Czarny Club Members Cox and Woods File Another Lawsuit Against Republicans in String of Loses

Czarny Club Members Cox and Woods File Another Lawsuit Against Republicans in String of Loses

“Republicans” Carrie Cox and Susan Wood continue to engage in lawfare against grassroot and legitimate Republicans just like democrats during the most critical election time. The two club members of Candace Czarny’s fake LD3 filed CV2024-021952 on August 13, 2024 requesting relief related tolegal power to call and preside over the upcoming Legislative District 3 Statutory Meeting to elect officers. This proves that the private club illegally impersonating LD3 while committing fraud and campaign finance violations always intended to file this lawsuit no matter what. Czarny also states in her club newsletter that is the reason for the lawsuit saying “2 Precinct Committeemen filed a case in Maricopa Superior Court to get an answer on who will be holding the LD3 Statutory Officer and State Committeeman election in 2024.

Timothy La Sota, PLC was again the filing attorney for the plaintiffs. This is yet another example of “Republican” against Republican lawfare from La Sota and other attorneys in a series of losses. The Honorable Judge Frank W. Moskowitz ruled in case CV 2023-004799 that “It does not preclude political parties from holding other LD meetings and elections of officers, which may be necessary due to election contests, vacancies, or removals.” and “Here, the March election did not violate § 16-823.” and “IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED denying Plaintiff’s (Candace Czarny’s) claim for injunctive relief.”

In a related case funded by Czarny and her allies, The Honorable Judge Scott A. Blaney notedTHE COURT FINDS that Plaintiff was not candid with the Court in his sworn testimony. Plaintiff’s answers on cross-examination were evasive and lacked credibility, as did Plaintiff’s demeanor while testifying. and “Plaintiff’s lack of candor under oath greatly undermines his case.” The judge ruled in case CV 2024-008238 that “Plaintiff has failed to establish his entitlement to injunctive relief. Good cause shown, and in the Court’s discretion: IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED denying Plaintiff’s request for a preliminary injunction.”

This latest third filing was met with disgust by the Maricopa County GOP Chair saying “With only 66 days until the General Election, these Precinct Committeemen (Cox and Woods) have chosen to re-litigate a case that has already been brought by Candice Czarny, adjudicated by our courts, and ultimately delivered a victory to Maricopa County Republican Committee and the rightful LD3… It is clear that while we are focused on victory for President Donald Trump and our Republican candidates up and down the ballot, these Precinct Committeemen are focused on intra-party politics and titles that should reflect honor, hard work and servant leadership instead of the petty childish attention they are wishing to attain.” See the response to the frivolous lawsuit already once dismissed by a judge from the Maricopa GOP EGC:

AZGOP Allegedly Displeased with La Sota’s Lawfare Against Republicans

Despite using his services in the past under criminal Jeff Dewit, the AZGOP is allegedly quite displeased with La Sota’s lawfare against Republicans. According to an anonymous first-hand witness, AZGOP Chairwoman Gina Swoboda has communicated to her entire board that “As long as she is Chair, the AZGOP will no longer engage of the services of Mr. La Sota.”

Czarny is Suspended as a PC for 2 Years and Unable to Attend or Hold Elected Office:

  • On December 14, 2023, the MCRC EGC suspended Candace Czarny from LD3 and the County Committee for a period of 24 months saying “Ms Czarny will no longer be recognized by either body nor have any interaction including but not limited to: attendance at county or district meetings, to hold an elected office, any voting rights or any other privileges granted as a precinct committeeman in Maricopa County.”

Demand Free Enterprise Club Cancel Speaking at Fake LD3

Demand Free Enterprise Club Cancel Speaking at Fake LD3

Contact the AZ Free Enterprise Club (602) 385-0757 and DEMAND they cancel speaking at fake ld3 which is not recognized by state, county, and is illegally impersonating a political organization and committing campaign finance violations: Speakers: Free Enterprise Club – April Smith, will be presenting the Propositions on the November Ballots. Fountain Hills, Cave Creek & Scottsdale School Board Candidates. Location: McDowell Mountain Community Center, 16116 N McDowell Mountain Ranch Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85259 Time: 6:00 pm

Disappointed in LD3 Board Withholding Information – Acting Against Will of the Body

Disappointed in LD3 Board Withholding Information – Acting Against Will of the Body

Why do our elections continue to be stolen? Why are rapists and violent criminals released without bond? Why are violations of free speech, the 2nd amendment, and unalienable rights allowed to continue? Why is our border wide open with an invading army pouring through? Why is America being destroyed before our very eyes? Because bad actors are not held accountable with consequences.

I am disappointed in the LD3 Board withholding information and acting against the will of the body. At the July meeting, LD3 voted to suspend PCs who have not attended three consecutive meetings without providing an excuse. The full motion was: “Effective immediately and per the bylaws the body of LD3 will suspend all pcs on the board list who have not attended 3 consecutive meetings or provided a valid reason for absence AND email that list out to all pcs within 10 days (with number of consecutive meetings)”

It makes reference to our LD3 Bylaws ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP Section C. Duties 6. Attend all statutory and mandatory meetings of the District in person. Any PC missing three (3) or more consecutive regular district meetings, without prior notice to the EC, will meet with the Executive Committee, who will determine if the PC should be removed from office. The PC must be notified by the EC a minimum of ten (10) days, prior to the Executive Committee’s vote, to have a chance to respond. Removal from office shall require a majority vote by the Executive Committee. Removal shall constitute an immediate vacancy, which shall be submitted to the EGC per MCRC Bylaws.

It is well known that the removal of PCs in violation has not been completed by the Board. The Suspended list has not been released, and until today no communication was sent for nearly a month. This unfortunately demonstrates a lack of transparency.

Suspension was put forward as a viable alternative with significant precedent set:

  • On December 14, 2023, the MCRC EGC suspended Candace Czarny from LD3 and the County Committee for a period of 24 months saying “Ms Czarny will no longer be recognized by either body nor have any interaction including but not limited to: attendance at county or district meetings, to hold an elected office, any voting rights or any other privileges granted as a precinct committeeman in Maricopa County.”

  • On June 24, 2024, Legislative District 2 voted to suspend PC Christian Lamar, preventing him from attending meetings or voting saying a “recent vote by the Precinct Committeemen of LD2 to expel Christian Lamar from the LD2 business meetings effective immediately and to last at a minimum through October 31, 2024. At which time the newly elected PC’s can determine whether to end or extend the expulsion vote.”
  • AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda (who constantly consults with legal council) said of the matter on June 26th in a public tweet: “Christian Lamar is and remains the AZGOP member at large for CD8. The body of the precinct committeemen in LD2 have every right to take such actions as they deem appropriate at the LD level, however the MAL position falls under AZGOP and Mr Lamar remains in that position until the next officer elections’ – Gina Swoboda, Chair

Arizona Law and Roberts Rules of Order Support It:

A.R.S. 38-291 Vacancy Defined
An office shall be deemed vacant from and after the occurrence of any of the following events before the expiration of a term of office:
1. Death of the person holding the office.
2. Insanity of the person holding the office, when judicially determined.
3. Resignation of the person holding the office and the lawful acceptance of the resignation.
4. Removal from office of the person holding the office, including the removal of a board or commission member by the appointing power before the expiration of the person’s term of office.
5. If the office is elective, the person holding the office ceasing to be a resident of the state, or, if the office is local, or from a legislative or congressional district, the person holding the office ceasing to be a resident of the district, county, city, town or precinct for which the person was elected, or within which the duties of the person’s office are required to be discharged.
6. Absence from the state by the person holding the office, without permission of the legislature, beyond the period of three consecutive months.
7. The person holding the office ceasing to discharge the duties of office for the period of three consecutive months.
8. Conviction of the person holding the office of a felony or an offense involving a violation of the person’s official duties.
9. Failure of the person elected or appointed to the office to file the person’s official oath within the time prescribed by law.
10. A decision of a competent tribunal declaring void the election or appointment of the person elected or appointed to the office.
11. Failure of a person to be elected or appointed to the office.
12. A violation of section 38-296 by the person holding the office.

RONR 61:6 Principles Governing Discipline at Meetings. A society has the right to determine who may be present at its meetings and to control its hall while meetings are in progress; but all members have the right to attend except in cases where the bylaws provide for the automatic suspension of members who fall in arrears in payment of their dues, or where the society has, by vote and as a penalty imposed for a specific offense, forbidden attendance.

Making Decisions Based on Fear or False Legal Interpretations

After Czarny and Lamar were suspended, neither one sued. Czarny’s original lawsuit requesting injunctive relief was denied. The only reason it was even heard instead of being dismissed immediately was because corrupt Jeff Dewit begged the judge to hear it and illegally payed all the legal fees from AZGOP funds. It was eventually dismissed because the court has a long standing precedent of not ruling on inter-party conflicts.

The LD3 Chairman states in a recent email “we have been tracking a current lawsuit brought against the MCRC and Board of Supervisors regarding removal of precinct committeemen”. The current issue is suspension and any litigation on removal (which the judge will most certainly dismiss based on precedent) has no bearing whatsoever on suspension.

The hard truth is that certain members of the board do not want the prescribed consequences for the bad actors of LD3. This acting against the will of the body and refusal to enforce consequences is exactly like the behavior we have seen of the weak Congress, with Republicans voting against even censure or any penalties for Alejandro Mayorkas United States Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. The MCRC on Tuesday censured and disciplined 6 alternate delegates who brought fake challenges without merit, and 40 Republicans publicly supporting Kamala Harris and Ruben Gallego. It is time for the LD3 to follow this example and hold bad actors accountable. On Tuesday I will introduce a motion which clarifies any open questions on suspension including defining it as well as methods of unsuspension once violators come back into compliance. I encourage all to support this motion and demand that the LD3 Board enforce consequences and demand they release the list of suspended PCs. Please contact other PCs and ask that they attend Tuesday’s meeting and support the motion.

Security Video: LD14 Chair Andrew Adams Aggressive Behavior Then Plays Victim Claiming Assault Comparing Himself to Trump Assassination Attempt

Security Video: LD14 Chair Andrew Adams Aggressive Behavior Then Plays Victim Claiming Assault Comparing Himself to Trump Assassination Attempt

UPDATE: Following a one-sided report by FOX News, it is important to note their story ignored that the LD14 Chairman is required to de-escalate any issues with members and follow certain procedures prior to removing a member from the hall. Further, Adams violated their own bylaws:

Subsection 5. Disciplinary Action 1. Any disciplinary action imposed by the District requires a 2/3 vote of the PCs present in person or by proxy and voting.

DECORUM – Roberts Rules of Order 12th Edition: #61:15 The case may be sufficiently resolved by an apology or a withdrawal of objectionable statements or remarks by the offender; #61:11 Calling a member to order. “-as when a member repeatedly questions the motives of other members whom he mentions by name…” “-the chair normally should first warn the member; but with or without such a warning, the chair or any other member can “call the member to order.”, #61:12 Naming an offender REMOVAL FROM THE HALL #61:13 Although the chair has no authority to impose a penalty or to order the offending member removed from the hall, the assembly has that power. #61:16 The offending member can be required to leave the hall during the consideration of his penalty, but he must be allowed to present his defense briefly first. A motion to require the member’s departure during consideration of the penalty- which may be assumed by the chair if he things it appropriate- is undebatable, is unamendable, and requires a majority vote.

Adams did not follow any of the rules or procedures, did not call for a vote for removal, and instead of de-escalating the situation, inflamed and escalated it directly causing the situation caught on tape.

On Monday, July 15, 2024, the Legislative District 14 Chair Andrew Adams was involved in an incident outside the LD14 Meeting. See the below security video which clearly shows Adams in the white/silver shirt and jeans, pointing in the face of several people and acting as the LARGEST and most aggressive physical presence. The alleged attacker in the black shirt is significantly shorter than Adams and has to stand up on tiptoes to even near eye level. After the incident, Adams aggressively pursues him and others. Is this the behavior of an assault victim? Adams has a history of attempting to physically intimidate people in dark alleys, and a pattern of intimidating women, while aggressively censoring any free speech or criticism, and a dark past as a convicted drug dealer.

Adams claims he was assaulted and improperly plays the victim while comparing himself to the Donald Trump assassination saying in a statement:

“Lalani Hunsaker’s Nathan, stood on his tiptoes, said “F you” to me, and then headbutted me. His friend recorded the incident, and the police have been notified. With the attempted assassination of President Trump, the notion that someone identifying as a Republican would resort to violence at our meeting must be condemned in the strongest terms. My daughter was present at the meeting tonight.”

Lalani Hunsaker responded saying:

“This is a complete misrepresentation of the events of this evening. Laurin Hendrix mentioned my son during his “legislative update.” I stood up and asked him to stop. As a mother; I had every right to stand up and defend my child against the slanderous and defamatory accusations alleged by Laurin Hendrix. Unfortunately rather than stopping Laurin; Andrew Adams began yelling at me to sit down. My brother in law who had been invited to the meeting by another PC came to my and my son’s defense by standing up and telling Laurin to stop. It is neglect by Andrew Adams as the Chair of LD14 to allow a political hit against another Republican during an LD meeting. It is gross negligence on the part of the Chair, as he was completely inept at keeping order during the meeting. This political character assault likely was orchestrated and colluded by Andrew Adams and Laurin Hendrix. And is continuing in this fabricated post. Furthermore, my husband did not head but Andrew Adams. That is physically impossible. Andrew was yelling in Nate’s face and Andrew is 6 inches taller than my husband. Nate went on his tiptoes to look Andrew in the eye when Andrew was screaming at him. Nate never said F you. The whole incident is recorded. And video was viewed by the police. No arrests were made and no official report was filled. Finally, I was never given the opportunity to refute the heinous claims that Laurin Hendrix perpetrated and I remained in the meeting until it concluded in hopes of having that opportunity. The ineptitude exhibited tonight at the LD meeting was ridiculous and the fact that Andrew Adams allowed this to happen is reprehensible.”

Adams claims a report was filed and he will be obtaining a restraining order and have banned multiple people from the meeting. This is despite Andrew Adams criticizing a restraining order against his good friend Dan Farley who assaulted a County Member at Large on security camera, striking him in the chest. Unlike with Adams who was acting aggressively, the victim of the below video in the red shirt had his hands behind his back calmly speaking before being struck by Adams friend Farley. Adams referred to the victim of that assault as “not being a man” and falsely accusing the victim of “setting Dan up” see the below video:

Representative David Cook got in on playing victim and spreading false information as well saying in a public post on X that allowed no comments: “This morning I have been informed that Laurin Hendrix AZ State House Representative was almost assaulted (this is curious, what exactly is an “almost assault”?) at a local district meeting in Gilbert last night while speaking to his constituents. The police were called, the chairman of the group intervened and was assaulted. Evidence was seized by the local police. It should be clear after the incident involving President Trump and the victims this past week that in no cases should violence be tolerated regarding political events of any kind.” Cook should be condemning Adams. It is outrageous to compare the events in the Adams video above to an attempted assassination attempt where one audience member was killed and others injured including Donald Trump who was shot in the ear and had he not turned his head would have been killed by a bullet passing through his brain. Cook and Adams should be ashamed and both resign.

SCOOP: LD2 House Candidate Ari Bradshaw Accused of Previously “Selling Cocaine and Psychedelics”

SCOOP: LD2 House Candidate Ari Bradshaw Accused of Previously “Selling Cocaine and Psychedelics”

In an exclusive story, uncontested Republican Primary LD2 Candidate Ari Bradshaw has been accused of previously “selling cocaine and psychedelics” as well as an allegation of selling fentanyl. A series of text messages (warning obscene language) alleging the crime happened in the past when Bradshaw was in college or before. The timing of these events match up with an October 12, 2016 drug arrest of Bradshaw for Marijuana (case number seen at bottom of post).

Bradshaw was also publicly accused of being a “Former drug dealer” by Arizona Young Republican National Committeeman Luke Mosiman (archived link):

Bradshaw responded to my questions saying “I have never seen fentanyl in my life. I will be sending a defamation lawsuit your way.” After explaining to him that I was merely seeking comment on the allegations clearly made by another in a tweet here, and then explaining the burden of proof for defamation and the Arizona Constitution, Bradshaw seemed to backtrack from his legal threats and continued answering questions saying:

“Never was arrested with intent to distribute weed. My father died of suicide following a legal opioid addiction and my cousin died of heroin later on.” 

Bradshaw also made several public statements regarding the allegations, including in a public reply to embattled Senator and frequent First Amendment Violator, Wendy Rogers seen at the bottom of this post.

It is ironic to note that Bradshaw recently leaked a phone conversation between himself and Rogers, accusing Rogers of defending candidate Steve Slaton for allegedly using the “N-word” when describing a black Republican Representative. If that wasn’t enough Irony, Ari produced music for explicit lyrics including the “N-word” and then promoted the single apparently very proud of the lyrics saying “STREAM IT NOW! IT’S A BOP(warning explicit lyrics below)




RNC Re-Adds ProLife in Weakened State to Party Platform After Multi-State RINO Coup Attempts of Delegates

RNC Re-Adds ProLife in Weakened State to Party Platform After Multi-State RINO Coup Attempts of Delegates

UPDATE: Prolife has been added back in by the RNC to the Republican Party platform, but is significantly weakened. View the new version in full here. The new language is weak when it should be strong:

4. Republicans Will Protect and Defend a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of Life We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People. We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).

The AZGOP delegation dissented to the weakened language saying “But on the issue of Life we dissent, and your delegates signed the minority report.” They released the below statement which clearly expresses the dismay of every ProLife Christian:

I have written extensively about the failed RINO Coup Attempt of Arizona Delegates, but many have not heard of the successful coup in Missouri: Missouri RINOs Pull a Fast One — Remove the Pro-Trump Delegates Elected at the State Convention in May or the attempts in South Dakota and several other states by corrupt leaders of the RNC and even the Trump Campaign. The reason now seems clear. Reports are flooding in that the RNC Platform Committee plans to completely remove the longstanding Pro-Life stance from the official Republican Party Platform. Newsmax Host Todd Starnes reported just an hour ago: FROM MILWAUKEE: GOP leadership is dismissing concerns from Evangelical Christians about the party platform. They believe Christians will vote GOP even if pro-life language is stripped from the platform. One evangelical leader was told: “Where else will your people go?” and “Republican Party Platform Committee Members have been told they will not be allowed to bring cell phones to tomorrow’s meeting. Members have also been told they will not be allowed to take copies of platform out of the room” and most concerningly: “The Republicans don’t want to just water down the party platform’s position on the unborn. They want to completely remove it. GOP leadership seems to believe Evangelical Christians will still get their votes even if they jettison the pro-life, pro-traditional family and pro-religious liberty” .

This is disgraceful and completely unethical behavior. Contact your delegates immediately regarding the platform here and contact Chairman Whatley on X and Lara Trump on X demanding they preserve these values in the platform and reinstate all elected delegates or resign.

EXCLUSIVE: Wendy Rogers Illegally Blocking Disabled Veteran in Her Own LD7 & Official Navajo GOP

EXCLUSIVE: Wendy Rogers Illegally Blocking Disabled Veteran in Her Own LD7 & Official Navajo GOP

I previously broke the story of Wendy Rogers, Justin Heap, Gabriella Cázares-Kelly Hit With Cease and Desist for Violating Arizona and US Constitutions and Recent US Supreme Court Ruling. Since that time, Wendy Rogers has doubled-down and is now willfully and intentionally violating her oath of office and the AZ and US Constitutions and has added even more new illegal blocks including a disabled veteran in her own Legislative District 7 and her official county party the Navajo GOP (see screenshots below)

Rogers is foolishly exposing herself to millions in legal liability. Some have suggested that $3 Million in legal penalties would be appropriate; matching the amount she famously raised off of “election integrity” campaigns while not delivering any meaningful results . This type of flagrant disregard for the Constitutions, the Law, the Voters, Veterans, the Republican Party, and Arizona cannot be allowed to stand regardless of if one arrogant Senator votes conservatively or not. Wendy Rogers could not be reached for comment.


Obtained Emails Expose Justin Heap’s Lies and Ever-Changing Story Over Missed PBS Debate

Obtained Emails Expose Justin Heap’s Lies and Ever-Changing Story Over Missed PBS Debate

I have written before about Maricopa Recorder Candidate Justin Heap being caught in multiple lies.

The AZ Daily Independent and AZ Free News both incorrectly reported on the June 11th PBS Maricopa Recorder debate: “just two of the three candidates in the GOP Primary were invited, namely Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer and Don Hiatt. Heap’s absence was notable, public, and embarrassing for the public broadcaster.”

This reporter obtained 2 emails dated April 9, 2024 and June 2, 2024 that clearly show that Justin Heap was invited and were sent to his official (listed as official email on

Just because Justin Heap did not check his legislature email, and then lied about not receiving the email, is no reason for PBS to cover for him and schedule a special one on one interview.

Heap has since made up another lie which AZ Free ran with saying “It wasn’t until later that a request was found emailed to Heap’s official legislative email account. And had he replied to it, political consultants advised, he could be prosecuted for violating state law by using public resources for a partisan campaign.”

This is of course ridiculous. The second email shows Stephen Richer simply replied with his personal email, which Heap could have done as well.

Heap has changed his story multiple times and it is indisputable that he was at a fundraiser instead of the PBS debate.

Wendy Rogers, Justin Heap, Gabriella Cázares-Kelly Hit With Cease and Desist for Violating Arizona and US Constitutions and Recent US Supreme Court Ruling

Wendy Rogers, Justin Heap, Gabriella Cázares-Kelly Hit With Cease and Desist for Violating Arizona and US Constitutions and Recent US Supreme Court Ruling

Republican Senator Wendy Rogers, Republican House of Representatives Justin Heap, and Democrat Pima County Recorder Gabriella Cázares-Kelly were all hit with Cease and Desist letters recently for violating the Arizona Constitution, US Constitution, and recent US Supreme Court ruling against government officials illegally blocking citizens on social media. Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer unblocked nearly 30 accounts following a similar Cease and Desist, rather than face inclusion in a $10 million class action lawsuit.

UPDATE: Wendy Rogers is now blocking HER OWN official county GOP social media:

We will be sending out additional Cease and Desist letters and continuing to help protect the First Amendment rights of citizens on social media. Please share this message on social media and if inclined make a donation here:

BREAKING: Donald J. Trump for President 2024 Director Announces Withdrawal of Challenge to 6 Arizona Delegates

BREAKING: Donald J. Trump for President 2024 Director Announces Withdrawal of Challenge to 6 Arizona Delegates

Just days ago I broke the story of the infamous Mike Gill sent to Arizona to setup delegates and and spread lies and propaganda related to the RINO coup attempt and false narrative of a “brokered convention” which was irrefutably proven false by hard evidence and was completely without merit. In interviews I conducted, the 6 challenged Arizona delegates, who are 100% MAGA Trump supporters, renewed their previous pledge that they would vote for Trump no matter what as they had said all along. The coup attempt was an embarrassment to Lara Trump, the Trump Campaign, the RNC, and Harmeet Dhillon who wrote the false challenge. The 6 Arizona delegates received a barrage of false defamation and unfounded attacks and accusations, as did I, from all across the internet including by Michelle Moore (SheshedTruther), Mike Gill, Dan Farley, Scott McMahan, and many of the establishment and “RINOs” in Arizona and nationwide. Many questioned if the coup attempt was orchestrated from corrupt Arizona advisors to Trump, and corrupt RINOs within the RNC and Trump Campaign itself. Recent questionable endorsements from Trump in Arizona seem to support the theory that all of his Arizona advisors should be fired.

Today, James Blair the Political Director of the Donald J.Trump for President 2024 campaign, released a statement seen below withdrawing the challenges and validating that the RINO coup attempt was based on false information and the challenges completely without merit. Blair attempted to save face by complementing the challengers instead of chastising them, and falsely calling them “true MAGA patriots” which the majority of grassroots MAGA in Arizona knows not to be true. Blair went on to note “Busch’s public clearing of the air and commitment to following the campaign’s lead” that they felt it was “appropriate for the six to withdraw their challenges.” This validates the theory that the challenge came from corrupt advisors within the Trump campaign itself, fed false information by the sour grapes RINO machine in Arizona, who were allegedly seething over their crushing defeat at the State Delegate elections and were desperate to hang on to power.

It is clear that James Blair should resign from his position, as should all of Trump’s Arizona advisors. Whoever they received false advice from in Arizona should be blackballed and no longer trusted. Whatever the outcome, a hard lesson should be learned to validate claims by first checking for actual evidence, instead of trusting the lies of corrupt RINOs in Arizona.

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