Using the GOP Data Center to Obtain Walk Lists

Updated! Below see the updated instructions to pull your precinct walk lists. If you do not have access, please fill out this form and email it to For LD level access, get your chairman’s signature and then submit.

Basic No Map/Drawing Functionality

1. Log in to the GOP Data Center Website.
2. Click on “Basic Counts”.
3. Select “Precinct Criteria”.
4. Select “By LD”.
5. Click on drop down arrow and select your District number.
6. Check your District box, then hit “Ok”.
7. Click on Voter Criteria. Select Official Party (Rep) and other criteria. (Make sure you select “Official Party” then “Republican” and not “Observed Party”)
8. Click on the “Preview Count” button. (Some number not 0 should appear)
9. Click on the “Save Query” red button at the top.
10. Type in your saved list name at the bottom right and hit the “Okay” button.
11. Click on the “Create List” button next to the “Save Query” button.
12. Towards the bottom, click on “Households – All Members” bullet and click on “By
Voter Within Zip Code” bullet.
13. Click on “Create List Now” button.
14. Click on the blue word “Download”.
15. Click on the small blue square “save” button with the green arrow at the bottom.
16. On the pop-up window, select your preferred format (Excel, PDF, etc.).
17. This should have automatically saved the file to your computer. Here, you can view,
print, send to someone else.

Advanced with Map/Drawing Functionality

1. Log in to the GOP Data Center Website.
2. Open “Advanced Counts” box at bottom of the page
3. Open Geography Tab by clicking on the arrow to the right
a. Drag LD into “New Group” Box
b. Choose LD 3 Box
c. Click OKAY
d. Close “Geography” by clicking on the arrow

4. Open Precincts Tab by clicking on the arrow
a. Choose LD and drag LD into Add Criteria Box
b. Choose “Rio Verde”
c. Click OKAY
d. Close “Precincts” by clicking on arrow

5. Open “Voter Info” tab by clicking on arrow
a. Drag Official Party into Add Criteria Box
b. Choose Republican Party
c. Click OKAY
d. Close “Voter Info” by clicking on arrow

6. Open “Geography” tab by clicking on the arrow
7. Drag “Custom Geography” into Add Criteria Box
a. Maps will open
b. Click + sign on bottom right to zoom into the area you want to make a walk list
c. As you zoom in you will see, red, blue and purple balloons

8. Continue to zoom in to narrow done your walk list about 125 voters
a. Vote Count and Voters will be listed on the top left of the screen
b. On top of Map there are five (5) boxes:
Hand is to move Map
Circle to create circle on Map
Pentagon to draw irregular area on Map
Square to create rectangle on Map
Eraser to erase lines drawn
c. For first time click on the Rectangle and outline area on Map
d. Your cursor will turn into a plus sign; click and you can draw your rectangle
e. For example, you may choose a size of rectangle which includes around 125

9. If you want to Save your created Walk List created on the Map, click on SAVE on bottom
of the page.
10. You will automatically go back to “Advanced Counts” page then click on “Save Query”
11. then Name the file
12. Click on “Export a File”
13. A page named “Counts Export” will appear
August 20, 2022 2:16 PM
How to Make a Walk List in GOP Data Center
James Roth
a. “List Style and Fields Included” will appear at bottom of page
i. Under “List Style” column choose Walk List
ii. Under “Fields Included” choose information you want on your Walk List.
For example, Name, address information, Official Party, Overall
Frequency, etc.
a. “Household Format, Sorting and Random Sample”
i. Under “Household List Format” choose “Household – Only Members
Matching Count”
ii. Under “List Sorting Order” choose “Precinct by Street Order”
iii. Under “Household Name Format” choose “John & Jane Smith/The Smith
Household” or any other format you prefer
a. “File Name, Format and Export Now”
b. Name your file in the “EXPORT FILE NAME” box
c. Under “Export File Format”, if you use Microsoft Excel choose XLS
d. Click Export Data Now
17. A page named “MY EXPORTS” will open
a. Click on file name to view it and print it out or
b. Under SHARE click down arrow to send the link

Response to Dan Farley’s Lies and False Accusations

Response to Dan Farley’s Lies and False Accusations

Response to Dan Farley’s Lies and False Accusations as seen in Today’s Republican Briefs.

Apparently, Dan Farley is living in a fantasy world. “Raft of censures”? There has been one censure; ONE, which Brian Ference proposed to the Maricopa County Republican Committee EGC, namely the one of Stephen Richer. Please list the other censures the EGC have even voted on. Oh, you don’t have a list because there isn’t one? That’s what I thought. Does anyone believe these nonsensical lies?

If Dan is so against the censure of Stephen Richer, why did he choose to abstain instead of vote no? Perhaps Dan lacks the courage needed to save the Republic.

Other censures in LDs are entirely separate and written and motioned by other PCs.

Comments like yours and the general arrogance and establishment approach are exactly why this country is being destroyed.

Unite behind stopping Election Fraud, Saving America, and Supporting America First Maga Candidates (rather than splitting the vote and guaranteeing a democrat/communist candidate win, such as Dan would have done with his LD4 Golden Ticket by listing 2 PVUSD Schoolboard RINOs – one of whom is a huge Red for Ed supporter and the other running on a Democrat slate; before Dan was called out by other conservative candidates and PCs in his own district). The word is that Dan’s own LD4 PCS may propose censures of these two candidates. And Dan talks about his history in school board activism, what a joke!

If anyone doubts this, I have the receipts they are posted at the bottom of this post.

And before we add more to the fantasy world, I had nothing to do with the PVUSD debacle.

There are many weak Republicans that have done little to nothing to fight against democrats, yet fight like hellcats against America First, MAGA Republicans. The New Republican Party is uniting behind fighters. The old ways are done.

Feel free to share this message far and wide.

Here are the receipts:

My response to a recent cease and desist

The original post was made in a telegram group with 6 administrators who post a majority of the content. While I infrequently post there, I do sometimes forward posts. I apologize that I should have looked more closely to make sure it was not just a list of names before forwarding in response to a posted question on the vote. I deleted my forward and requested an admin delete the original post, which they did. Just a reminder that the emails or forward to emails are publicly posted on the MCRC web site of the executive board and the district chairmen. The statute mentioned in the cease and desist is for cyberstalking, harassing and bullying. Simply publishing an email or phone number, (particularly of elected public officials that have this information publicly available on the recorder and Maricopa web sites) is not incitement or pursuit of either of those and in this case unwarranted and taken completely out of context.

Below is my response to a recent cease and desist:

On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 9:44 PM:
Thank you for your email. I have deleted that post.
Sorry, I should have looked more closely to make sure it was not just a list of names before forwarding in response to a posted question on the vote.
Brian Ference

And the original email:

——- Original Message ——-
On Monday, August 8th, 2022 at 6:26 PM, Ken Sampson wrote:

Good evening Brian,

I have received a copy of an apparent social media post (attached), made either from you or forwarded on your behalf, which contains the personal and private information of members of the Maricopa County Republican Party Executive Board and Maricopa County Republican Legislative District Chairmen. This information contains the name, email address, and phone numbers of members who voted against the censure of Steven Richer occuring at the MCRC ECG meeting August 4th, 2022. It is clear that the individuals listed in this post are acting contrary to your personal political beliefs, and the disclosure of their private information is an attempt to elicit third parties to contact these members directly and express similar opinions.
Please be advised that this conduct appears to violate ARS 3-2916; Use of an electronic communication to terrify, intimidate, threaten or harass. More specifically:
A. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly terrify, intimidate, threaten or harass a specific person or persons by doing any of the following:
4. Without the person’s consent and for the purpose of imminently causing the person unwanted physical contact, injury or harassment by a third party, use an electronic communication device to electronically distribute, publish, email, hyperlink or make available for downloading the person’s personal identifying information, including a digital image of the person, and the use does in fact incite or produce that unwanted physical contact, injury or harassment.
Although it is unclear whether the publication of these individual’s information has led to the production of harassment per se, any unsolicited contact relating to this or similar postings to the listed individuals will violate the law. As a member of the MCRC Executive Committee you have potentially incurred liability on behalf of the Republican Party and opened yourself to criminal prosecution.
On behalf of the MCRC and the Maricopa County Republican Party, you are hereby ordered to CEASE AND DESIST the publication of personal information concerning members of the party without their consent, and immediately remove any personally identifiable or private information of these members from your social media and personal web page(s). Failure to do so will open you to potential litigation and accelerate what appears to be an imminent investigation by law enforcement.
During this election season emotions will inevitably run high, however, inciting harassment and disclosing personal information is against the best practices of the Republican Party and the criminal justice system. As a Member-At-Large of the Maricopa County Executive Committee, you have a duty to conduct yourself in a manner consistent with our conservative values and the laws of Arizona.
Kenneth Sampson, Esq.
MCRC General Counsel
LD3 Censures Maricopa Supervisor Bill Gates

LD3 Censures Maricopa Supervisor Bill Gates

Last night, Legislative District 3, the largest district in the state of Arizona, Censured Maricopa Supervisor Bill Gates:

Be it resolved by the Arizona Legislative District 3 Republican Committee:

  • WHEREAS Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates has made and continues to make disparaging public comments about Republican Arizona Representatives and Republican candidates during interviews, all while seeming to support Democrat candidates running against them: In an August 3, 2022 interview discussing the Republican Primary results: “The election last night was a catastrophe for the Arizona Republican Party,” Gates said, “and, I would argue, our democracy.” August 5, 2022 Interview: “I fear that if we continue to nominate people who deny the truth, then what may have to happen is that we lose elections.” and “I think the only way back is by humiliation at the ballot box, and the problem is the Democrats aren’t strong enough to do that.” In the same August 5th interview: “They’re still arguing that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, even though we’ve had numerous audits in Maricopa County, other independent examinations to show that that’s simply not the case.” Further: “These folks continue to push this story and that is corrosive to our democracy. There’s no basis for it. And what it is doing is sewing doubt in our democracy.” And “When we’re talking about the past and basically dredging up conspiracy theories, then we’re doing a disservice to the voters.”
  • WHEREAS Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates voted NOT to comply with the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 Election. Arizona Senate President Karen Fann stated: “Maricopa County’s slow-walk of the Senate public records request into a possible breach of the voter registration server is frustrating” and “It is unfortunate the noncompliance by the County and Dominion continues to delay the results and breeds distrust.” Further, Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borrelli stated: “Today I submitted a request for the Arizona Attorney General to investigate the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for their failure to comply with subpoenas from the State Senate. The supervisors are acting as if they are above the law, and it is an insult to the citizens of our state.President Fann has handled this process professionally and she has tried to be diplomatic while dealing with the attacks and insults from the Board. Enough is enough! The level of disrespect and contempt from the supervisors toward Senate leadership and Arizona voters is appalling.Yesterday the Board of Supervisors ignored the subpoena deadline and failed to provide the routers used in the November election. They failed to provide passwords and security keys required to access tabulation devices. They failed to provide splunk logs and similar data. I respectfully request the Attorney General investigate this clear violation of the law. Arizonans expect no less.”
  • WHEREAS the 2000 Mules Documentary irrefutably proves election fraud occurred in Maricopa County during the 2020 Election in the form of ballot trafficking through drop boxes.
  • WHEREAS the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 Election found significant inconsistencies and discrepancies.
  • WHEREAS we have zero confidence in Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates.
  • THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Arizona Legislative District 3 Republican Committee: hereby formally censures Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates, and shall immediately cease any and all recognition and support of him as a member of the Republican Party for his past and continued attacks on Republicans, his specific actions addressed herein including lack of confidence to perform his duties as Maricopa Supervisor, his general disregard for the irregularities reported in the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 Election, and his contempt for the Arizona Senate and the People of Arizona.
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Arizona Legislative District 3 Republican Committee demands that Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates immediately resign and calls on the Republican Party in Maricopa County to encourage all registered Republicans to expel him permanently from office.
Legislative District 3 Censures the FBI

Legislative District 3 Censures the FBI

Last night, Legislative District 3, the largest legislative district in Arizona, passed this resolution to censure the FBI as the Arm of the Leftist Police State in Maricopa County:

  • WHEREAS we, the precinct members of LD3 reject the questionable and unsubstantiated FBI raid August 8th, 2022 on the residence of the 45th President of the United States referred to as Mar-a-Lago in the State of Florida.
  • WHEREAS the members of LD3 do not accept the lawless actions of nor the authority of the FBI as currently practiced in Maricopa County, Arizona and throughout the United States.
  • WHEREAS we, the precinct members of LD3 call for the State of Arizona to stop cooperation with the FBI.
  • WHEREAS the Governor of the State of Arizona and the Legislature is elected to protect the citizens of Arizona against attacks on their liberty, we call upon the Governor and the Legislature to make statements and take actions to protect us.
  • WHEREAS we, the precinct members of LD3 call on the Legislature to fund a state guard and place it under the exclusive command of the Governor of Arizona to protect its citizens. Members of LD3 call on the Governor of the State of Arizona to formally call for the cessation of FBI operations in Maricopa County, Arizona.
  • WHEREAS the Governor and Legislature of the State of Arizona has the authority to stop information sharing with the FBI. WHEREAS it has become clear that the leadership of the FBI has acted independently and out of bounds from their own historical mandates and required constitutional constraints to protect the rule of law.
  • WHEREAS instead of enforcing the law, the FBI has used the law by waging attacks on individuals and groups (as lawfare) on behalf of a political party for political reasons and self-preservation, calling them, in effect, enemies ofthe state.
  • THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the members of Legislative District 3, Maricopa County, Arizona reject the actions, words, and self-applied constraints on resolving internal problems within the FBI and the resulting overreach by the FBI towards the people and political action groups of Maricopa County, Arizona. We call on the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Arizona to protect us from any violations of our constitutional rights by the FBI.
Pinal County Elections Director David Frisk Out Richer Should Also Resign

Pinal County Elections Director David Frisk Out Richer Should Also Resign

When a business has catastrophic failure, the CEO or executives resign. It is time to pressure Stephen Richer to do the same.
I have just received the below that the Pinal County Elections Director David Frisk resigned (or was removed) and County Recorder Virgina Rose will resign in order to take control of the Pinal county elections departments saying “David Frisk is no longer in the position of Elections Director and is no longer employed by Pinal County.”
See link and full release below:

Recorder Virginia Ross Resigns Her Elected Role to Become Elections Director

In light of recent issues with Pinal County’s Primary Elections, the County can announce changes in the leadership of the Elections Department.

David Frisk is no longer in the position of Elections Director and is no longer employed by Pinal County.

As a result of discussions with the Board of Supervisors and County Leadership, and in order to restore confidence for voters in the November Election, Recorder Virginia Ross has resigned from her elected office and has been appointed Elections Director effective immediately. Ross is an experienced and highly-respected professional, who, prior to being elected as the Recorder in 2012, enjoyed a progressive career in the private sector for Fortune 100 and 500 corporations Ryder System, Inc. and IBM as a certified Project Manager, Telecommunications Manager, and Senior Contract Negotiator.

Despite rumors to the contrary, Ross did not oversee the Elections Department for this primary election in her role as the County Recorder. Ross was in charge of Pinal County Elections in her first term in 2014 and 2016, but with the growth of Pinal County, and as a result, an increase in Recorder responsibilities, an Elections Director was brought in to oversee the Elections Department from 2017. Since that time, the Elections Department has reported to County Management, which is overseen by the Board of Supervisors.

The Board of Supervisors will hold a Special Session Meeting in Florence on Friday at 11.15 am to appoint a Recorder to see out the remainder of Ms. Ross’s term, which runs through December 31, 2024.

“As a Board, we are deeply embarrassed and frustrated by the mistakes that have been made in this primary election, and as such, we are taking immediate steps to ensure the November election runs smoothly, as elections in Pinal County have historically done prior to this primary,” said Jeffrey McClure, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.

McClure continued, “It is vital that we restore trust with Pinal County voters, and I can assure the community that there is no better leader to take control of our Elections Department than Virginia Ross. As a fellow elected official, I am grateful to Virginia for sacrificing her elected role to answer the needs of Pinal County.”

Virginia Ross commented, “Having been the Recorder for Pinal County since 2013, this primary election has been a stinging experience for us all. I look forward to involving all stakeholders in Pinal County as we work together to finish this primary election, before immediately turning our attention to the November election.”

Ross continued, “I also want to take this opportunity to publicly thank my staff in the Recorder’s Office, who have provided me such stellar support since I took office in 2013.”

Censure of Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer Demanding His Resignation or Recall

I have written recently on the reported fraud and failures of the 2022 Primary Election. Tonight I will introduce a censure of Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer, demanding his resignation or recall. Chairwoman of the AZGOP, Dr. Kelli Ward has called Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer “ill-prepared and incompetent”, has no confidence in his ability to perform his job, and supports a recall 1:18 and 8:20 point in Kelli Ward interview on War Room:

Please contact your Legislative District Chair immediately and ask them to support this critical and timely vote! See the full proposed censure below:

Dated: August 4th, 2022

Be it resolved by the Executive Guidance Committee of the Maricopa County Republican Committee:

WHEREAS Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer made several false and misleading statements in his August 19, 2021 Open Letter to Maricopa County including:

  • “Nobody stole Maricopa County’s election. Elections in Maricopa County aren’t rigged.”
  • “…there had never been a report of significant tabulation problems or widespread fraud.”
  • “Accordingly, I know Joe Biden won Maricopa County.”
  • “That brings me to the event that precipitated my public criticism of Senator Fann’s audit, and the Stop the Steal movement.”
  • “Maricopa County has a strong statewide reputation, technology and cybersecurity resources that other counties can’t afford, and had no serious mishaps or anomalies…”
  • “Yes, the Sharpies used on Election Day bled through the ballots. Because of the global paper shortage, the County used thinner paper than it would have otherwise. Yes, the County asked voters on Election Day to use Sharpies because Sharpie ink dries the fastest. Unlike ballots voted any prior day, ballots voted on Election Day are fed immediately into the tabulation machine.”
  • “I’m embarrassed listening to my party concoct the most outlandish theories (Chinese ballots!) to avoid accepting the reality: we lost the top two races in Arizona.”

WHEREAS Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer’s maladministration of his duties resulted in significant failures (including reports of printers and scanners not working and the Pentel felt-tip pen smearing and not drying), late counting and delayed results, and irregularities; all of which significantly tarnishing the reputation of Maricopa County on the national stage;

WHEREAS Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer’s actions and statements have directly undermined confidence in Maricopa elections;

WHEREAS Chairwoman of the AZGOP, Dr. Kelli Ward has called Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer “ill-prepared and incompetent”, has no confidence in his ability to perform his job, and supports a recall;

WHEREAS We also have zero confidence in Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Guidance Committee of the Maricopa County Republican Committee hereby formally censures Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, and shall immediately cease any and all recognition and support of him as a member of the Republican Party for his inaction on election integrity, his specific actions addressed herein including lack of confidence to perform his duties as County Recorder, his general disregard for the irregularities reported in the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 Election, and his continued failures in the 2022 Primary Election.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Executive Guidance Committee of the Maricopa County Republican Committee demands that Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer immediately resign or be recalled and calls on the Republican Party in Maricopa County to encourage all registered Republicans to expel him permanently from office.

Huge Fraud and Planned Failures in Arizona Primary Election – Hand Recounts and Fixes Needed Before General Election

Huge Fraud and Planned Failures in Arizona Primary Election – Hand Recounts and Fixes Needed Before General Election

Aside from Pinal county running out of ballots in the first hour in over 20 polling locations (a staggering failure that Pinal County Elections Director David Frisk could only have planned on purpose) there were scores of other reports of irregularities, errors, fraud and planned failures in the Arizona Primary Election (including voters being instructed to SPOIL their own ballots by filling in squares at top left of the ballot “due to low tonor”)

Below and attached are just a few of scores of reports of Primary irregularities and errors coming in that must be fixed before the General Election. Many more are being reported by poll workers/observes, media and through the app:

1.  My husband and I went to the polling location at Desert Hills Community Church, 34835 N. 7th Street,  Phoenix, AZ at 6:00 a.m.. We were the second people in line and wanted to make sure that our vote  was in early today, August 2nd, 2022.  We are not on the early voting list so we wanted to make sure to vote in person.  Upon the doors opening, we were instructed to go to the individual computer screens  to verify our voter identification (driver’s license in our case).  It prompted us to then raise our hand for the id to be verified with the poll workers.  Once the poll worker had verified our ids, we were guided to  a table to get our printed ballot.  At this point, they were only able to print our control sheet.  The  machines were not able to print the ballots.    

The poll workers tried calling for support but were unable to get the machines to print.  They then told us to either go to another location to vote or come back later today. They said our ballot would be  spoiled so we could vote at the new location.   We then immediately went to the Black Mountain Baptist  Church at 33955 N. Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek, AZ.  Once there, they scanned our ids and it showed  that our vote had already been counted even though we were never given a ballot.    

At this point, they had us call the Star Center at (602)506-1511.  The Star Center told us that we only  could vote by a provisional ballot which we declined. 

From there, I went back the original voting location at Desert Hills Community Church and had them  electronically spoil my ballot.  I requested a standard ballot and not a provisional ballot.  They assured  me that they had now given me a standard ballot.  I finally voted and my ballot was placed in the  machine but no receipt was given. 

We also noticed they were providing felt tip pens at all the voting booths. 

My husband will still need to go back to the polling location to vote later today.  He had to go to work.    

Hoping this information can help correct our election process. 

Darin and Shelley Johnson 

2.  Provided Pentel Felt-Tip pens are smearing see attached and below. (I personally voted with blue ballpoint pen with no smear)

3.  Other printing issues (printing envelopes and 45 minute waits with no one in line and voters denied opportunity to vote)

4. Voter allowed to change party day of on machine

5. BREAKING: Maricopa County Election Day Incompetence – PRINTERS NOT WORKING, Voters Told They’ve ALREADY VOTED, Polling Locations Not Seen On AZSOS Webpage

6. EXCLUSIVE: Pima County Poll Workers Trained To Illegally Give Republican Ballots To DEMOCRATS And To Illegally Electioneer In Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake’s Race For Governor

7. SharpieGate 2.0 CONFIRMED:  Bleed through from Recorder recommended pens! PHOTO

8. Voters being instructed to SPOIL their own ballots by filling in squares at top left of the ballot “due to low tonor”)

Hand recounts are necessary to expose these issues and fix them BEFORE the General Election! See more below:

Huge Precedent 500 Medical Employees Class Action COVID-19 Settlement $10.3 Million – Join Class Actions and Sue Woke Companies Into Oblivion

Huge Precedent 500 Medical Employees Class Action COVID-19 Settlement $10.3 Million – Join Class Actions and Sue Woke Companies Into Oblivion

This sets a huge precedence. I encourage every single employee and military personnel who lost a job, was “vaccine” injured, or was coerced into getting a dangerous shot that doesn’t work; to find legal counsel, join class action lawsuits, and sue woke companies and organizations/governments into oblivion. This will forever stop these woke corporations from unconstitutionally coercing their employees ever again and hopefully lesson the funneling of corporate money into evil and corrupt leftist priorities.

Liberty Counsel settled the nation’s first classwide lawsuit for health care workers over a COVID shot mandate, for more than $10.3 million. The class action settlement against NorthShore University HealthSystem is on behalf of more than 500 current and former health care workers who were unlawfully discriminated against and denied religious exemptions from the COVID shot mandate. The agreed upon settlement was filed today in the federal Northern District Court of Illinois.

The amount of individual payments from the settlement fund will depend on how many valid and timely claim forms are submitted during the claims process. If the settlement is approved by the court and all or nearly all of the affected employees file valid and timely claims, it is estimated that employees who were terminated or resigned because of their religious refusal of a COVID shot will receive approximately $25,000 each, and employees who were forced to accept a COVID shot against their religious beliefs to keep their jobs will receive approximately $3,000 each.

The 13 health care workers who are lead plaintiffs in the lawsuit will receive an additional approximate payment of $20,000 each for their important role in bringing this lawsuit and representing the class of NorthShore health care workers.

Liberty Counsel Vice President of Legal Affairs and Chief Litigation Counsel Horatio G. Mihet said, “We are very pleased with the historic, $10 million settlement achieved in our class action lawsuit against NorthShore University HealthSystem. The drastic policy change and substantial monetary relief required by the settlement will bring a strong measure of justice to NorthShore’s employees who were callously forced to choose between their conscience and their jobs. This settlement should also serve as a strong warning to employers across the nation that they cannot refuse to accommodate those with sincere religious objections to forced vaccination mandates.”

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel said: “This classwide settlement providing compensation and the opportunity to return to work is the first of its kind in the nation involving COVID shot mandates. This settlement should be a wake-up call to every employer that did not accommodate or exempt employees who opposed the COVID shots for religious reasons. Let this case be a warning to employers that violated Title VII. It is especially significant and gratifying that this first classwide COVID settlement protects health care workers. Health care workers are heroes who daily give their lives to protect and treat their patients. They are needed now more than ever.”

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