2017 Powered By Indie New Years Writing Goals & Resolutions

2017 Powered By Indie New Years Writing Goals & Resolutions

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Below are a list of my 2017 New Years Resolutions & Goals focusing on writing, indie publishing and self publishing:

  1. Write one book a year for next five years (I am currently 4 chapters into the second book Purgatory of the Werewolf)
  2. Grow my mailing list (Subscribe today for a free copy of book one and a chance to win book two!)
  3. Reach 50 reviews for my first Werewolf Book on Amazon (19 so far)
  4. Reach Bestseller in Amazon category
  5. Create an audio version of first book
  6. Finish design of cover for 2nd book
  7. Travel to New Zealand and Australia to promote my book
  8. Eat healthy, live well, and strengthen relationships

What are your New Years Resolutions & Goals? Please share by commenting here.

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