They were then surprised when some of the fake news including ABC and the Arizona Repulsive actually asked probing questions to which they then gave horrible answers to:
Question: What would you say to voters who believe machines can be easily hacked? Richer: Gives definition of different types of voting machines and ways to vote. Says machines are certified and tested and doesn’t answer question at all.
Question ABC 15: Heard of drop box watchers? Richer: 2 outdoor boxes Mesa juvenile courts and central tabulation facility. There are livestream cameras. “Any attempt to deter or intimidate should be reported to law enforcement.”
Question 2: Flyers to use ballpoint pen and vote on only election day Richer: Lies and says blue ballpoint pen doesn’t dry when they do and recommends felt pens which in fact they don’t dry and bleed as confirmed by multiple poll workers!
Question Arizona Republic: Richer used public resources to illegally influence election and he is against Prop 309 Voter ID. Richer: Goes on rant why 309 is bad, then says “If I did it again I would not have put it out through county recorders office and I take full responsibility. We have taken it down.” and “Vote No on 309 was not appropriate to post.”
Question 2 Arizona Republic: Was it actually illegal? Richer: “It’s already been resolved.”
Question 3 Arizona Republic: RNC Lawsuit illegally favoring Republican Poll Workers? Scott Jared: “We always strive for bipartisan representation. We are close to 50/50. I don’t have those exact numbers today.”
Chairman Bill Gates: “Any who suggest the 2020 election was rigged, then many members of their own party are part of that rigging since they are involved….that’s how I know it never happened.”
The Ministry of Truth in Maricopa County Elections is in full effect. See the below press release and watch tomorrow’s press conference live at 2pm MST and judge for yourself:
Press Advisory: Learn about Early Voting Facts, Figures, and Fallacies
WHAT: The Maricopa County 2022 Elections Command Center will host a news conference for credentialed media to discuss the start of early voting, how to track your ballot, and misconceptions about voter registration and the voting rolls.
Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates
Recorder Stephen Richer
Elections Directors Rey Valenzuela and Scott Jarrett
Subject matter experts with the Elections Department and Recorder’s Office
Thursday, October 13, 2022, 2 p.m.
Board of Supervisors Conference Room, 301 W. Jefferson St. (10th floor), Phoenix, AZ 85003
Maricopa County is requiring an official Press Pass for members of the media to enter its facilities and/or cover events related to the 2022 General Election. Reporters can read the criteria for getting a pass and apply online here. Reporters without a County-issued Press Pass will not be allowed to attend the press conference.
The news conference will be streamed to YouTubefor members of the public to watch live or replay later.
During the news conference, Maricopa County will have a Spanish speaker present to answer specific questions from Spanish-language media. Following the news conference, this person will be available to share additional information in Spanish with interested media.
The Arizona Sun Times ran a recent article (linked below) exposing the Biden-esque speech of Nancy Ordowski and exploring the success of which Nancy is so opposed to that she blocking payment of 2 invoices regarding motions the membership already approved.
You can clearly read in the minutes sent with the call letter that the entire body approved a texting campaign specifically using the site which Nancy is now blocking payment of along with an invoice for 7,500 more fliers:
2)Bob Gomez moved to take the remaining $1200 saved in backpack program and use the
funds for a text messaging campaign that he will assist setting up. The campaign will be used
to direct voters to, which includes our golden ticket and other voter
information. 30K text messages for $1200, target Republican and Independent voters in
vulnerable/high risk precincts targeted by Dems in LD 3, campaign developed by Gomez plus at
least 3 volunteers, reviewed by member of Executive Committee. Govt. guidelines will be
Point of Order made by Chair Rutkowski, asked Gomez if he would amend his motion to work
in cooperation with Basil and the Voter Outreach Committee. Bob and Basil agreed to work
together on this campaign. Brian Ference 2nd the motion.
Discussion ensued to use multiple social media platforms, other voter outreach in vulnerable
precincts. Bob reiterated his motion/proposal, they will use as link in text
Tim Horn volunteered to produce, coordinate video to push out on text, possibly via a link.
Standing vote taken, motion passed.
Undeterred the PCs raised money and paid the flyer and now texting campaign costs and are now seeking reimbursement.
Why is Nancy Ordowski violating the will of the members? (which she does not have the power to do) Why is Nancy seeming to act like a democratic operative, sabotaging the Get Out the Vote and Golden Ticket efforts after her divisive speech in the most important election of our lives?
For anyone still against the site: have you actually looked at it? Please spend 2 minutes navigating and you will immediately see how useful it is and why 22 Legislative Districts have their Golden Tickets posted there.
The AZ Legislative District 3 Republican Committee meeting will be held on Thursday October 13, 2022 at Reformed Living Bible Church Meeting Hall, 6140 E. Thunderbird Road; Scottsdale/Phoenix, Sign In starts at 6:00 PM.
22 different Legislative District golden tickets are now posted on You can use this site as a reference when knocking doors or just out talking to voters whenever they want to see a customized Voting Guide for their LD. (Search for which LD someone is in) The site also has many other invaluable links and resources. The site has been incredibly well received by voters.
Get your missing LD listed today by emailing
On Friday, Legislative District 3 Precinct Committeeman Michele Swinick on her show played the full audio (fast forward to 13:40) of the divisive, Biden-like speech which LD3 1st Vice Chair Nancy Ordowski gave on September 8th in lieu of an officer report. Michele described Nancy’s speech as “this is really Liz Cheney” and “Biden-esque without the red lights and the marines”. She noted it was “uncalled for” and “out of order” and that the statements Nancy made were “not true” and asked “where is all this hatred coming from?”
Michele mentions the door knocking Golden Ticket was “put together by the grassroots people, because leadership didn’t.” This references that there was no plan, committees, or communication to get out the vote created or shared, so a motion was made by the membership at the August meeting to create a door knocking Golden Ticket with $5,200 budget. This project was delivered one month later on-time and under budget with 25,000 flyers printed and was distributed at the September 8th meeting. The door knocking Golden Ticket has been VERY well received among Republican and Independent voters according to several PC captains and is even being used and printed by other LDs and other Counties. See more: .
Nancy’s speech made several false statements including that the LD did not understand or have the opportunity to review bylaws before approving them. In fact, a 5-person committee met for over 16 hours before voting unanimously to recommend a fair and balanced version of the bylaws which was then approved by a majority vote of the body. The committee made sure that a red-line and final version was sent out by the Chair to the entire body far in advance of the vote which was near unanimous.
Nancy falsely states that “censures and resolutions have no consequences”. If that were true, how did the AZGOP censure of Rusty Bowers and the GOP censure of Liz Cheney directly result in their being primaried and barred from office? Why was one of the LD censures recognized by President Donald Trump himself on September 6th?
She falsely claims a “select small group” rams through motions, yet many censures and resolutions were UNANIMOUSLY approved by the entire membership.
She continues with rhetoric on “losing elections”, “voters left with nothing”, and “political suicide”.
Nancy continues her lies, accusing up to 1/3rd of the membership of being associated with the “Patriot Party” and “far-right militia”. These are completely false claims without any merit whatsoever.
Nancy claims “recently, only some PCs have been invited to training.” What training are you referring to Nancy? Aren’t you in charge of Training as the 1st Vice-Chair? Yet ZERO LD3 trainings have been scheduled or communicated by Nancy in recent months.
Nancy continues her propaganda speech accusing the membership of being radicals, seeking only power, subverting the Republic, destroying LD3, and an infiltration of the LD and Republican Party.
Nancy claims prior LD15 leadership will force the body to do “only what they say”. If that is true, why did the approved bylaws bring the power and voice back to the entire body instead of dictator-like power? Why does Nancy desperately want these bylaws changed back? Sit down and shut up seems to be a recurring theme, and you hear Nancy say just that several times during her speech. Who wants the membership to do only what they say?
Nancy spends a great deal of time focusing on RINOs and falsely claimed the definition is anyone with “experience or authority”.
Nancy continues her tirade with fear mongering, claiming she has knowledge certain members are “under FBI surveillance” and that “LD3 leadership and PCs are on the FBI watchlist.” How would Nancy know this? How would anyone know who is being targeted by the FBI? Has Nancy initiated or participated in such an investigation?
An FBI whistleblower warned that “the bureau has been transformed from a law enforcement agency to an intelligence-gathering operation that spies on law-abiding Americans to help advance a political agenda”.
Many members objected to Nancy’s speech, raised questions, called for the Chairman to end it, and demanded she give up the microphone.
It now appears that Nancy and her establishment allies were so upset at their terrible candidates such as Karrin Taylor Robson losing the Primary, that they were attempting to sabotage the Golden Ticket and the Election itself. The September 8th meeting was to be a uniting and very positive meeting. Nancy put a stop to that. Since then, she has gone even further, causing great confusion by telling PCs to “not distribute the Golden Ticket.” The Chair of LD3 even responded, acknowledging it and saying that “neither he nor the board supports any comments which discourage distribution of the Golden Ticket.” And “Nancy did not seek any advice or approval from me regarding her comments. Any comments made by her should be considered her personal opinion and are not a reflection of my opinion or the opinion of the Board.” The end result of Nancy’s statements and actions is helping Democrats.
I join many other voices demanding that Nancy Ordowski immediately resign as 1st Vice-Chair of LD3 and the MCRC EGC.
See the video of Michele’s show below: (fast forward to 13:40)
Despite Richer’s overly-long and overly-whiny 17-page response, it appears the MCRC censure of him and the LD3 censure of MCBOS Chairman Bill Gates were both aptly timed and well deserved. Richer thanks the board members who voted no but fails to realize most of them also voiced concerns that Richer was doing a terrible job and is a poor representative of the AZGOP—they simply thought the timing of censuring him should be delayed until after November 2022. In the first page of his gas-lighting reply, Richer fails in stroking his own ego and instead exposes that he does “support, and would defend, your ability as a private organization to ask me to wear a mask at your meetings, to require that I be vaccinated if in your employ.” The former is useless and serves no purpose, and the latter, not backed by science with negative efficacy, has been struck down in every high court as highly illegal and highly unconstitutional.
Richer goes on with finger-pointing and humble-bragging, but admits he and the MCBOS are working in lockstep, saying, “I relate none of this to defer responsibility. We are one team at Maricopa County, and though Election Day operations and tabulation are not my statutory responsibility, I worked at least 16 hours each day on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday alongside the Board of Supervisors’ designees and was consulted in all decision making concerning those processes. I am proud of all parts of the election that Maricopa County ran.”
By his own request, let’s not separate the incompetence of the Recorder and MCBOS in facilitating the voter registration, cleaning of the voter rolls, early and day of voting, and tabulation. We now know that Maricopa has illegally hired more democrat poll workers than republican, and Stephen Richer is publicly supporting bringing the disaster of Rank Choice Voting to Arizona as a “Team Member” of the “Save Democracy AZ” along with John Giles, Adrian Fontes, and Heather Carter. What a team. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Stephen Richer and Bill Gates should both resign immediately.
145 more democrat than republican poll workers despite many available and submitted. How many of the 313 PND poll workers are also hidden Democrats? Id say likely all so there could be 458 more liberal than conservative poll workers all in violation of elections procedure requirements.
Now the real question: How was the breakdown of the CRITICAL positions within MTECH where tabulating, signature challenge, and other election changing actions occur. Was it worse?
Below is Brian Ference’s reply to dozens of emails from Dan Farley filled with false accusations:
You are really out of control and I pray you gain some wisdom and perspective.
Exhibiting typical abuser behavior by attacking the victim is not reflecting well on you.
I have never been to a patriot party meeting, never even met any of those people, and don’t even have their contact information. That is all lies.
Did you forget that you sent an email out to your entire list telling the world you were coming to the LD3 meeting on Thursday, September 8th? (See that email below)
The text messages you shared were hardly bad mouthing you. Did you know I have two children in the PVUSD school system and merely want them protected by conservative board members against mask mandates and vax mandates?
You are spreading these lies because you assaulted and battered me completely unprovoked in front of a dozen witnesses.
There is an active criminal police investigation and I will comment no further.
Please cease and desist your false narrative and spinning of the truth.
Liberal School Boards who plowed ahead with vaccine coercion through mask punishment and frequent free vaccine camps on school property are nothing short of criminal and must be replaced with conservative School Boards who will protect our children.
Additional Info:
The CDC has finally admitted the COVID-19 vaccine is worthless (and with NEGATIVE efficacy over time) and that those who receive and do not receive it should be treated the same.
The drastically under-reported (by 10X or more) VAERS Adverse Events Reporting continues to rise in death toll and injuries now exceeding 30,347 deaths 173,449 hospitalizations, 51,556 Myocarditis/Pericarditis and other reports as a DIRECT RESULT of the COVID-19 vaccine exceeding 1,385,398 in the United States through August 12, 2022.
Death rates among young people have dramatically risen at a rate never before seen.
A Recent study in New Zealand found children receiving the COVID-19 vaccine between the ages of 10 and 19 are MORE likely to die within a month than those who did not take the vaccine.
Dutch researcher Andre Redert published a paper finding “We could not observe a mortality-reducing effect of vaccination in Dutch municipalities after vaccination and booster campaigns.” In fact, the opposite was true: “We did find a 4-sigma-significant-mortality-enhancing effect during the two periods of high unexplained excess mortality.”
Unexplained mortality from the COVID-19 vaccine is on the rise everywhere in the world.
In the Canadian Provence of Manitoba the COVID-19 vaccinated are 50% more likely than the unvaccinated to die from COVID. 70% of all deaths occurred in those COVID-19 boosted.
The Journal of Virology stated “The [Lancet] study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals eight months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals.”
The German government has admitted that “At least 1 out of every 5,000 Covid-19 shots causes serious side effects.”
Indeed, there is overwhelming evidence the COVID-19 vaccine severely damages the immune system and, in some cases, causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
Heart inflammation and Myocarditis are all on the rise in COVID-19 vaccinated and Oxford researches reported “Myocarditis risk was increased during 1-28 days following a third dose…Associations were strongest in males younger than 40 years for all vaccine types.”
COVID-19 vaccines harmed and killed more teens in 2021 than all other FDA-approved vaccines combined.