by Brian Ference | News
I have written before about Wendy Rogers illegally violating the First Amendment Rights of voters, violating the recent US Supreme Court ruling, and violating the Arizona Constitution regarding Freedom of Speech and how Wendy Rogers has failed to take any meaningful action aside from fundraising.
Senator Rogers has now crossed another line and is actively violating Freedom of Speech and the Right of Citizens to Petition their Government for Redress in real life. On Tuesday, April 17th, 2024, Senator Rogers had two LD25 Precinct Committeemen Aaron Kotzbauer and Jessy Graham, removed from a General Flynn movie premier held at Arizona Christian University in Glendale Arizona. In an exclusive Interview Kotzbauer confirmed that he paid $400 for a VIP ticket and took the above photo with General Flynn.
Kotzbauer posted the following publicly on social media:
“We support General Flynn, until Wendy Rogers had us kicked out. Rumor has it….. I assaulted her….. VERBALLY. Thin skinned much? An Arizona State Senator, Retired Colonel, unable or unwilling to take criticism.”
According to Kotzbauer he went back to the lobby to buy one of Flynn’s books when he saw Senator Rogers and told her in a calm voice “There’s no money here, Wendy, you can leave, we don’t need grifters here” Rogers Husband, (yes, Mr. Rogers), immediately took offense and demanded “What did you say!?”
Kotzbauer calmly repeated the statement and turned and walked away.
Shortly after 7 presumably armed security guards from the Flynn organization attempted to escort him out. When Kotzbauer asked why, they replied that “he had verbally assaulted Senator Rogers”. Which was a lie. Kotzbauer refused to leave showing them his ticket. The security told Kotzbauer he had been trespassed and demanded he leave. Kotzbauer then “asked to see the trespass and requested the police be called.”
Flynn’s security then contacted Campus Security and three more guards arrived. One of them physically placed his hand on Kotzbauer’s arm, committing an actual physical assault. After demanding a $400 refund, Kotzbauer was expelled along with Jessy Graham since they had arrived together, though she was not involved in any way.
Kotzbauer has vowed to “Continue to expose Wendy Rogers”
Listen to a Segment of the Interview Here
The Irony here is the movie is called Flynn Movie: Deliver the Truth. Whatever the Cost. I suppose Flynn means unless it is inconvenient for his friend Wendy Rogers. Then the Truth should not be delivered but rather suppressed.
by Brian Ference | News
Let us explore the exaggerated and false claim that “without legal medical abortions, a bloodbath of womens deaths will occur“:
This is with this disclaimer however:
“Obtaining accurate data for abortions is challenging, and especially so for unsafe abortion. Two-thirds of nations do not have the capacity to collect data, and data collection varies from country to country in both quantity and quality”
So they just made the numbers up!
Unsafe abortion: global and regional estimates of incidence of unsafe abortion and associated mortality in 2003. Reproduced with the permission from the World Health Organization.
According to the WHO This Year:
- over 2.7 million will die from Coronary artery disease
- 1.7 million from stroke
- 897K from Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- 872K from Lower respiratory track infection
- 504K from lung diseases and lung cancers
- 471K from Diabetes mellitus
- 413K from car accidents
- 408K from Diarrhoeal diseases
- 381K from Tuberculosis
- 370K from Cirrhosis of the liver
- 348K from Kidney diseases
- 298K from HIV/AIDS
- 264K from Hypertensive heart disease
- 244K from Liver Cancer
- 234K from Colorectal cancer
- 234K from Suicide
- 224K from Stomach Cancer
Now compare that to how many Babies are aborted per year.
73,000,000 babies murdered per year. There is your bloodbath.
Let’s do some math: Estimated 68,000 women dead divided by 73 million babies dead is .093 % less than a tenth of 1%. And a significantly smaller killer of woman than nearly every other major cause of death.
by Brian Ference | News
Watch the video below of Maricopa County Board of Supervisor Clint Hickman being laughed and jeered at by citizens as he attempted to compare public comments made in an official meeting on March 27, 2024 to receiving death threats and the accused being arrested and imprisoned. This was a clear attempt to intimidate and threaten the public. The people were not having any of it. This video was not altered or enhanced in any way and you can watch the original yourself during the last 3 minutes of the recording and their official YouTube Channel.
Video: MCBOS Clint Hickman Laughed at and Jeered As He Attempts to Intimidate the Public
by Brian Ference | News
Candace Czarny was NEVER the Chair of LD3. Last night, 223 credentialed LD3 Precinct Committeemen elected 92 State Delegates. PCs from Czarny’s private club attended Bob Gomez’s real LD3 meeting and voted. Czarny was the #146th highest vote getter receiving only 52 votes.
There was no other caucus, there is no other list.
Czarny and other criminal RINOs like Jeff Dewit, Dan Farley, and Merissa Hamilton misled with propaganda, lies, and fear for over a year and suffered permanent, undeniable, and total defeat. The one and only LD3 Chaired by Bob Gomez achieved permanent, undeniable and total victory. MAGA America First wins again against the lies and deceit of Liberals Identifying As Republicans (LIARS)
by Brian Ference | News
After my recent post on Republicans blocking voters on social media in violation of the First Amendment and the US Supreme Court’s recent ruling, AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda has relented and the AZGOP has begun unblocking elected State Committeemen and Precinct Committeemen. This proves the effectiveness of our strategy. Because of their action, they will no longer be named in the $10 Million Class Action Lawsuit. Will they use their influence to instruct the many other elected Republicans illegally violating the Constitution to do the same? Is a government official or elected politician blocking you? Please report it and we will demand they unblock you on your behalf:
Report Blocking
List of Republicans Still Violating the First Amendment and US Supreme Court Ruling Who are Liable and Named in the $10 Million Class Action Lawsuit:
Stephen Richer
Wendy Rogers
Dozens of Arizona Republican voters who voted for Wendy have come forward, complaining that she has violated their First Amendment Rights by unconstitutionally blocking them on X, which has been upheld by 3 Federal Courts. In January 2019, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed a lower court ruling in Davison v. Loudoun Cty. Bd. of Supervisors that blocking people on social media is viewpoint discrimination in its most natural form. The Court ruled that government officials are “strictly limited” in their ability to regulate private speech in public forums—even in forums they create on social media. Similarly, Leuthy et al. v. LePage (2018), a court ruled that blocking people who disagreed with Governor LePage of Maine, constituted not only viewpoint discrimination, but government censorship as well. Perhaps most importantly, as it involved the nation’s highest office, in July 2019 the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court decision by ruling unanimously that President Trump’s practice of blocking critics on social media violates the First Amendment. The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled “when state actors enter the virtual world and invoke their government status to create a forum” for expression, “the First Amendment enters with them.”
One voter Renata had this to say: “Sen. Rogers represents AZ and she just blocked me and Brian @BrianFerence1 we are her AZ constituents. We voted for her. Why she blocked us? Just for asking legitimate questions about AZ fair and transparent elections status? Or for how she made over 3 millions and then bought a house for $750,000? She was running her campaign on behalf of the AZ People who voted for her because she promised to clean up election fraud in AZ. But instead she got herself a huge house with the hangar in Chandler AZ. Previously she lived in Tempe AZ, but she was saying that she is from Flagstaff AZ. This is UNACCEPTABLE! Arizona Patriots, it is a time to hold ACCOUNTABLE all of these people, including Wendy Rogers.”
Joseph Chaplik
Chaplik’s violations were well documented and despite being sent a Cease and Desist on April 19, 2023, he has continued to violate the first Amendment rights of his constituents.
Warren Petersen
Justin Heap
Justine Wadsack
Anthony Kern
Matt Gress
Jack Sellers
by Brian Ference | News
Update: After my recent post on Republicans blocking voters on social media in violation of the First Amendment and the US Supreme Court’s recent ruling, AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda has relented and the AZGOP has begun unblocking elected State Committeemen and Precinct Committeemen. This proves the effectiveness of our strategy. Because of their action, they will no longer be named in the $10 Million Class Action Lawsuit. Will they use their influence to instruct the many other elected Republicans illegally violating the Constitution to do the same? Is a government official or elected politician blocking you? Please report it and we will demand they unblock you on your behalf.
Supreme Court March 15, 2024 Ruling: Social Media Blocking By Elected Officials Exercising their State Authority in Speaking Violates the First Amendment Rights of Constituents – In Violation are AZGOP, Republican, and Democrat Officials – Cease and Desist and Donations Sought in Funding for $10 Million Class Action Lawsuit
The Supreme Court ruled on March 15, 2024, that “such speech by government officials can be attributed to the state, and thus subject to First Amendment scrutiny, only if the person involved has the authority to speak on the state’s behalf and if the official purported to be exercising that authority on the social media platform. The standard set by the court Friday applies to all government officials.” The ruling upholds O’Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier in which the San Francisco-based 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the parents, the Garniers who sued the School Board Trustees under 42 U. S. C. §1983, seeking damages and declaratory and injunctive relief for the violation of their First Amendment rights, concluding that the social media pages were a public forum protected by the First Amendment, which meant the government could restrict the speech of voters based on their views. – USA Today
Justice Amy Coney Barrett: “Social accounts viewed as official communication channels allow for lawsuits when they’re used to speak on the state’s behalf.” and “Supreme Court rules public can sue officials who block, mute them on social media” – Post Millennial.
There are clear violations of dozens of Elected State Officials in Arizona; some of which but not all are listed as Defendants below. This is a Cease and Desist and Public Notice of Intent to file a Class Action Lawsuit seeking $10 Million in damages and declaratory and injunctive relief. The goal is to once and for all send a clear message that First Amendment violations of elected officials blocking constituents on social media will not be tolerated. Elected Officials can avoid litigation by IMMEDIATELY unblocking @BrianFerence1 and ANY Constituent that requests it through their office, email, phone, letter, or social media communication.
A Give Send Go Campaign has been launched. Please donate to support the legal expenses needed. We are currently seeking additional lawyers to join the team. When restitution is obtained from the Defendants, all donations will be repaid. Please also immediately contact Elon Musk, Twitter/X, the ACLU, and other Social Media Companies requesting they provide additional funding and lawyers to join the legal team of this Class Action Lawsuit. Please also request that these social media companies immediately implement a policy change banning all elected officials from blocking features.
(Please Contact Me to add a list of Democrat or other Republican elected officials blocking their Constituents on Social Media)
Defendants Blocking One or More Constituents:
Stephen Richer
Wendy Rogers
Dozens of Arizona Republican voters who voted for Wendy have come forward, complaining that she has violated their First Amendment Rights by unconstitutionally blocking them on X, which has been upheld by 3 Federal Courts. In January 2019, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed a lower court ruling in Davison v. Loudoun Cty. Bd. of Supervisors that blocking people on social media is viewpoint discrimination in its most natural form. The Court ruled that government officials are “strictly limited” in their ability to regulate private speech in public forums—even in forums they create on social media. Similarly, Leuthy et al. v. LePage (2018), a court ruled that blocking people who disagreed with Governor LePage of Maine, constituted not only viewpoint discrimination, but government censorship as well. Perhaps most importantly, as it involved the nation’s highest office, in July 2019 the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court decision by ruling unanimously that President Trump’s practice of blocking critics on social media violates the First Amendment. The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled “when state actors enter the virtual world and invoke their government status to create a forum” for expression, “the First Amendment enters with them.”
One voter Renata had this to say: “Sen. Rogers represents AZ and she just blocked me and Brian @BrianFerence1 we are her AZ constituents. We voted for her. Why she blocked us? Just for asking legitimate questions about AZ fair and transparent elections status? Or for how she made over 3 millions and then bought a house for $750,000? She was running her campaign on behalf of the AZ People who voted for her because she promised to clean up election fraud in AZ. But instead she got herself a huge house with the hangar in Chandler AZ. Previously she lived in Tempe AZ, but she was saying that she is from Flagstaff AZ. This is UNACCEPTABLE! Arizona Patriots, it is a time to hold ACCOUNTABLE all of these people, including Wendy Rogers.”
Joseph Chaplik
Chaplik’s violations were well documented and despite being sent a Cease and Desist on April 19, 2023, he has continued to violate the first Amendment rights of his constituents.
Kerry Baker – PVUSD Board Member
Warren Petersen
Justin Heap
Justine Wadsack
Anthony Kern
Gina Swoboda, Jeff Dewit and AZGOP – AZGOP Chair Swoboda recently was/is a paid employee/consultant by the Arizona Legislature. The AZGOP is violating the Republican Party Platform, and has no authority whatsoever to block elected State Committeemen and Precinct Committeemen. The AZGOP sets a bad example and exhibits considerable influence over elected officials within the State of Arizona. Plaintiffs have reason to believe that much of the blocking by Elected Officials was initiated by the former AZGOP Chairman Jeff Dewit (who recently resigned over felony bribery accusations) spreading false propaganda and lies.
The Supreme Court Clarified “Lindke v. Freed (22-611) – A public official who prevents someone from commenting on the official’s social-media page engages in state action under 42 U. S. C. §1983 only if the official both (1) possessed actual authority to speak on the State’s behalf on a particular matter, and (2) purported to exercise that authority when speaking in the relevant social-media posts.”
by Brian Ference | News
First-hand reports have been pouring in of the Illegal sham of an election in Legislative District 4 (the second largest and wealthiest in the state). 10 days ago, RINO LD4 Chair Dan Farley and a close ally of resigned AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit also resigned. Farley endorsed his lackey Morgan Perry who ran the meeting with a tyrannical fist to steal the outcome. In this process, reports of as many of 75 precinct committeemen not receiving the required call letters, and 14 PCs who were previously approved by the Maricopa Board of Supervisors as appointed PCs were denied the right to vote. The final outcome was Morgan Perry 90 votes, Karin Royster 80 votes. The LD4 bylaws were cited as the reason the 14 PCs were disenfranchised. However, bylaws cannot violate statute and these clearly do. You are a PC once the MCBOS approves the appointment. Yet they were denied. This is an outcome changing steal.
The County Chair and many others were denied entry to the meeting by Perry and supporters in direct violation of Bylaws.
One thing to note is how few total votes there were, only 170 for the second largest LD in the state? Perhaps this is because many were not properly notified as required.
This election was clearly stolen and cannot be allowed to stand. Contact the MCRC Executive Board Here
According to the Recorder, LD4 had 431 pcs on 2/2/2024 and on 2/7/2024 the MCBOS voted to approve 14 more LD4 appointed pcs bringing the total to 445. Why did only the low number of 170 vote for their LD4 Chair? Was it because the call letter was not properly sent out to all LD4 PCs as required?
by Brian Ference | News
It has been confirmed that coward, psychopath RINO LD4 Chair Dan Farley has resigned in disgrace and will now focus full time on enriching himself, likely by grifting off ballot chasing. I win Dan. So does Arizona. You should seek forgiveness from God. It has been over a year since Dan Farley assaulted me on video. Dan has never apologized and only demonized the victim like any violent abuser would.
Four months after being censured and his resignation demanded by the Maricopa County Republican Committee for attempting to destroy the Republican Party and helping block over 200 PC appointments for over 2 months, Dan Farley has finally resigned. This was forced by the fact that he has held only 1 Legislative District meeting in 8 months and would have otherwise been removed by the Precinct Committeemen in LD4. Now Dan seeks to place his hand-picked toadie and near identical replacement Morgan Perry in his spot.
Dan Farley Resignation Letter
Dan Farley Security Camera Assault
Per witnesses, Brian (Red Shirt) and Dan (White Shirt) were “standing 3 feet apart” and Brian was “defenseless with hands behind his back” having a “pretty civil conversation and (Brian’s) tone didn’t change at all” about “Define a RINO?”. The answer given was Liz Cheney and Rusty Bowers. Then Dan “struck you with an audible thud and I saw you fly backwards…he pushed you back 3 feet”. Witnesses heard Dan say, “you’re a f**king a**hole”. Brian responded, “Dan that was assault”. As he was leaving, Dan stopped and then yelled again, “you’re a f**king a**hole”.
Slow Motion Replay:
Dan Farley Email 10/7/22 Saying 1/3 of Republicans are Money Grubbers, 1/3 are Nazis:
Dan Farley Censured by Maricopa County Republican Committee EGC including Majority of Board and All LD Chairs – Demand His Resignation for his Role in Colluding with the MCBOS and Blocking 200+ PC Appointments for 8+ Weeks and Attempting to Destroy the Republican Party
Video Dan Farley and Goons Swap Out Censure in Attempt to Deceive PCs
Video Shows LD4 Chair Dan Farley, Joe Junker, and “Parliamentarian” Dan Grim in a dishonest attempt to deceive the PCs and swap out the subject of a censure which is OUT OF ORDER as it violates Roberts Rules of Order 12th Edition #12:6 Amend – “An amendment must always be germane – that is, closely related to or having bearing on the subject of the motion to be amended. This means that no new subject can be introduced under pretext of being an amendment.” Dan Grim, Joe Junker and Dan Farley knew this but instead proceeded in the lie. They cannot be trusted and should be removed from all leadership as you can hear the PCs in the video saying. Fortunately the illegal amendment failed and the true one passed.
Dan Farley Supports a Chinese-Like Social Credit for Republicans:
Dan Farley Defends the FBI, Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer, and MCBOS Chairman Bill Gates:
Remember that time Dan Farley stuck up for the FBI, his buddies Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer, and MCBOS Chairman Bill Gates–defending them publicly in Republican Briefs?
“Dan Farley, LD 4 Chairman, sent an email message to MCRC EGC members Sunday morning expressing opposition to the censures as well as the manner in which the censures were presented to the EGC members. Ference is one of several board members who have recently pushed through the censures of Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates and the FBI. Without naming Ference in his letter, Farley questioned the timing and effectiveness of the censures. Farley message to Ference on Sunday: Fellow MCRC EGC Members – I have seen what seems to be an alarming trend emerging in our MCRC EGC meetings. We commonly have an agenda and someone interjects to add another censure/recall/resignation motion to the agenda and we spend considerable time on it. The last one which passed our body criticized Stephen Richer for things that aren’t even in his job duties, which doesn’t reflect well on us. It makes us look like we don’t know what we’re talking about. What did passing this censure accomplish? Has Richer resigned? What if he did, then where would we be? It called for a recall as an option, is there an understanding of the recall process, how laborious it is and how it benefits Dems if it is done? We are in the midst of a general election cycle! Richer is providing us more information at MCRC than he is required to. Is the best timing to do something like this now? I am tired of our meetings being hijacked by the same person for censures. It feels tyrannical and haphazard by the actions of this person, implying a purity test each time a censure is introduced, no matter how well or poorly thought out it is.”
The clear sabotage of printers in only Republican areas under Richer and Gates in the 2022 General election and the release of “The Twitter Files” proves both the Richer and Gates censures and the Maricopa LD3 Censure of the FBI in August was absolutely correct and lead the way with courage and integrity despite massive backlash from Uniparty Republicans like Dan Farley, Michal Joyner, and Eric Morgan, all now running for State and County GOP positions. Once again Dan Farley was absolutely wrong. You can even hear one of their allies try to destroy the entire LD over it, specifically mentioning the FBI censure in a long-winded Biden-like rant: Legislative District 3 Precinct Committeeman Michele Swinick on her show played the full audio (fast forward to 13:40) of the divisive, Biden-like speech which LD3 1st Vice Chair gave on September 8th in lieu of an officer report. Michele described the speech as “this is really Liz Cheney” and “Biden-esque without the red lights and the marines”. She noted it was “uncalled for” and “out of order” and that the statements made were “not true” and asked “where is all this hatred coming from?”. Dan Farley and Michal Joyner were in attendance that night.
by Brian Ference | News
Gina Swaboda is EXACTLY the Same as Jeff Dewit – See her below in Photos tagging DeWit’s Swamp Cabal as Well As Stephen Richer & Her Financial Support of Jeff Dewit
Gina Swaboda, the current 3rd Vice Chair under the #JeffDewit swamp, a 30 year establishment player, who moved recently, disqualifying her as a State Committeeman and preventing her from running as AZGOP Chair, received a sweetheart deal out of LD8 and Jeff Dewit approved her appointment as a State Committeeman before resigning, announces her candidacy for AZGOP Chair the night before the election. Trump and Lake endorse her, exactly as was done with Dewit exactly one year ago? I love Trump and Lake, but their advisors are trash. This is the exact same mistake they made a year ago endorsing Dewit and how did that work out?
Gina’s organization helped to pay for Jeff Dewit’s controversial downtown $1.9 million AZGOP office. With lightning speed, the establishment and RINOs include Dan Farley and Merissa Hamilton have all switched to endorse her! Greg Wilkinson the former RINO Chair candidate has dropped out of the race and endorsed Swaboda.
Gina Swaboda’s PAC previously gave $200,000 to Jeff Dewit and the AZGOP:
Patriot Freedom PAC Inc
1750 Woodvale Dr, Charleston, WV 25314
09/26/2023 $200,000
Are we really going to make the exact same mistake we made just 1 year ago?
by Brian Ference | News
This is Gina Maloney, the Jeff Dewit lackey running for AZGOP 1st Vice Chair. She helped Jeff deliver the TYRANNICAL bylaw proposals that Jeff Dewit greased past committee including one written by Dewit and designed to make it impossible to remove him. Did he bribe any of the committee members too? We may never know. Maloney is spending record $$$ on her campaign and reportedly already has occupied an office in the AZGOP headquarters that she has redecorated in anticipation of winning. Is all the money for her campaign coming from Dewit or somewhere back east? Maloney is the female swamp creature version of Dewit.
Here is Gina with Jeff Dewit’s right-hand swamp creature Dan Farley see how deep state this guy is