Great Way to Get Petition Signatures to Become An Elected PC

If you are a PC who is nervous going door to door, or having difficulty for any reason getting the 20 petition signatures (10 minimum but go for 20) from republican voters in your precinct, a PC & Spouse Signing Party is a great way to put yourself over the finish line.

How exactly does this work? At your next LD meeting or simply with contact information you hopefully have gathered or by working with your Precinct Captain, plan a PC & Spouse Signing Party. At this event, every PC will bring a spouse or family/friend who also lives in your PC and everyone will spend an hour signing the petitions of everyone else. Make it fun by adding some wine and appetizers in a potluck style and take the time to get to know each other.

Remember, the deadline to submit your forms is April 4th.

List of Current Bills I Support

Below is a list of the current bills I support:

HB2596 – One Vote One Day
HB2043 – Employer liability; COVID-19 vaccine requirement
HB2439 – School library books; parental review
HB2495 – Schools; sexually explicit materials; prohibition
SB1010 – Arizona’s outdoors; recreation; supporting
SB1049 – parents’ bill of rights; violation
SB1125 – firearms and equipment; regulation
SB1285 – Election Manual Review
SB1133 – All mail elections prohibited
HB2198 – Termination of Employees due to Jab
SB1125 – 2A
HB2070 – Open meetings
HB2294 – M/F sex only
HB2317 – Border Fence Appropriations
HB2112 – Anti CRT
SCR1008 – Antifa Terrorist Org
SB1010 – School Board Protests
SB1164 – Abortion

For more details see this page:

Become a Paid Poll Worker

Join the ranks of these critical pillars of elections, Become a Paid Poll Worker. We will be recruiting around 2,700 election workers for the August Primary and November General election this year.

  • There are many different poll worker jobs. From team leaders to our technically savvy troubleshooters, these workers come from across Maricopa County.
  • Pay starts at $12.80 and varies depending on the job.
  • Poll workers must be registered to vote in Maricopa County.
  • Being a poll worker is no longer just an Election Day job. We will have voting locations open for 27 days, two weeks, two days, and Election Day.
  • Preview the Poll Worker Exam here

Become a Paid Poll Worker!

Using Request to Speak

Using Request to Speak

The Request to speak (and “voting” for bills) has long been used by democrats to show support for bills. It is time for Republican’s to get involved and support critical bills with your “vote”. The below is assuming that you have already registered and had your account activated (you or someone else must activate in person).

1) Sign in to your ‘Request to Speak’ account to the AZ legislators. This is the platform used to request to comment as the public on any given bill.

2) click “New Request” on left navigation

3) In the “Search Phrase” put in bill number such as 1028 and click the “SEARCH” button

4) Click the “Add Request” button next to the bill you want

5) Select your position such as “For”, (recommended way to vote) if you want to speak, and any comment

6) Click “Submit”

7) Under “Account Management” You can change your name if desired (recommended)

8) Check and update your positions:


Critical Elected PC Nomination Forms and Information

Please see the below links and information for Elected PC Nomination Forms. This was verified with the Maricopa County Election Services Manager. (additional questions can be emailed to them here:

1. PC Nomination Paper (single page one-sided)

2. PC Nomination Petition (one page double-sided, 10 signatures and on reverse attestation and signature of who gathered them).

3. Important Dates (Election is August 2, 2022, First day to file: March 5, 2022, realistically March 7th, Last day to file: April 4, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. with the downtown recorders office

4. Number of Signatures Required Per Precinct


1. Per Election Services Manager, signer must be registered to vote and reside in your Precinct on the date they sign

2. You can sign your own petition once

3. All signers must keep their signature well within the box and fill out all required information without abbreviations of city names etc. (Think official mailing address as it appears on credit card statement)

4. They are should be filed with the recorder’s office with the Elections Department at (Contact Hope Olguin at 602-372-2262 or to make an appointment to file in person):

Office of Maricopa County Recorder
Elections Department – MCTEC
510 South 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Normally, LD chairs arrange to collect them for PCs and make appointments to bring in batches.

5. The question of whether an Independent/PND voter can sign your petitions is one that should be directed to your county party as this is a party office. (Make them Republicans to be safe)

6. To be safe print two of the double sided Petition and gather a total of 20 signatures (or double your required amount see #4 above)

7. Make sure you get a receipt from the recorder’s office!

8. Get started now as March is quickly approaching!

5 MAL Candidates You Can Trust

5 MAL Candidates You Can Trust

During the January 8th MCRC Mandatory Meeting for PCs,
Vote for the 5 MAL Candidates You Can Trust!

It is time for the Republican Party to unite, but to unite behind new, America First leadership. The establishment, progressives were asleep at the wheel and allowed our country to be destroyed. They gave the democrats everything they wanted and did nothing with no consequences. These weak republicans need to admit their mistakes and follow new, strong, America First leadership.

Vote for the 5 Members at Large you can truly trust: Liz Harris, Brian Ference, Kevin Beamon, Lawrence Hudson, and Joanie Carlson

Legislative District 15 voted to censure David S. Schweikert and Debra Kay Lesko

On December 14th, Legislative District 15 voted to censure David S. Schweikert and Debra Kay Lesko, two Republican Members of the US House of Representatives who voted against the will of the American People and all other members of the Freedom Caucus. They chose instead to side with unanimous democrats for the fiscally irresponsible, $440 million dollar, democrat sponsored, HR 550 Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021. HR 550 violates the Medical Privacy and Constitutional Rights of the American People by “improving the secure biderectional exchange of immunization record data among Federal, State, local, Tribal and territorial governmental entities and non-governmental entities”. This Bill provides additional funding for and creates the needed infrastructure to facilitate vaccine passports and further violate freedom and liberties. As noted in Frosty’s Brief’s, Paul Goser voted against the bill saying “The bill will allow the federal government to track unvaccinated Americans, who could be targeted, segregated, and forced to comply with vaccination mandates.” The full text of the bill is only 7 pages long and can be easily read here:

CCUSD $11 Million Bond Soundly Defeated

Thank you to everyone! The Bond was SOUNDLY defeated and the district and board will now have to be held more accountable to the parents!

Taxpayers are currently paying for the CCUSD 2014 bond until 2030. Send a message to the Governing Board, Vote NO on the CCUSD Bond!

Reasons to Vote NO:

  • Fiscally Irresponsible. Passing the bond will result in 2 simultaneous bond taxes.
  • 2 of 5 Board Members voted NO
  • CCUSD has received excessive federal stimulus funding already with no indication on how these monies will be used
  • Enrollments continue to decline as the district fails to listen to the needs of its students
  • Previous bond money has been used on projects not approved by voters resulting in a successful lawsuit against the District and costing taxpayers litigation fees
  • An additional fleet of busses for field trips is unnecessary
  • The district significantly increased sports facility rental fees in 2021 and passed these on to the residents.
  • Includes paying off $11 Million in solar panels early with no indication where that money will then be allocated.
  • CCUSD needs to remove the bylaw that disallows parents from having civil discourse with the school board. As long as they keep shutting parents out, the school district will continue to struggle to maintain student enrollment numbers that they need.
  • CCUSD needs to listen to the residents that pay their way! Until then, we cannot support the CCUSD Bond. Vote NO!

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