Response to misleading questions from anonymous PCs in Republican Briefs

Brian Ference responds to misleading questions from anonymous PCs in Republican Briefs (Please do not edit my words)

Frosty, I would appreciate being given the same courtesy as a MAL elected by over 2000+ PCs that you admitted to extending to Candace Czarny who was allegedly elected by a mere 200+ PCs in LD3. To do otherwise seems to be clear favoritism and bias.

To the anonymous PCs who seem to fear the words and light of truth exposing dark deeds above all. I would remind you that words are not violence and even when I was physically assaulted by LD4 Chair Dan Farley, I still did not raise a hand to him. If the truth makes you fear for your safety so much, I suggest you immediately flee to CHYNA!

Email Proves LD3 Board Unanimously Voted to Audit & Canvas Proxies Sent to County Chair – Blocked by Candace Czarny for 2 Months

Email Proves LD3 Board Unanimously Voted to Audit & Canvas Proxies Sent to County Chair – Blocked by Candace Czarny for 2 Months

The below email was provided by an anonymous whistleblower and was sent by LD3 Secretary Jamie Alford to then County Chair Mickie Niland on Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 9:13pm indicating a UNANIMOUS decision by all LD3 Board members “Including a canvass or verification of proxies...”. Candace Czarny has subsequently blocked this from being performed for 2 months. Is this because Candace knows the chain of custody with the proxies was broken? Will an audit and canvas reveal that proxies were carried by PCs outside of the same precincts which is a violation of the rules and bylaws? Are the seals on the envelope still intact, or have the proxies been tampered with?

See the email below:



UPDATE: Below is added a Written Statement who witnessed the proxy fraud in LD3 including filling out of fraudulent proxies outside the door.

New evidence has emerged from Legislative District 3 indicating PROXY FRAUD and ELECTION FRAUD.

In the below email sent on November 21, 2022 at 12:14 pm, Brad Newman, Granite Mountain PC Captain and Leader of the Desert Mountain Breakfast Club specifically instructs PCs to “COMPLETE ONLY THE HIGHLIGHTED SECTIONS” and “By not completing the assignment section it will be easier for us (to) match up your form with people.” These instructions and the highlighted form (also below) which Brad attached, clearly instructs PCs to sign with their signature but not designate an appointee. (Several PCs with decades of experience expressed shock that a PC Captain would give these instructions.) Then later, someone else would fill in the name on that proxy form. This invalidates the proxy per statute.

There are reports these proxy forms were later filled out by PCs waiting in line to get into the December 1st meeting with “organizers” or “proxy mules” having stacks of them to fill out just that section. This is PROXY FRAUD.

These proxies were then used in the December 1st LD3 Election to the benefit of Candace Czarny. THIS IS ELECTION FRAUD.

Remember that the County already conducted an investigation finding multiple rule and bylaws violations due to ballot handoffs etc and voted for a new election recommendation similar to LD11. The official minutes confirm the accuracy and validity of the recording of the motion. Proxy Parties were held in advance in a coordinated effort by Nancy Ordowski, Cathy Schwanke, and others who were very outspoken and sent emails indicating their support of Candace. Cathy Schwanke was also the Credentials and Tally Chair, and accepted ballots at the ballot box. She was personally involved in several of the documented ballot handoff violations.

At the December 1st Meeting, Sherry Gavin was checking in proxies, and according to an eye witness PC, did not know that she had to invalidate a proxy that wasn’t being carried by a PC in their same precinct. She called former Chair Rich over to the table and told him she needed to VOID it as invalid. Rich looked up, saw the eye witness, and then instructed her to do so for the one proxy. How many proxies from outside their precinct were not invalidated?

92 Proxies were used at the December 1st meeting. The board voted unanimously to audit and canvas the proxies and it was mentioned in the MCRC recording/vote here. Yet since then Candace has stubbornly blocked it. Why? Would a proxy audit and canvas reveal that many of the proxies used were invalid? Would it reveal that the chain of custody was broken for 2 days after the election? Would it reveal that proxies were fraudulently carried by pcs in different precincts?

An immediate new election for LD3 Board must be called. A full audit and canvas of the proxies in light of this PROXY FRAUD and ELECTION FRAUD must be completed immediately.

The Proxy fraud was then admitted to publicly in Republican Briefs by a PC stating they had been doing it for 14 years:

JEANNIE MCGILL: The unfortunate tone of Brian Ference’s comments on fraud have given me the urge to write this response. Granite Mountain Precinct has been an outstanding precinct. We have maintained a healthy forum for discussion, know each other and their spouses, give 100% of recommended contributions and always deliver good solid Republican turnout. I was the first/only Captain of the precinct for the last 12-14 years. When some of our PCs could not make a meeting where voting was taking place, I encouraged them to be a proxy vote. Since one is never sure who is going to the meeting until the last minute, putting a proxy carrier name on the proxy was done at the last minute. In my 14 years, I never had anyone designate who they wanted for their carrier. Ference has put a twist on this scenario with words like “evidence” and “proxy and election fraud”. Those are words Adam Schiff would use! Ference had a copy of Brad Newman’s email to his PCs. The sentence was “Unless you have a specific person to whom you want to assign your proxy, please COMPLETE ONLY THE HIGHLIGHTED SECTIONS. By not completing the assignment section, it will make it easier for us to match up your form with people who will be attending the meeting in person.” You have to be specific so that your PCs don’t goof up the form. Captains know this. How many captains see this as some kind of fraud? Ference later in his “evidence letter” wrote that Brad “clearly instructs PCs to sign with their signature but not designate an appointee.” Please compare what was written and how it was distorted. I find this fraudulent, misleading and with the intention to deceive. Is it Ference intent to be disruptive, divisive and sow discontent in our new LD which is struggling to get find its mojo. The main focus is to build unity and fight the real enemy, not each other. Brad Newman, who now leads our precinct and educates our area with the Breakfast Club, deserves praises and not a character assassination from a fellow Republican.

(PCs and LD Chairs in other LDs, you must work to eliminate proxies. The convenience is not worth the documented fraud being used to steal elections)





Dan Farley Defends FBI/Richer/MCBOS & Thinks 1/3rd of Republicans are Nazis

Dan Farley Defends FBI/Richer/MCBOS & Thinks 1/3rd of Republicans are Nazis

Dan Farley, candidate for AZGOP State Chair, has sent emails (publicly posted in Republican Briefs) defending the FBI, Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer, and MCBOS Chairman Bill Gates, saying:

What did passing this censure accomplish? Has Richer resigned? What if he did, then where would we be?” and “Richer is providing us more information at MCRC than he is required to. Is the best timing to do something like this now?

Meanwhile Stephen Richer continues to push Ranked Choice Voting statewide. The clear sabotage of printers in only Republican areas under Richer and Gates in the 2022 General election and the release of “The Twitter Files” proves both the Richer and Gates censures and the Maricopa LD3 Censure of the FBI in August was absolutely correct and lead the way with courage and integrity despite massive backlash from Dan Farley.

Much more evidence is available at including an audio leak of Dan Farley’s racist rant against Muslims, how he really feels about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and security video footage of Dan Farley’s unprovoked physical assault on a Republican MCRC MAL. The Maricopa County Republican Committee has since passed a ZERO TOLERANCE policy of physical assault by members. 

Instead of apologizing or admitting any fault, Dan Farley has continued to gaslight everyone, spinning lies about how he supports love and cooperation, conflating facts with unrelated events and groups, and building a hypocritical campaign all around “bullying“. A cease and desist letter, police report, security video, and dozens of email and social media attacks from Dan reveal the irrefutable evidence that Dan Farley is the biggest bully of them all.

View Dan Farley’s Email Below from 10/7/22 Saying He Thinks 1/3 of Republicans are Money Grubbers, 1/3 are Nazis:

Maricopa County Chair Blatantly Stomps on 2A Has Lawyer Send Threatening Email Ahead of Statutory Meeting

Maricopa County Chair Blatantly Stomps on 2A Has Lawyer Send Threatening Email Ahead of Statutory Meeting

UPDATE: I have just learned that the contract has been modified and firearms will now be allowed!
Several PCs have raised their concerns about the supposed “no firearms” rule coming from the contract that the Maricopa County Chair has signed with Dream City Church for the January 14th Statutory Meeting. They were so concerned that they contacted Dream City Church:

“I contacted someone that works for the head executive pastor at Dream City church. They confirmed with their lawyer and risk management team which also includes the executive team that they are 2A supporters and have not changed their concealed carry rules. They said if a third party is requesting that you not carry that is their request not Dream Cities.”

“There’s a good reason also why they would not change their policy because many on the staff conceal and carry for their own protection because they get many death threats. That is also information I received this morning.”
Further, this audio recording from Andrea in Dream City Events, proves they are fine with concealed and open carry when inquiring about a new event in the same location:

The question arises, who requested adding no firearms to the contract? 


The Maricopa County Chair appears not to know, stating “it was written in the contract when I received it”.

So we don’t know where this violation of PCs Constitutional Rights came from, but apparently not Dream City Church. I call on the County Chair to immediately contact Dream City Church and request where that line came from and if it can be removed.
The County Chair then had her lawyer send a threatening email which appears to grossly misinterpret Arizona Law and the 2nd Amendment.
Threats Lies and Coercion by the Maricopa County Chair

Threats Lies and Coercion by the Maricopa County Chair

LD11 had their revote last night (12/27) and re-elected a new Board and State Committeemen. They even had one PC participate live from Canada. Notice this revote was not called “unfair” or “illegal” and didn’t receive threats and coercion from the Maricopa County Chair like LD3 did.

From Mickie Niland on December 19th:

“Therefore, I am giving this LD Leadership team one more opportunity to show that they can act as their oath of office states “Fair and Impartial in the discharge of their duties. ” In my view their action calling for an election on December 28th casts doubt on the stated goal of having a free and fair election. IF, note the IF, they do not call for another election after the holidays. I will tell Chairman Ward that I approve the presently existing list of State Committeeman which I submitted to them on December 14th along with all the other LD’s State Committeeman lists.”

One PC described the threats from Mickie Niland toward the LD3 board similar to how Katie Hobbs threatened the Cochise County Board of Supervisors.

Mickie falsely stated in an email “Unlike the LD11 where both were challenged. So luckily for you, you are only voting to see if your SC election will be redone or if the existing election stands. Nothing more.”

Yet an anonymous whistleblower has provided an audio recording of the MCRC Executive board vote after its investigation which says: “A motion to ask them to do the same thing we are asking LD11 do…a motion have them conduct their election the same as LD11…we recommend that LD3 convene and decide whether to have a new election…” This vote carried 8-2 and there was NO MENTION of State Committeeman Only.

Listen to the audio here:

Another PC posted these details proving the 12/28 meeting was correctly called and noticed with full authority and consequence:

FACT: 12/17/22 LD3 board meeting was called by three members of the board according to our bylaws.

FACT: That board meeting was ATTENDED by ALL FIVE board members (indicating proper notice and invitation).

FACT: Chair Czarny officially presided at the meeting AND CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER!
(Now why would she do that if the meeting was invalid?)

FACT: Chair Czarny and Sec Alford BOTH participated in voting in that meeting!
(Again, why would they do that if the meeting was invalid?)

FACT: Official meeting call notice was sent out according to our bylaws

It looks Mickie Niland is the one who is in violation of her oath of office and is acting neither fairly, impartially, or honestly.

Email images below:

PSALMS 58 You high and mighty politicians – You lie with your words, and your teaching is poison


God’s justice? You high and mighty politicians
know nothing about it!
Which one of you has walked in justice toward others?
Which one of you has treated everyone right and fair?
Not one! You only give “justice” in exchange for a bribe.
For the right price you let others get away with murder.
Wicked wanderers even from the womb—that’s who you are!
You lie with your words, and your teaching is poison. 
Like cobras closing their ears to the most expert of the charmers,
you strike out against all who are near.
O God, break their fangs;
shatter the teeth of these ravenous lions!
Let them disappear like water falling on thirsty ground.
Let all their weapons be useless.
Let them be like snails dissolving into the slime.
Let them be cut off, never seeing the light of day!
God will sweep them away so fast
that they’ll never know what hit them. 
The godly will celebrate in the triumph of good over evil,
and the lovers of God will trample
the wickedness of the wicked under their feet!
Then everyone will say, “There is a God who judges the judges”
and “There is a great reward in loving God!”
4th Peaceful Protest – Precedent Set for AZREVOTE Movement SHOW UP for County Certification Protest Monday – Any Future Violence CLEARLY FBI or Antifa Infiltrators

4th Peaceful Protest – Precedent Set for AZREVOTE Movement SHOW UP for County Certification Protest Monday – Any Future Violence CLEARLY FBI or Antifa Infiltrators

The 4th Peaceful Protest in the #AZREVOTE movement completed Saturday with ZERO violence. This has officially set a precedent for peaceful protest. In future protests, any violence will CLEARLY be from FED Infiltrators trying for a false flag or from outside Antifa/Leftist groups as the Patriots in Arizona are demonstrably and repeatedly peaceful. At one point a Native American Group joined with the Peaceful Patriots.

Stop being afraid and sacrificing your 1st Amendment Rights! Stand Up to Peacefully Assemble and Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances! YOU must show up for the County Certification meeting Monday, November 28, 2022 7:30am. 301 W Jefferson, 10th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003

View the Image Gallery Below:

The first protest drove by the MCBOS office peacefully without trespassing or breaking any laws. Continue to pass by in your cars, but also show up on foot with signs on public property and designated protest areas etc to make your voice peaceably heard. Here is a letter from all the Republican Party County Chairman throughout Arizona to our Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, unitedly standing against certification of our November 8, 2022 General Election

Chair members and representatives from Arizona’s 15 counties, and Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward, registered their objections to election certification “until such time as the many issues related to the administration of the 2022 General Election are thoroughly investigated, and the potential statutory violations of A.R.S Title 16 are remedied.”

In Person: To make general comments during “Call to the Public” OR speak on an agenda Item, you must fill out a speaker form at the meeting and turn it in to the Clerk’s staff.

Written: To leave comments for the Board of Supervisors, please send them to

Virtual: To speak on a Planning and Zoning Hearing or Statutory Hearing Item virtually, submit speaker form posted at below site: English or Spanish. You must submit your speaker form before 8 am on meeting day.

When: Monday, November 28, 2022 8:00 am Board of Supervisors Special/Executive Meeting

Where: 301 W Jefferson, 10th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003

Residents may submit comments related to the Board Informal Meeting agenda before 7:30 am on Monday, November 28th by emailing Agenda.Comments@Maricopa.Gov or calling (602) 506-3766.

Residents may watch the Board meeting live-streamed at Maricopa.Gov or Maricopa.Gov/324 at the time of the meeting.

Residents may also watch via, and enter the webinar meeting ID 929-337-331. Pre-registration may be done via this link:

Residents may listen to the Webinar by dialing +1 ((562) 247-8422 and enter the Audio Access code 475-030-253#. Long distance charges may apply.
No Audio PIN is needed to listen only.
If speaking virtually on a hearing item, desktop computer access is best. Cell phones must have webinar application downloaded to participate.

More Information:

Join the #AZREVOTE Telegram:

Three Consecutive Protests with ZERO violence. Next One: County Certification Meeting Monday

Three Consecutive Protests with ZERO violence. Next One: County Certification Meeting Monday

#AZREVOTE Telegram:

There have been 3 Consecutive Protests with ZERO violence related to the #AZREVOTE movement calling for a redo of the Maricopa botched election filled with 68% Machine Failures in only 3-to-1 Republican heavy areas. It looks like Merissa Hamilton, EZAZ, Trooper, AFPP, and the rest of the Doomers were wrong 3 times in a row. Do they just not want the people to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights? Merissa can’t handle and criticism so she blocked me on Twitter:

Meanwhile, Brazil doesn’t have half the rights we do, yet they are setting records as MILLIONS protest their stolen election. (Video Below). In Shanghai, China where the citizens have almost ZERO rights, a new round of devastating lockdowns over COVID19 is being enforced and protestors clashed with military and police.

The Next Maricopa Protest is the County Certification meeting Monday, November 28, 2022 7:30am. 301 W Jefferson, 10th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 More info how to comment and livestream here:

In Person: To make general comments during “Call to the Public” OR speak on an agenda Item, you must fill out a speaker form at the meeting and turn it in to the Clerk’s staff.

Written: To leave comments for the Board of Supervisors, please send them to

Virtual: To speak on a Planning and Zoning Hearing or Statutory Hearing Item virtually, submit speaker form here: English or Spanish. You must submit your speaker form before 8 am on meeting day.

UPDATE: Monday, November 28, 2022 8:00 am Board of Supervisors Special/Executive Meeting

Residents may submit comments related to the Board Informal Meeting agenda before 7:30 am on Monday, November 28th by emailing Agenda.Comments@Maricopa.Gov or calling (602) 506-3766.
Residents may watch the Board meeting live-streamed at Maricopa.Gov or Maricopa.Gov/324 at the time of the meeting.
Residents may also watch via, and enter the webinar meeting ID 929-337-331. Pre-registration may be done via this link:
Residents may listen to the Webinar by dialing +1 ((562) 247-8422 and enter the Audio Access code 475-030-253#. Long distance charges may apply.
No Audio PIN is needed to listen only.
If speaking virtually on a hearing item, desktop computer access is best. Cell phones must have webinar application downloaded to participate.

Stop being afraid and sacrificing your 1st Amendment Rights! Stand Up to Peacefully Assemble and Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances!

Brazil Protests Video

China Protests Video

Legislators Did Nothing to Stop the Steal – What Will You Do?

3 of 5 of our republican water commissioners won, most republican school board members won, the republican treasurer won by 250,000 votes, but Kari is losing? IMPOSSIBLE. Democrats just didnt bother to steal down ballot. Machine vote switching, fake ballots and signatures just like was recently proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in the Az Senate Signature Audit released two weeks ago.

Our legislators did NOTHING meaningful after the 2020 steal, and RINOs like Gates and Richer are using the same machines and laws.

Now the question is, what will YOU do about it?

1. Demand a new election
2. Full hand recount and foresnsic audit
3. Lawsuits and new laws matching Florida
4. Constitutional Convention of States