“I’m not MAGA, I didn’t vote for Trump the first time and I hoped he would not run again because I believe he is too polarizing.” – Justin Heap August 1, 2023
“Trump is a serial philanderer and womanizer…” – Justin Heap April 9, 2023
“Actually cult rehabilitation is a well studied & documented field of psychology. But like I said, I’m not a Trump supporter. So your accusations are meaningless.” – Justin Heap May 10, 2023
“Which glasses, Honey? I’m not a Trump supporter.” – Justin Heap May 10, 2023
According to reliable sources: “Justin Heap was not a registered Republican during Trump’s presidency. He didn’t register as a Republican until after Biden became president. Registered on June 30, 2017 as an “OTHER” Didn’t register until May 18, 2021 as Republican. And he did NOT VOTE in the 2016 presidential preference election. “
I would love to question Heap on this, but he is a coward and illegally blocks me on X in violation of the Arizona Constitution, US Constitution, and recent US Supreme Court Ruling on social media blocking. Heap does the same illegally to scores of voters. One Precinct Committeeman said “At least 4 others so far have reported that @azjustinheap has blocked them on “X”. So much for openness and transparency. He blocks people from social media, his guys block people from the door, and it seems like Merissa only accepts people who change parties if she is on their payroll.”
Another said “Its a shame, though J.Heap has been caught in multiple líes & though he claims he doesn’t remember all the LIES. IT Lets US know He’s NOT ONLY UNqualified as RECORDER, BUT HES ALSO A lying Heap of ”
One PC said “Heap literally took off his name tag and pretended he wasn’t heap! I was asking him about my 2022 ballot, at a Kari lake town hall. He hoped I didn’t see his name. He literally reaches up, takes OFF his name tag, does a whole lot of nodding as i talk to him, and he passed the buck, saying I should talk to Kari Lake’s people or Maricopa. Then, he stepped away from his table to blend in with the crowd. He literally ran away! So heap, who wants to be recorder…. can’t handle even basic questions about this, or even form an intelligent sentence about it …. If he isn’t curious in the least bit on 2022 (or 2020, it seems) was stolen when someone literally put the evidence in his hand and he walked away, ducked and ran, what is his purpose as recorder?”
On Tuesday May 14, 2024, the body of Legislative District 3 censured AZGOP CD1 Member at Large Merissa Hamilton and demanded she resign that position immediately. The censure referenced the below evidence that Hamilton committed a felony bribe, acting as the broker in an illegal document titled the “LD3 Peace Accord” proposing the creation of two separate legislative districts in violation of A.R.S. §16-823. Legislative district committee; organization. Hamilton and former AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit (who has since resigned) both attempted to push for and offered a felony bribe, violating A.R.S. Title 13. Criminal Code § 13-2602. Bribery of a public servant or party officer. Hamilton admitted to that crime in the below audio recording. The below censure demands that Merissa Hamilton resign from her position as AZGOP MAL immediately. Read the full censure below.
Audio Recording of Merissa Hamilton Admitting Her Crime:
Documented evidence including emails, draft agreement, audio recording, and first hand witness account prove AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit has committed a class 4 felony and is openly violating Arizona Law in a bribery scheme designed to create more division of the Republican Party. This was corroborated by a first hand witness and admitted by Candace Czarny in an email.
A. A person commits bribery of a public servant or party officer if with corrupt intent:
1. Such person offers, confers or agrees to confer any benefit upon a public servant or party officer with the intent to influence the public servant’s or party officer’s vote, opinion, judgment, exercise of discretion or other action in his official capacity as a public servant or party officer; or
2. While a public servant or party officer, such person solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit upon an agreement or understanding that his vote, opinion, judgment, exercise of discretion or other action as a public servant or party officer may thereby be influenced.
B. It is no defense to a prosecution under this section that a person sought to be influenced was not qualified to act in the desired way because such person had not yet assumed office, lacked jurisdiction or for any other reason.
C. Bribery of a public servant or party officer is a class 4 felony.
On December 19, 2023 at 11:10:23 PM MST, AZGOP Member-at-Large Merissa Hamilton sent an email referencing a document titled the “LD3 Peace Accord”. Hamilton was acting as the broker in this deal, which AZGOP Chair later called by phone to push for and offer the bribe. That call was recorded.
Recording of Jeff Dewit Discussing Felony Bribe to Party Officers
Are Turning Point, Charlie Kirk, and Tyler Bowyer just grifters misleading Republicans away from victory while they enrich themselves? The correct way to win is the proven method and success seen in Argentina and Panama, hand counting paper ballots with id. Those countries saw massive conservative victories and their countries are being revitalized like never before. Ballot chasing is proven NOT to work and is all about $ and grifting. Ballot chasing was a massive failure in the Arizona 2022 School Board Elections where Turning Point and others were very actively and publicly ballot chasing yet their position lost in nearly every large budget school district in the state. Arizona is the state in which Turning Point is based.
Perhaps James Woods Put it Best:
Video: Donald Trump Says at NJ Rally “Mail in voting is largely corrupt”:
Proven methods of hand counting with voter ID are scalable and can be done precinct by precinct, district by district, county by county, and state by state.
It is time to pressure Federal and State judges, and Federal and State legislatures to do the right thing and focus on proven strategies that actually work and can defeat ballot fraud and machine fraud.
The Maricopa County Republican Executive Guidance Committee just unanimously passed a Censure of the Arizona Supreme Court Justices for failing to perform their duties fairly and impartially, for violating their oath of office, and for failing to protect Arizona citizens Freedom of Speech, against Election Interference and Manipulation, and for mishandling several lawsuits including those brought by candidates Kari Lake and Abraham Hamadeh. See the full text below:
The Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer has unblocked over 30 social media accounts after being served with the below Cease and Desist letter. This was confirmed with the user accounts, all of who are astounded at the success of our efforts, some of whom have been blocked for years. One expressed his thanks saying, “Just replied to his (Stephen Richer’s) tweet and it was accepted. What did you do? Thank you.” Another wrote “Thank you for your efforts! Also, I’ll gladly donate!”.
The Cease and Desist also allows for other citizens to contact the Recorder or his office with their social media username, requesting to be unblocked:
Maricopa County Recorder 111 S. Third Ave. Phoenix AZ 85003 Phone: 602-506-3535
We will be sending out additional Cease and Desist letters and continuing to help protect the First Amendment rights of citizens on social media. Please share this message on social media and if inclined make a donation here:
On April 26, 2024 at an AZGOP ExComm Board Meeting, new AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda confirmed that former disgraced, resigned AZGOP Chair, and criminal Jeff Dewit did INDEED fully fund the fake Candace Czarny lawsuit against the Maricopa GOP, all the while lying that he wasn’t involved and was “independent” and allowing the party and courts to resolve it. Dewit sent a lying letter to the judge begging for it to be heard(otherwise it would have been dismissed) all the while not disclosing that he was FUNDING the lawsuit. This is a fraudulent use of donations and funds and reveals that it was really Jeff Dewit who was the Democrat Infiltrator, agitator and disruptor who was stoking and funding infighting, division, and #lawfare against his own party all while lying through his teeth like the worthless dog he was. In addition to committing multiple felony bribes, Dewit should be arrested and thrown in prison!
Excerpt from former post:
In a shocking and factually incorrect letter to Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Moskowitz, AZGOP Chair Jeff DeWit sets a never-before-seen precedent that any precinct committeeman disagreement should be litigated in court. He states he is “writing this letter in support..” of “Candace Czarny.” (an authoritarian who has frequently violated bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order, and the 1st and 2nd Amendment to the Constitution and recently convened Nazi-like Tribunals against dissent) and states “We need the help of the court to intervene.” What a precedent to set. Now any disagreement between PCs can go straight to litigation in the courts. DeWit’s letter mentions “a small group of agitators with a complete lack of decorum”. Well on May 24, 2023, 119 of this small group of agitators met for their LD meeting while the Candace Cabal of half the amount reportedly 60 people met. Nothing shows a greater lack of decorum then sending bold-faced lies to a judge. His misleading letter (which was anonymously obtained and shared) and a factual response correcting the false information from a member of the new LD3 Board is below:
Who Is Paying Him? Does McMahan have devotion to a group we don’t know about?
Scott McMahon is a former shady realtor, cult guru leader, and cringe bible podcaster living in Michigan who has recently embraced every RINO and Establishment shill in Arizona, Michigan and other states where grassroots conservatives are fighting corruption in state party GOP politics. McMahan admits to not only voting for Democrat Obama, but also said “I made phone calls for him” and “I campaigned for Obama and cried when he was elected”. McMahan has been grifting for donations through a GiveSendGo campaign, selling merchandise, and paid subscribers to his ‘Substack’ under the ironic name of ‘Bigger Truth’ as he pushes propaganda and wild untruths about everyday citizens who are fed up with corruption. One of his main narratives is that the grassroots of the GOP has been infiltrated by “communists.” And yet the people he lies about are well known in their communities, while he himself seems to have materialized out of thin air. In reality, his show runs only straight lies and propaganda. He blocks anyone on X that disagrees, having already blocked dozens of conservatives offering up factual truth or corrections to his lies. He also continually deletes any comments from youtube and other channels that expose his fictional narratives. One thing has become abundantly clear as his podcast guest list in various states shows: anyone who goes on his show is either an unwitting pawn of the uni-party or an out and out corrupt actor/operator. There are simply not honest people talking to him and given his sorry lack of viewership he is obviously being paid by someone in the effort to destroy grassroots constitutional conservatism. Perhaps the most disturbing is McMahan’s history of misleading large numbers of people again and again.
For Someone Who Constantly Accuses Others of Being in Cults, McMahan Admits HE Was Involved At Least 2 Separate Sex/Terrorist Cults and Led One as a Guru
In several video episodes, McMahan directly admits his involvement in multiple cults including leading one. Searches reveal multiple failed LLCs in several states tied to McMahan including Living Earth Villagewhich according to a 2011 social media post by McMahan is “a permaculture subdivision concept, where each family creates a space of love for themselves on their own parcel…We will build our own school, community center, resort and spa, retail stores, amphitheater, and more. Our goal is to connect deeply with Nature and practice permaculture on our own land to live prosperous, healthy, and happy lives with our families and neighbors.”
McMahan founded the Living Earth Village cult in Arizona several years ago and according to screenshots found at the bottom of this post, McMahan tried unsuccessfully to raise $400 Million. Along with his art major from Arizona State University (he did not graduate) McMahan lists his primary skills on LinkedIN (profile now deleted) as “magic” and “permaculture”. He admits on video that he was “involved in a cult”
McMahan admits he was indoctrinated by false ideas in college. He also spoke frequently about Rajneesh, an Indian occult guru. “I was in Osho” Rajneesh, also known as Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, and later as Osho, was an Indian godman, philosopher, mystic, and founder of the Rajneesh movement. It was recognized as a sex cult. It is worthwhile to point out that Osho engaged in a major election interference campaign. “In the fall of 1984, hundreds of people in The Dalles, Oregon fell ill with salmonella. Members of a cult had sprinkled the bacteria on salad bars in 10 fast-casual restaurants across Wasco County. First came the stomachaches and chills. Then, vomiting spells and diarrhea. Finally, for 45 of them, hospitalization. Though no one died, 751 people fell victim to what remains today the largest bioterror attack in American history, more severe than the anthrax attacks of the early aughts. A CDC probe initially blamed the outbreak on improperly-trained food handlers, but a more exhaustive investigation soon revealed it was the work of the followers of cult leader Baghwan Shree Rajneesh (who called himself Osho). His charisma was so all-encompassing that he managed to amass tens of thousands followers across the world who swore by his freewheeling attitudes towards sex. Many of these acolytes were concentrated in the Oregon city of Antelope, renamed Rajneeshpuram after his followers had migrated there.”
The group had hoped the contamination of ten salad bars would incapacitate so many voters in the Dalles city that their own two candidates would win the Wasco County elections. McMahan joined the cult AFTER this attack, with full knowledge of what they had done.
McMahan goes on to say “The cult I became a part of was like Scientology and they had this machine” and “Evil spirits were coming and controlling this machine. I had a side hustle as a fortune teller.” and “I was this guru, I had clients all over the world”
McMahan admits being in a SECOND cult called “To self master” and mentions the “truth machine”.
Troubled Financial Past Creates Opening for RINO Donors to Pay Him For Targeted Propaganda Campaign:
McMahon formerly produced the “Energy Transmission Podcast” and charged $200 for a 1 hour private session, $600 monthly, $1500 quarterly, and $5700 annually for his “services”.
“It didn’t take long for my income to completely dry up”. McMahan admits to several failed ventures including as cult leader and fortune teller. The McMahan Real Estate Team was active from Oct 2015 to March 2021 according to LinkedIN. By his own admission, McMahan was forced to sell his vehicle in 2023 and was “unemployed”. In January 2024, McMahan declared himself a “journalist” and began creating fictional narratives about conservative grassroots political activists. The meat of any of McMahan’s interviews or theories is lies, half-truths, hearsay, and conjecture and avoids any actual evidence like the plague. They frequently include enemies lists and name people to demonize. Where is his funding coming from? In the past, McMahan claimed he was employed by the Lapeer Tribune, however, there is no publishing history there. A search on their site shows zero results.
The following X post from known violent, racist, narcissist grifter RINO Dan Farley clearly shows his connection to McMahan and likely that he was the one who brought him into the Arizona politics.
The two are also connected by the “Tea Party”. Dan Farley falsely claims to be a Tea Party President in several states. Below McMahan mentions presenting at a Tea Party Meeting.
Is this another attempt by Farley to create division through lies and trying to destroy the Republican Party? If not Farley, who is paying for McMahan to conduct and produce daily podcast interviews and conduct “hours of research” while not working any type of paid job after a troubled financial past and while going through a divorce?
The answer is simple: the unseen hand of the deep state is funding him. To the real puppeteers, money is no object. When they need more, they print more. Though McMahan is extremely rotten low hanging fruit, if we were to uncover where the money comes from, it would tell a great deal.
McMahan is clearly evidencing loyalties to a group he is not disclosing. The deep state occult loves a devotee, especially one like McMahan who takes perverse pleasure in slandering honest people.
McMahan has publicly supported Ron Desantis over Donald Trump:
McMahan is the Fake Christian He Portrays Others to Be:
According to first-hand witnesses in Michigan, McMahan “advocates for electronic voting, a softened stance on abortion, and claims to be a Christian but in many of his videos slanders Christians and those praying as ‘anarchists’, ‘communists’, ‘cult members’, and ‘extremists’.”
At 11 minutes into the above video, Scott states “there is no Truth in the church and Christianity” and that he “grew up in Sedona Arizona and got involved in new age early” he claims “Dream City church is the center of the disruptors.”
In a “Christian testimony” video on Good Friday, McMahan admits his wife is divorcing him because he “just wanted her affection so much” and “idolized her”. This is a huge narcissistic red flag that points to a delusional megalomaniac complex. McMahan’s wife is certainly not divorcing him for these reasons.
McMahan admits to ordering a “spirit machine” which he knowingly used to deceive others and make money. McMahan claims he has it stored in a closet currently and no longer uses it.
In his Good Friday video, McMahan admits “My mind was tied up in all these knots”. He speaks extensively about Islam and says:
“I had such strong feelings against Christians”
“Everything I know is probably not true”
“I still didn’t see myself as a sinner in need of a savior”
For McMahan to go after reputable freedom fighting Christian people like this tells all: McMahan is an obvious biblical wolf in sheep’s clothing. As the apostle Paul once warned “After my departure savage wolves will come in amongst you, not sparing the flock.” (Acts 20:29)
(1 John 4) “Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
Disturbing Connections to Those Trying to Mislead Hundreds, Cause Division and Confusion, and Destroy the Republican Party
“I was selling timeshares at the time. You can’t sell timeshares without lying” (This is incredibly interesting as one of his show guests was fake LD3 Chair Candace Czarnywho was also living in Sedona at one time, was also involved in New Age and Ouiji Boards and “disc magic”, and is an admitted “White Witch”. She was also a failed timeshares saleswoman and sued Hyatt for 9 years when she was terminated for incompetence. Czarny is also tied to Dan Farley mentioned above. The deposition of Candace’s former manager in the lawsuit is incredibly revealing. See the below videos: )
Higley Unified School District is seeking another 15% override and an $83.1-million bond on the November ballot. This includes over $29 Million for Williams Field High School– the EXACT school where on in June 2023 Teacher Rudy Trujillo was suspended for 2 years over sexually grooming multiple students. Trujillo messaged one student “I’m sure you can out smoke me” speaking of marijuana use and “I’ve seen so many crochet tops with nipples pointed through” to a female student. Upon being interviewed, one student “believed she was being groomed.” Trujillo admitted to “sending many more messages to former and current students.” See excerpts below of the investigation.
HUSD Assigns Sexually Explicit Reading Assignments Including Teen Drug Use, Teen Sex, Abortion, Teen Sex and Homosexual Sex
@higleydistrict Contemporary Lit Intro reading assignment contained a book choice with sexually explicit material. Written parent’s consent was required:
“Higley sweeps a lot of stuff under the rug. Including writing up teachers at the elementary school that complained about Dunton.” said another anonymous commentator close to the story.
The Highly Board Members Made Some Ironic Remarks, Given this Breaking News of Sexual Misconduct:
“I would ask you to look at Queen Creek, Chandler, Gilbert and other Arizona schools who have developed more lax dress codes. We want teachers to be teaching and not having to waste time measuring a girl’s shirt or making a girl feel uncomfortable.” – Tiffany Shultz, Governing Board President
So Tiffany’s concern is about making a girl feel uncomfortable about clothes but not a Teacher sexually assaulting her?
“I believe Higley is doing that, we have remarkable academic programs, high student achievement, athletic programs, and extracurricular activities that continue to make Higley a wonderful place to receive an education.” – Amanda Wade, Governing Board Member
Not so wonderful after all. Is grooming and predation by teachers the kind of extracurricular activites you meant Amanda?
A FULL Investigation is needed immediately along with an immediate and transparent email and statement from the Higley USD Board and Superintendent to ALL Parents of the district calling for other victims to come forward and providing support. The HUSD Board members should be investigated and removed for any involvement in multiple coverups. Vote NO on any bonds until they are all removed and the Grooming stops!
Senator Rogers has now crossed another line and is actively violating Freedom of Speech and the Right of Citizens to Petition their Government for Redress in real life. On Tuesday, April 17th, 2024, Senator Rogers had two LD25 Precinct Committeemen Aaron Kotzbauer and Jessy Graham, removed from a General Flynn movie premier held at Arizona Christian University in Glendale Arizona. In an exclusive Interview Kotzbauer confirmed that he paid $400 for a VIP ticket and took the above photo with General Flynn.
Kotzbauer posted the following publicly on social media:
“We support General Flynn, until Wendy Rogers had us kicked out. Rumor has it….. I assaulted her….. VERBALLY. Thin skinned much? An Arizona State Senator, Retired Colonel, unable or unwilling to take criticism.”
According to Kotzbauer he went back to the lobby to buy one of Flynn’s books when he saw Senator Rogers and told her in a calm voice “There’s no money here, Wendy, you can leave, we don’t need grifters here” Rogers Husband, (yes, Mr. Rogers), immediately took offense and demanded “What did you say!?”
Kotzbauer calmly repeated the statement and turned and walked away.
Shortly after 7 presumably armed security guards from the Flynn organization attempted to escort him out. When Kotzbauer asked why, they replied that “he had verbally assaulted Senator Rogers”. Which was a lie. Kotzbauer refused to leave showing them his ticket. The security told Kotzbauer he had been trespassed and demanded he leave. Kotzbauer then “asked to see the trespass and requested the police be called.”
Flynn’s security then contacted Campus Security and three more guards arrived. One of them physically placed his hand on Kotzbauer’s arm, committing an actual physical assault. After demanding a $400 refund, Kotzbauer was expelled along with Jessy Graham since they had arrived together, though she was not involved in any way.
Kotzbauer has vowed to “Continue to expose Wendy Rogers”
Listen to a Segment of the Interview Here
The Irony here is the movie is called Flynn Movie: Deliver the Truth. Whatever the Cost. I suppose Flynn means unless it is inconvenient for his friend Wendy Rogers. Then the Truth should not be delivered but rather suppressed.
“Obtaining accurate data for abortions is challenging, and especially so for unsafe abortion. Two-thirds of nations do not have the capacity to collect data, and data collection varies from country to country in both quantity and quality”
So they just made the numbers up!
Unsafe abortion: global and regional estimates of incidence of unsafe abortion and associated mortality in 2003. Reproduced with the permission from the World Health Organization.
73,000,000 babies murdered per year. There is your bloodbath.
Let’s do some math: Estimated 68,000 women dead divided by 73 million babies dead is .093 % less than a tenth of 1%. And a significantly smaller killer of woman than nearly every other major cause of death.