advertise the Bonds/Overrides.

Paradise Valley USD 2022 Override & ‘Bought’ School Board Candidates

  • PAC used to promote Override is Yes For PV Students (ID=1000371)
  • Very LARGE donations from Contractors (Over $60,000 just this 2022 election cycle)
  • On Q4 2019 PAC filing Paul Ulan’s company Primary Consultants was paid out $60,535

Paradise Valley School Board Candidates Bought By Contractors

A review of 2022 PVUSD School Board Candidates records shows that contractors are donating to some of their campaigns. I wonder what these contractors are hoping they get in return?

Kerry Baker has reported raising $14,169 in her 3rd Quarter Campaign Finance Report. At least $11,000 of these ‘donations’ came from contractors or people affiliated with the contractors. So who are her top donors? Pay attention to these company names:

  • Lance Little, owner of Stone Cold Masonry donated $1000
  • Suzanne Bergen, Office Manager of Wholesale Floors donated $2500
  • Ben Barcon, owner of ADM Group donated $2500
  • Lauren Farrell, “homemaker” residing in Tempe (wife of Mark Farrell, President of Progressive Roofing) donated $2500
  • Travis Brewer, Operations Manager for A.C.E donated $2500

source: https://recorder.maricopa.gov/CampFinDocs/pdf/2022_48282.pdf

Susan Matura has reported raising $18,234 in her 3rd Quarter Campaign Finance Report. $14,000 came from individuals donating over $100. So who are her top donors? Pay attention to these company names:

  • Lance Little, owner of Stone Cold Masonry donated $1000
  • Suzanne Bergen, Office Manager of Wholesale Floors donated $2500
  • Ben Barcon, owner of ADM Group donated $2500
  • Lauren Farrell, “homemaker” residing in Tempe (wife of Mark Farrell, President of Progressive Roofing) donated $2500
  • Charles Hink, Engineer for Pueblo Mechanical donated $2500
  • Travis Brewer, Operations Manager for A.C.E donated $2500

source: https://recorder.maricopa.gov/CampFinDocs/pdf/2022_48252.pdf

Tony Pantera has reported raising $16,250 is his 3rd Quarter Campaign Finance Report. At lease $11,000 of these ‘donations’ came from contractors or people affiliated with the contractors. So who are his top donors? Pay attention to these company names

  • Lance Little, owner of Stone Cold Masonry donated $1000
  • Suzanne Bergen, Office Manager of Wholesale Floors donated $2500
  • Ben Barcon, owner of ADM Group donated $2500
  • Lauren Farrell, “homemaker” residing in Tempe (wife of Mark Farrell, President of Progressive Roofing) donated $2500
  • Travis Brewer, Operations Manager for A.C.E donated $2500

source: https://recorder.maricopa.gov/CampFinDocs/pdf/2022_48251.pdf

Campaign Filings:

Contractors that ‘paid-to-play’ by funding the 2022 Paradise Valley USD / Yes For PV Students Campaign:

  • Wholesale Floors, LLC
  • 1GPA
  • Progressive Services, Inc.
  • GCON, Inc.
  • Western Acoustics, Inc.
  • Snell and Wilmer
  • Sun Valley Masonry, Inc.
  • Chasse Building Team
  • Pete King Construction Company
  • ADM Group, Inc
  • Orcutt Winslow Partnership
  • Western Acoustics, Inc.
  • MOS Construction LLC
  • Sun Country Floors, Inc.
  • CORE Construction, Inc.
  • Skyline Builders & Restoration, Inc.
  • SPS+ Architects, LLP
  • Sun Valley Builders, LLC
  • Sunland Asphault Solterra Materials
  • McCarthy Holdings, Inc
  • DLR Group
  • Midstate Mechanical, LLC
  • Artcraft Granite Marble & Tile Co.
  • Kearney Electric Communications
  • JBJ Electric Company, LLC
  • Pueblo Mechanical & Controls
  • Willmeng Construction, Inc.

Read More and what other school districts are involved (likely all are)

Judge Dismisses Bogus Injunction From Corrupt Mohave County Chair Jeanne Kentch

Judge Dismisses Bogus Injunction From Corrupt Mohave County Chair Jeanne Kentch

In a series of posts, I wrote about the previous abuses of power by Mohave Republican Chair and County Assessor Jeanne Kentch. Also in that discussion was Kentch’s failed attempt to abuse her power and target Mohave PCs shot down by a UNANIMOUS Board of Supervisors vote. This included details of the questionable lawfare in what was the exposure of Kentch’s corruption, the bogus lawfare and censoring of free speech.

Today, a Judge dismissed one of the bogus injunctions against workplace harassment cases Jeanne Kentch filed against Dr. Christina Dumal. Case# J0801PO2023000264 was signed today “The Court dismisses the protective order listed above”. This proves once again Kentch abused her power and the injunction was bogus. The other two bogus injunctions are expected to be dismissed or defeated soon. See the dismissal below:

Polls 97% PCs Support MCRC – Dewit Censors Free Speech Blocks First Amendment

Polls 97% PCs Support MCRC – Dewit Censors Free Speech Blocks First Amendment

Two polls were taken recently which show that 97% of PCs and Republican Voters support the MCRC Resolution to Reclaim Election Integrity and Hand Count vs Machine Count in 2024 Elections. (see the results below). It is astonishing that Jeff Dewit is against nearly 100% of the people and voters.

In addition to this revelation, the @AZGOP is now violating my First Amendment Rights and Member Rights as an Elected State Committeeman, by blocking me and censoring Free Speech. I guess they didn’t get the memo that Elon Musk is removing that feature soon. Jeff Dewit and his goons truly are Enemies of the People.

Reminder, Jeff Dewit’s betrayal of Arizona and Trump, lies, and corruption have been exposed. See below the email call letter from Nick Ivory Chief of Staff Republican Party of Arizona (AZGOP) which clearly shows only a 3 day call/notice for a zoom meeting of the AZGOP Executive Committee Members for a vote on purchasing the AZGOP headquarters. This clearly disproves Jeff Dewit’s lies that a vote requires 30 day notice (see below)

Dewit Betrays Arizona & Trump – Blocks Vote on Handcount Election Not Run by Adrian Fontes

Dewit Betrays Arizona & Trump – Blocks Vote on Handcount Election Not Run by Adrian Fontes

As predicted AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit has run out the clock on a vote that would have allowed Arizona to run a handcount no machines Presidential Preference Election away from the control of the state government and Adrian Fontes and Stephen Richer. Dewit went further and betrayed Arizona, Donald Trump, the Precinct Committeemen, and Voters by completely blocking the vote from even happening despite overwhelming support. Two different State Members at Large confirmed they received 100+ emails for the resolution and only 2-3 against. Dewit went back on his promise to hold the election which was well documented both in widespread emails and his public video committing to the vote. He has given the dishonest and lame excuse of the lawyers told me we might be sued, saying “We are very nearly certain that the Party would face a lawsuit on Federal and State due process and equal protection grounds alleging that a shift to an alternative is massive voter disenfranchisement.and has lied and purposely and falsely misinterpreted bylaws regarding the calling of a special meeting of all of the state committeemen in the state requiring 30 days notice and incorrectly applying that to the calling of a meeting of the AZGOP Executive Board saying:

“The Party’s Bylaws specifically mandate that the Secretary notifies the Executive Committee of any special meeting a minimum of 30 days before the proposed meeting date. Considering this, any attempt to convene an emergency meeting without adhering to this 30-day notice would not only contravene the Bylaws but would also render the meeting unlawful.”

He asks us to swallow this craven lie despite previously called AZGOP Executive Board meetings with shorter notice by him and his predecessors, and the fact that no such rule exists for such a meeting. According to one AZGOP ExCom Member “The purchase of the AZGOP headquarters would be illegal then since we received a 3 day notice for that vote which was held via zoom.”

Update: See below the email call letter from Nick Ivory Chief of Staff Republican Party of Arizona (AZGOP) which clearly shows only a 3 day call/notice for a zoom meeting of the AZGOP Executive Committee Members for a vote on purchasing the AZGOP headquarters. This clearly disproves Jeff Dewit’s lies that a vote requires 30 day notice (see below)

The AZGOP bylaws Article 3 deals with meetings of the State Committee. Article 5 deals with the Executive Committee. They found an attorney who will lie for them and call it legal opinion, plain and simple.

See the below excerpt from Dewit’s email, along with poll results which show 97% of Precinct Committeemen support the MCRC Resolution on the PPE at the bottom.

Dewit is going back on his word and citing a bogus excuse that is obviously a proven lie. He has betrayed Trump and Arizona and is a Uniparty RINO and cannot be trusted with 1 cent of Trumps money and must be removed from office.

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