Maricopa County Elections Department makes video showing blue ballpoint pens smearing, despite poll worker account saying opposite

Maricopa County Elections Department makes video showing blue ballpoint pens smearing, despite poll worker account saying opposite

Maricopa County Elections Department makes video showing blue ballpoint pens smearing, despite poll worker account saying “Tried blue and black ballpoint pens. Neither smeared with excessive pressure applied. No smear at all!”

(Ok thank you so in your opinion the above video smearing is faked/altered?)

“Faked. Probably used a gel pen. That would definitely smear.”

Here is the email and video link:

I want to make sure you had received this information regarding which style pen is best for a voter to use if they are voting in person on Election Day. Simply put, the felt-tip pen that the Elections Department provides in each vote center is best at the ink dries quickly. In contrast, ballpoint pens dry much slower and can easily smear inside the ballot counting machine which could prevent the machine from counting further until it is repaired (Watch the video here). Of course, a voter may decide for themselves which style pen they would like to use as long as it is either blue or black ink.


Voter Outreach Manager, Maricopa County Elections Department

Earlier Stephen Richer sent these tweets which were then seemingly refuted by Shanna Bollick then seemed to refute:







Cass and Alcona County GOP in Michigan Vote to Rescind 2020 Presidential Election, Joining Texas GOP, Maricopa County, AZ GOP, MT GOP, Wisconsin Counties

Cass County and Alcona County GOP in Michigan voted this week to reject and rescind the 2020 presidential election.

The two Michigan counties joined the Texas GOP, the Maricopa County GOP, Arizona GOP, Montana GOP and several Wisconsin counties in recognizing the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent and stolen.

More info: TGP<\a>

Langlade County Wisconsin Joins Texas and Maricopa County Arizona to Unanimously Reject the Results of 2020 Election

Langlade County Wisconsin Joins Texas and Maricopa County Arizona to Unanimously Reject the Results of 2020 Election

Langlade County Wisonsin became the latest county to unanimously reject the results of the 2020 election based on fraud and illegal activities by election officials in several jurisdictions.

Langlade joined the State of Texas and Maricopa County Arizona in their recent resolutions to reject the fraudulent results of the 2020 election.

Finally, Langlade County urges all remaining 3,143 US counties to pass similar resolutions.

The people of Wisconsin have seen enough

Video: The Truth Behind Arizona’s Paper Ballots Jovan Pulitzer’s BOMBSHELL Paper Analysis Report 6/27/22

Video: The Truth Behind Arizona’s Paper Ballots Jovan Pulitzer’s BOMBSHELL Paper Analysis Report 6/27/22

Watch the below video of the event which happened last night in Scottsdale, Arizona. The pre-show includes interviews with Mark Finchem, Wendy Rogers, Josh Barnett, and more! The presentation itself starts at 1 hour and 12 minutes in.

  • 11 times normal ballot adjudication rate.
  • Intentional use of inferior paper and sharpies were used to force ballots to be adjudicated.
  • 2 million over-votes detected.
  • 3 million machine inserted ovals on down-ballot races were detected.
  • 142,091 ballots where no fold was detected, indicating swapping of ballots.
  • 10,943 ballots were found to be entirely counterfeit, which gave Biden a 7% margin.
  • 235,367 ballots were modified electronically, 1 out of a 100 in 2016, 1 out of 8 in 2020 election. AI was used to adjudicate ballots with no human interaction. No physical ballot examination of the adjudicated ballots was carried out. 99% of ballot batches were modified without physical inspection to confirm there was an original paper ballot that was actually scanned.
  • 53,866 ballots were cracked, where ballots that are returned as undeliverable are then stolen and voted as if they had been delivered.
  • 110,092 were returned as undeliverable according to USPS records, Maricopa said only around 8,000 were returned. -12% of the voter roll were phantom voters, 20% of the voter roll was scrubbed immediately after the election, 226,691 phantom voters, 332 per precinct.
  • 12,112 provisional ballots were rejected, 66% rejection rate in 2020 compared to 29% rejection rate in 2016 (Trump votes likely dumped in the trash).
  • Largest ballot stuffing machine order in history was placed in March of 2020. April 1st mail image scanning was suspended by USPS, it was turned back on after the election. This occurred before there was any announcement that the election would be vote by mail in most places.
  • 7,000 politicians control national elections. 7 billion dollars could buy off each one of them with a million each.
  • 32 states hand over all voter roll data to a company with four people that was funded by Soros to supposedly have them manage their rolls. It’s suspected two voters rolls are being maintained by these states, where one is corrupt and the clean one is maintained



Statement in Response to the Arizona Republic

Statement in Response to the Arizona Republic

Update: The Arizona Republic wrote this article making several false statements including repeating the lie that 2000 Mules was widely debunked. The paid propaganda fact checkers who made this claim based it primarily on the incorrect assumption that geotracking of cell phones is inaccurate. The opposite is true. In a 2018 opinion, Chief Justice Roberts wrote “When the Government tracks the location of a cell phone, it achieves near perfect surveillance as if it had attached an ankle monitor to the phone’s user.” Geotracking is also used constantly by the FBI including to prove Jan 6th protestors entered the capitol building and to hold them indefinitely without charges or trial as political prisoners.

I received the following questions from Mary Jo Pitzl, Senior Reporter at the Arizona Republic:

Do you have a moment to do a quick phone call on the origins of this resolution and what its impact might be?

Does this have any import, beyond making a statement?

Do you see it having any bearing on voter confidence in the upcoming 2022 elections?


Below is my provided written statement in response:

On Tuesday, June 21, 2022 I introduced a resolution Rejecting the certification of the 2020 Presidential Election, similar to that passed by the Texas GOP, which the Maricopa County Republican Committee Executive Board approved UNANIMOUSLY. See the full Resolution below:

MCRC Executive Board
Dated: June 21st, 2022

Be it resolved by the Executive Board of the Maricopa County Republican Committee:

WHEREAS In solidarity with the Republican Party of Texas and their recent Resolution on the 2020 Election;

WHEREAS We believe the 2020 Election violated Article 1 and 2 of the US Constitution, that various secretaries of state illegally circumvented their state legislatures in conducting their elections in multiple incorrect ways, including allowing ballots to be received after November 3, 2020;

WHEREAS The 2000 Mules Documentary irrefutably proves election fraud occurred in Maricopa County during the 2020 Election in the form of ballot trafficking through drop boxes;

WHEREAS We believe that substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.;

WHEREAS The Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 Election found significant inconsistencies and discrepancies;

NOW, THEREFORE, We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States. We strongly urge all Republicans to work to ensure election integrity and correct all fraud and weaknesses identified in the 2020 Election.


Further, this resolution will also be up for approval of the full MCRC Executive Governance Committee (which includes all Maricopa LD Chairs) on Thursday July 7th. PCs, contact your LD chair NOW and encourage them to vote yes on this resolution as well as introduce it during your next LD meeting for approval.

I suggest everyone watch in full the 2000 Mules Documentary which irrefutably proves huge outcome changing levels of fraud in the 2020 election.
if you look at the Therefore section, it is a commitment to take action and work “to ensure election integrity and correct all fraud and weaknesses identified in the 2020 Election.”
Many have already begun this process including the signing of the Arizona Declaration which was signed by hundreds of leaders representing 10s of thousands of voters demanding the above be corrected. The Arizona Declaration was hand-delivered in large 2ft by 1ft poster format to all members of the Arizona House and Senate.
Although HB2289 was not brought to a vote prior to Sine Die, other election integrity bills were passed and the pressure will continue until all are passed.
The goal is to have this resolution and commitment approved at all Legislative Districts including other counties in Arizona. Everyone who does so will also encourage voters to view for themselves in the 2000 Mules Documentary the irrefutable proof of outcome changing levels of fraud.
LDs and other Organizations can easily propose a similar resolution with this template.
As election integrity efforts succeed and further fraud and arrests are made such as recently done in Yuma county and Texas, it will absolutely increase voter confidence in the 2022 elections and beyond.
The above statements represent my opinions and not necessarily those of the entire MCRC EGC or Board.

Listen to the entire interview from the Everything Home Talk Show with Brian Ference regarding the MCRC Executive Board Unanimous Rejection of the 2020 Election (Fast forward to 1 hour 37 minutes and wait a few seconds after for audio to catch up). The segment ends at 2:05 but then fast forward to 2:42 for the fiery interview with Jim O’Connor covering everything from the Arizona Declaration, to Rusty Bowers, to LD3 Bylaws, to Matt Salmon blowing his chance foe Governor (that ends 3:08)

Listen Here:

Template to Introduce 2020 Election Resolution

Template to Introduce 2020 Election Resolution

I have received multiple requests to provide a template for the 2020 Election Resolution that the MCRC Executive Board unanimously adopted. This should be introduced at your Legislative District. If you are living in another state, please just modify the below template to remove the Maricopa specific language and add anything related to your state:


__Insert Org Name Here___

Dated: __Insert Date Here___

Be it resolved by the __Insert Org Name Here___:

WHEREAS In solidarity with the MCRC Executive Board and their recent Resolution on the 2020 Election;

WHEREAS We believe the 2020 Election violated Article 1 and 2 of the US Constitution, that various secretaries of state illegally circumvented their state legislatures in conducting their elections in multiple incorrect ways, including allowing ballots to be received after November 3, 2020;

WHEREAS The 2000 Mules Documentary irrefutably proves election fraud occurred during the 2020 Election in the form of ballot trafficking through drop boxes;

WHEREAS We believe that substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.;

WHEREAS Audits of the 2020 Election found significant inconsistencies and discrepancies;

NOW, THEREFORE, We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States. We strongly urge all Republicans to work to ensure election integrity and correct all fraud and weaknesses identified in the 2020 Election.


If that isn’t easy enough for you, please see this word document template file

Update From Rep Jake Hoffman Speaker Rusty Bowers and Majority Leader Ben Toma Oppose Fully Banning Abortion in Arizona

Rep Jake Hoffman Update: Last night on the floor of the Arizona House of Representatives I attempted to bring a motion to immediately introduce legislation that would fully ban abortions in Arizona.

Majority Leader Ben Toma and the rest of House Republican “Leadership” fought it with more vitriolic fervor than I’ve ever seen them exert on Democrats.

In fact, let’s compare “Leadership’s” very different (and very disappointing) responses to two unscheduled motions that occurred on the House floor in the last 18 months.

In 2021, Rep. Michelle Udall joined with Democrats to stab the Republican caucus in the back by introducing a motion to give taxpayer subsidized university tuition to illegal aliens. Leadership even admitted after the fact that they knew in advance that she was going to do it. How did “Leadership” respond?

▪️Speaker Rusty Bowers feigned soft spoken surprise and did nothing to oppose her motion

▪️Majority Leader Ben Toma quietly snuck out of the House chamber and left the premises before the situation went down, so that he could say he “wasn’t there” for it

▪️Others in leadership generally just threw up their hands and acted like there was nothing that could be done to stop her motion from succeeding

Contrast that with what occurred last night…

I prepared a motion, in concert with the House Clerk’s Office (to ensure that it was in proper form), for the purposes of late introduction and consideration of a measure to “fully ban abortion in the state of Arizona” and that it be voted by the chamber on the third consecutive day. Someone informed “Leadership” of my intent to make the motion in advance. How did “Leadership” respond?

▪️I was warned by one member of “Leadership” not to do it and that they wouldn’t support it if I did.

▪️Speaker Bowers refused to recognize me to speak and instead proceeding directly to Committee of the Whole (COW). (Note: This is within the prerogative of the Chair’s power; however, seldom done. This was an intentional attempt to block the pro-life motion.)

▪️Rep. Mark Finchem, who was brought up to chair COW, refused to recognize me also, which forced Rep. Parker to object and demand a vote to overturn Finchem’s decision not to let me speak.

▪️Majority Leader Toma became so enraged that he was shaking and screamed at me on the floor of the House about how he’s “more pro-life than [I’ll] ever be,” and that our attempt to save tens, possibly hundreds, of thousands of babies lives who will be snuffed out by abortion under our current law was a “political stunt.” He also repeatedly screamed “count to 31 Jake” implying that because we didn’t have 31 Republican members there the motion was doomed to fail. Apparently Toma is unaware of our House Rules because my motion did not need 31 votes to succeed. It simply needed a “majority of those present on the floor” to succeed. For reference, Republicans last night outnumbered Democrats with a cushion. The Sergeant At Arms informed me after the fact that he had begun making his way across the floor to intervene because he was worried Toma was going to punch me.


Giving Taxpayer Subsidized University Tuition to Illegals:
Bowers acted surprised when he wasn’t and did nothing to intervene. Toma left the Capitol so he could say he wasn’t present and wouldn’t be blamed.

Protecting Life in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned:
Bowers tried to block the effort and Toma became so enraged that he screamed absurdities and at least one person thought he was going to physically assault me.

It truly never ceases to amaze me how hard Establishment Republicans will fight the conservative members of their own Party. If only they would direct even a fraction of that same energy toward Democrats, America would not be in the mess we’re in now.

A Video has Emerged with Some of the Exchange:



Violent Insurrection of Arizona Capitol by Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorists State Senate While Lawmakers Conduct the People’s Work

Violent Insurrection of Arizona Capitol by Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorists State Senate While Lawmakers Conduct the People’s Work

On Friday bight, there was a violent Insurrection of Arizona at the Capitol by Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorists. The State Senate was evacuated and tear gas deployed after windows were broken and doors nearly kicked in. These criminals should be immediately arrested on charges of insurrection.

One Senator relayed the sobbing fear of children trapped inside while calling for the creation of a J24 committee similar to January 6th.

Below is a video of the event:


Evidence of AZ Democrats inciting the violence and insurrection:

Statement by the AZ Senate:

Arizona Abortion Law Now in Effect

Arizona Abortion Law Now in Effect

Following the Supreme Courts ruling today, returning the power to the states regarding abortion, 26 states are expected to automatically or quickly outlaw or severely limit abortions. The Arizona Senate released the following, citing just that:

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