Dewit Desperate to Avoid Vote Sends Lying Pandering Email Playing Victim

Dewit Desperate to Avoid Vote Sends Lying Pandering Email Playing Victim

I wrote before about the lies from Jeff Dewit on Retake Arizona Elections Resolution from MCRC. After committing to hold a vote, Jeff is now backtracking and appears desperate to avoid the vote at all costs in a desperate, pandering email he sent this evening to the AZGOP board filled with lies and of course playing the victim. The sliminess of Jeff Dewit is truly on display. He lists a dozen reasons against the resolution without bothering to list any for. And throws in many anonymous negative comments he supposedly received including “Initial feedback is that Committee members do not want to vote on such a major overhaul, to something that the party has not done before, without a very detailed week by week plan of execution, funding, and spending.” Then says this:

“As many or all of you have experienced, there is a surge in incoming emails expressing various concerns (PCs in favor of the resolution he means).  Disturbingly, several of our members have been doxxed and are receiving threats, and some now feel afraid to show up to the meeting and vote on the resolution.  As of now we cannot guarantee anywhere close to quorum before the deadline.”

This is another bold-faced lie as the AZGOP members were not doxxed, their contact information was publicly available on the AZGOP web site for no less than 6 months until it was removed in a panic as proven by the below screenshot and and archive of the page. Jeff of course has no details on who was threatened, how or why. It’s safe to say you can add that to the “things that didn’t happen” column.

More Lies from Dewit on Retake Arizona Elections Resolution – Does He Want Fontes to Run and Trump Off the Ballot?

More Lies from Dewit on Retake Arizona Elections Resolution – Does He Want Fontes to Run and Trump Off the Ballot?

The AZGOP Chairman Jeff Dewit has a history of lies and backing the establishment, including supporting a fake Legislative District. In his latest video response to the MCRC Resolution to Retake Arizona Elections, Jeff spews a barrage of lies that goes too far even for him. Where does the fake $13-$15 million estimate come from? He says it at the end of the video from Secretary of State and former Cartel Lawyer Adrian Fontes. Where is the breakdown? It doesn’t exist. The reality is $200k is a much more accurate estimate. Jeff claims “only 19 votes” from the Maricopa County Republican Committee in favor.. The Chair abstained and as it was 19-5 that is nearly a 4 to 1 majority or a 75% victory in favor of. Why is Jeff Dewit desperate to have Fontes and Richer run the Presidential Preference Election? Does he want Trump removed from the ballot?

Contact the azgop board, county chairs, and members at large and urge them to vote YES!

Jeff admits Craig and Shelby are Board Members in this video, so why did he bar them entry to the meeting months ago where LD13 voted on the 3 candidates to replace Liz Harris? Jeff has failed to return calls from Berland and Shelby for months and is a duplicitous liar. I am calling on all Legislative Districts to immediately vote yes to support this (or their executive boards due to urgency) and to Contact the azgop board, county chairs, and members at large to send Jeff DeWitt a powerful message that WE THE PEOPLE will not allow Fontes and Richer to run the Preferential Preference Election or Trump to be removed from the ballot! (the deadline is Friday).

See Jeff’s Video Filled with Lies:

Details Emerge Over Questionable Lawfare By Mohave Chair Jeanne Kentch

In a series of posts, I wrote about the previous abuses of power by Mohave Republican Chair and County Assessor Jeanne Kentch. Also in that discussion was Kentch’s failed attempt to abuse her power and target Mohave PCs shot down by a UNANIMOUS Board of Supervisors vote. Now we return to what originally started the exposure of Kentch’s corruption, the bogus lawfare and censoring of free speech.

On the same evening her political opponent won an election for District 2 by a 2/3rds vote landslide, Kentch served Misty Devenney, Donna Ramirez, and Christina Dumal with Injunctions against workplace harassment. One of the major problems with this, is that the alleged workplace harassment must happen within the “employer’s property”. A.R.S. 12-1810 frequently mentions “employer’s property” and is interpreted to mean any harassment must happen in the office/workplace; in this case the BHC GOP office on Hancock Rd.

Christina Dumal confirms “the dates for Misty and me were 7/10-7/17. The dates for Donna were 7/16-7/17. I wasn’t in the office during the stated times, and Misty was only in there for a prayer mtg after the office was closed. Donna wasn’t in the office either during those times.

Now let us look in the Statute again. A.R.S. 12-1810 Section T #2 Defines harassment this way:

2. “Harassment” means a single threat or act of physical harm or damage or a series of acts over any period of time that would cause a reasonable person to be seriously alarmed or annoyed and includes unlawful picketing, trespassory assembly, unlawful mass assembly, concerted interference with lawful exercise of business activity and engaging in a secondary boycott as defined in section 23-1321 and defamation in violation of section 23-1325.

The bogus filing by Kentch fails in every way possible. There was no “threat or act of physical harm”. Nor has any claims of defamation been proved.

The Mohave County Chair has engaged in further games, including bringing in Phoenix high-powered Attorney Timothy LaSota. LaSota has requested multiple delays and made several questionable maneuvers. Read for yourself in Dumal’s own words:

“My hearing was to follow Misty’s but the JoP, Dave Huerta, had a criminal case that he needed to attend to. LaSota tried to pull a fast one stating that he could use the evidence from Misty’s case in my case and we could get my hearing over with quickly. I objected stating that Misty and I weren’t co-defendants. He backed off. In the injunction that Kentch completed it specifically states that the court can only consider the dates and info she submitted. I took the opportunity to ask the JoP about this statement. He said yes that was all that the court could look at. I then asked him why they didn’t do that in Misty’s case as they talked about everything they could outside of these dates. He told me that she didn’t object which was bs as she objected numerous times but he overruled her and she became intimidated. Furthermore, both the JoP and Lasota elaborated on the McDonalds example stating that McDonalds could not get an injunction against an employee who was standing on Beale Street complaining about McDonalds as the employee was outside the workplace and had free speech.  The injunction had to be due to an incident within the workplace.  At that point my hearing was set to be continued on 8/21 at 9 AM. Several days after Misty’s hearing it dawned on me that I hadn’t even been to the GOP office since July 7th.  As such I added an addendum to my response on July 16th at 2 PM stating that fact and asking for a dismissal of my case.

At 5PM LaSota sent a request for a continuance stating that Kentch was going to be out of town until 9/1. The following day on the 17th I found out that Misty and me were on the 8/21 MC  BOS agenda to be removed as PCs (item 8). At that point I adamantly objected to the continuance as Kentch wasn’t out of town, she was in Kingman. JoP continued my hearing to 8/29.  Several days later it was once again continued to 9/7 due to court error. Last Friday, 8/25, LaSota asked for another continuance as he stated that he would be out of town on 9/7  & 9/8. I objected as that will be the 4th continuance. I’ll know something this week.”

Multiple request for comment from Chair Jeanne Kentch and the Mohave Republican Committee via multiple avenues have been ignored.

Maricopa Republican EGC Passes Resolution Demanding AZGOP Conduct Presidential Preference Election Using Hand Counting

Maricopa Country Republican EGC passes resolution 19-5 demanding the AZGOP conduct the Republican Presidential Preference election as allowed under state law using one day one vote precinct voting and hand counting. See the Chairman’s letter and the full resolution below:

Mohave County Sheriff Previously Accused Jeanne Kentch of Another Abuse of Power in Boyfriend Felony Investigation

Mohave County Sheriff Previously Accused Jeanne Kentch of Another Abuse of Power in Boyfriend Felony Investigation

Mohave County Republican Chair Jeanne Kentch was recently proven to have abused her role and power targeting Precinct Committeemen. This is not an isolated incident, but rather a pattern of behavior. In the below audio, Mohave County Sheriff Doug Schuster accuses Jeanne Kentch of another abuse of power, this time using her position as County Assessor to improperly interfere in a felony investigation of her boyfriend in 2020. The Sheriff states that Kentch has “No moral or ethical value“.

An anonymous reader has provided evidence that Jeanne Kentch’s boyfriend, William Cyril Gardner, was found guilty on 10/27/2020 of 2 counts of “Aggravated Assault – Adult on Minor”. Further, a different anonymous citizen in Mohave County alleges that Mr. Gardner has made recent harassing and implied threats towards them saying in a Facebook message “If you post our ‘private’ conversation…and your slander again me…becareful of the results…” (see below screenshots and video)

A Mohave resident had this comment to say about Jeanne on the condition of anonymity: “Jeanne is behind it all, she is a busy bee and get’s paid by the county to do all of this nonsense as the “county assessor” we all found her out (about her trying to control and censor people) now she is coming after us. Jeanne is being paid to appear in court, hire attorneys that she does not have to pay for, she travels on the county’s dime and in my opinion she’s ripping the county off. Taxpayers should be very concerned.

I did again reach out to Miss Kench for comment by email but received no reply by the time of publishing.

Screenshot of Guilty Felony on 2 Counts

Recent messaging from Bill Gardner

Accusation Audio of Mohave County Sheriff


Unanimous Vote by Mohave BOS Proves County Chair Abused Her Power

Unanimous Vote by Mohave BOS Proves County Chair Abused Her Power

On Monday, August 21, 2023, a UNANIMOUS vote by the Mohave Board of Supervisors denied the Mohave County Republican Chair Jeanne Kentch’s disgusting political attack on her opponent, the lawfully elected Director of District 2 Misty Devenney (who won 2/3 of her vote by a landslide). Kentch filed a bogus injunction against harassment which was served upon Devenney’s win and Kentch shuttered the Mohave Republican offices. Kentch is very light on any actual evidence and seeks to punish dissent and Free Speech. The Injunction is currently being appealed.

Kentch then moved against multiple Precinct Committeemen including Devenney, stating their positions were vacant when this was not true. During her testimony (video below) Kentch outed herself as abusing her power, constantly playing the victim like a Democrat would and using lawfare like a liberal. Many PCs spoke against Kentch during the Board of Supervisors meeting, also dispelling the lies that it is only a “small group of disruptors” a common lie that other RINOs like Jeff Dewit frequently tell. She lied several other times including that she had “unanimous support form her board” and you can clearly see that 2 board members including the 1st Vice Chair (only 6 of the 8 did) did not sign her false letter below.

Misty Devenney had this to say: “Yesterday was a victory! Yet District 2 Office is still closed and a lot more work has to be done! I’m standing up for myself, my district, and my country. Beyond the absolute absurdity of these proceedings and wasteful time and expense to the Mohave County tax payers without one example, situation or detailed evidence of my “bad behavior” was stated or provided, yet again! It is a very ALARMING fact the elected Mohave County Tax Assessor Ms. Jeanne Kentch so egregiously miscalculated 3.5 weeks since winning my election as District 2 Director on July 27, 2023. That Ms. Kentch herself declared then barred me from fulfilling my duties, to Equal and equate to 3 months Vacancy of seat and duties. Not only misrepresenting this fact once but multiple times! Seriously raises questions on her ability to perform simple calculations.”

Comment was sought from Jeanne Kentch and the Mohave County GOP but they did not respond as of the update time to this article.

Judge for yourself and watch the videos below:

Mohave Board of Supervisors Agenda Item 8 Comments and Vote:

Call to the Public Comments Many of Which Are in Support of Devenney:


Mohave RINOs Engage Lawfare Censor Free Speech Like Liberals after Director Wins Huge Victory

Mohave RINOs Engage Lawfare Censor Free Speech Like Liberals after Director Wins Huge Victory

Clear #Lawfare Against #FreeSpeech and the #FirstAmendment  by the RINOs of Mohave County just like LIBERALS. It has been reported that Misty Devenney won 2/3 of the vote to become Director. According to Misty Devenney, they did not even inform her of the final vote counts. The Mohave County Republican Committee immediately filed an injunction against workplace harassment, stripping her of her 2nd Amendment even though she does not own or use firearms, and completed an improperly done censure without a vote by the whole body, and then barred her from the office and email database demanding a revote:

UPDATE: @MohaveCountyGOP your #RINO Chair Jeanne Kentch exposes herself with her lies as she uses lawfare filing workplace harassment injunction, closes offices, in an attempt to thwart the District 2 Director (Elected Chair) and overturn the vote of the people and PCs. She tries to request her rivals be deemed a vacancy. Then she invokes Rino @JeffDeWitAZ before she LOSES and the Mohave Board votes UNANIMOUSLY there is no vacancy. Watch the videos:

RINOs Validate Censures but Fail Miserably in Their Own Attempt

RINOs Validate Censures but Fail Miserably in Their Own Attempt

The single most important takeaway is that by Censuring me, RINOs and Establishment Republicans have validated the other Censures and refuted their prior claims that they were “meaningless and a waste of time”. By this action, they admit that Censures are an important tool of the People to hold their elected officials accountable and can and should be used. With this faction of the Republican party following suit, it is amazing that Censures have at last United the Republican Party.

Below is the Censure that Legislative District 14 passed on July 17, 2023. By reading it, it is clear that this is really a Censure against Free Speech, the First Amendment to the US Constitution, the Republican Party Platform, and about a personal vendetta that LD14 Chair and ULTRA RINO Andrew Adams has. An LD14 PC reported that the only PC to speak in favor of the Censure was the Chair himself Andrew Adams. This is a major violation of the Chairman’s duties to remain neutral and a complete abuse of power. Unlike the LD8 Censure of Yvonne Cahill, I was not given the opportunity to defend myself or provide a statement. Yvonne was even invited to speak at the LD8 meeting and the LD8 Chair rightly remained neutral.

One LD14 PC who spoke against the LD14 Censure later wrote “All it references are tweets by Brian against 4 individuals. Kind of reminds me of Trump and the “MEAN TWEETS” syndrome.”

This is possibly the most pathetic Censure that anyone has ever written. Not only does it fail to follow ANY standard format, but unlike most censures it does not focus on voting record, supporting Democrats, or other factual egregious offenses. Instead, it boils down to basically “Brian said some things Andrew didn’t like”. The censure mentions Brian tweeting “Andrew is not Ultra MAGA he is Ultra RINO”. Firstly that was not tweeted, but rather posted to a private Signal group which was later leaked. Secondly, it is true that Andrew Adams is an Ultra RINO.

AMAZINGLY, the LD14 Censure even includes a tweeted question! “According to one of the comments, you met with Ukraine students in a PR opp is that correct?” WOW Censured for asking a question. Real compelling stuff here.

It also includes some hearsay accusations about not wanting to sit down and burning bridges with no evidence or specifics provided. This sounds more like an opinion than anything else. The beginning of the Censure is very strange as it mentions “LD 14 Code of Conduct Review”. I am familiar with these types of 1934 German-style tribunals against dissent. Usually even they include some sort of notice or chance for response or defense from the individual they are addressing. It looks like Andrew and LD14 just decided to skip a few steps.

This political stunt is nothing more than a poorly written Censure against Free Speech by ULTRA RINO Andrew Adams over a personal vendetta. The LD14 PCs should be ashamed that they have let their incompetent and un-American Chair mislead them so completely. Andrew, I would be happy to hold a training for you and your PCs on how to properly research and format a censure that doesn’t violate Free Speech, the First Amendment to the US Constitution, and the Republican Party Platform. While I am at it, I would be happy to give you some personal training on how to conduct yourself as the Chair of a Legislative District.

Let’s Read the Statement by an LD14 PC & The Full Censure:

LD8 and LD3 Censure Yvonne Cahill CD1 MAL AZGOP

LD8 and LD3 Censure Yvonne Cahill CD1 MAL AZGOP

On Thursday, June 29, 2023, Legislative District 3 joined Legislative District 8 in Censuring CD1 Member at Large for the AZGOP Yvonne Cahill. The Censure called out Yvonne’s continued willful and repeated refusal to answer her constituents, provide required meeting meetings and vote counts, demanded that she immediately resign. Please see the two censures below:

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