Known snake-oil salesman, con artist, propaganda fraud, and paid fortune teller Scott McMahan of “Bigger Truth” has had his latest scam exposed.

The County Press reports “County Commissioner McMahan charged with lying about residency on his candidate affidavit”. The article provides further detail that “District 1 Lapeer County Commissioner Scott McMahan, 47 of Columbiaville, was charged with one count of Election Law – False Swearing, a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, for swearing falsely while under oath for the purpose of qualifying as a candidate for elective office.”

An investigation was conducted after allegations that McMahan did not live in the district in which he filed for candidacy which found: “Upon our review of the investigative reports from the Michigan State Police and their request for a warrant, we have found sufficient probable cause evidence alleging that Mr. McMahan did not reside at the address listed in his candidate affidavit when he filed to run for Lapeer County Commissioner in the 1st District,” said John Potbury, deputy chief assistant prosecuting attorney, Genesee County Prosecutor’s Office.

Lapeer County Prosecutor John Miller told The County Press, “I was aware of this investigation taking place and referred it to the office of the Attorney General for appointment of a special prosecutor.”

Gary Howell, Lapeer County Commissioner serving District 2 and the chair of the County Board responded to the charges against McMahan.

“I am concerned, but we need to let the legal process work itself out,” said Howell.

Howell added that if McMahan is found guilty, he’ll have the option of resignation or removal by Michigan’s governor.

For Someone Who Constantly Accuses Others of Being in Cults, McMahan Admits HE Was Involved At Least 2 Separate Sex/Terrorist Cults and Led One as a Guru

In several video episodes, McMahan directly admits his involvement in multiple cults including leading one. Searches reveal multiple failed LLCs in several states tied to McMahan including Living Earth Village which according to a 2011 social media post by McMahan is “a permaculture subdivision concept, where each family creates a space of love for themselves on their own parcel…We will build our own school, community center, resort and spa, retail stores, amphitheater, and more. Our goal is to connect deeply with Nature and practice permaculture on our own land to live prosperous, healthy, and happy lives with our families and neighbors.”

McMahan founded the Living Earth Village cult in Arizona several years ago and according to screenshots found at the bottom of this post, McMahan tried unsuccessfully to raise $400 Million. Along with his art major from Arizona State University (he did not graduate) McMahan lists his primary skills on LinkedIN (profile now deleted) as “magic” and “permaculture”. He admits on video that he was “involved in a cult”

McMahan admits he was indoctrinated by false ideas in college. He also spoke frequently about Rajneesh, an Indian occult guru. “I was in Osho” Rajneesh, also known as Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, and later as Osho, was an Indian godman, philosopher, mystic, and founder of the Rajneesh movement. It was recognized as a sex cult. It is worthwhile to point out that Osho engaged in a major election interference campaign. “In the fall of 1984, hundreds of people in The Dalles, Oregon fell ill with salmonella. Members of a cult had sprinkled the bacteria on salad bars in 10 fast-casual restaurants across Wasco County. First came the stomachaches and chills. Then, vomiting spells and diarrhea. Finally, for 45 of them, hospitalization. Though no one died, 751 people fell victim to what remains today the largest bioterror attack in American history, more severe than the anthrax attacks of the early aughts. A CDC probe initially blamed the outbreak on improperly-trained food handlers, but a more exhaustive investigation soon revealed it was the work of the followers of cult leader Baghwan Shree Rajneesh (who called himself Osho). His charisma was so all-encompassing that he managed to amass tens of thousands followers across the world who swore by his freewheeling attitudes towards sex. Many of these acolytes were concentrated in the Oregon city of Antelope, renamed Rajneeshpuram after his followers had migrated there.”

The group had hoped the contamination of ten salad bars would incapacitate so many voters in the Dalles city that their own two candidates would win the Wasco County elections. McMahan joined the cult AFTER this attack, with full knowledge of what they had done.

McMahan goes on to say “The cult I became a part of was like Scientology and they had this machine” and “Evil spirits were coming and controlling this machine. I had a side hustle as a fortune teller.” and “I was this guru, I had clients all over the world”
McMahan admits being in a SECOND cult called “To self master” and mentions the “truth machine”.

Troubled Financial Past Creates Opening for RINO Donors to Pay Him For Targeted Propaganda Campaign:

McMahon formerly produced the “Energy Transmission Podcast” and charged $200 for a 1 hour private session, $600 monthly, $1500 quarterly, and $5700 annually for his “services”.

“It didn’t take long for my income to completely dry up”. McMahan admits to several failed ventures including as cult leader and fortune teller. The McMahan Real Estate Team was active from Oct 2015 to March 2021 according to LinkedIN. By his own admission, McMahan was forced to sell his vehicle in 2023 and was “unemployed”. In January 2024, McMahan declared himself a “journalist” and began creating fictional narratives about conservative grassroots political activists. The meat of any of McMahan’s interviews or theories is lies, half-truths, hearsay, and conjecture and avoids any actual evidence like the plague. They frequently include enemies lists and name people to demonize. Where is his funding coming from? In the past, McMahan claimed he was employed by the Lapeer Tribune, however, there is no publishing history there. A search on their site shows zero results.

The following X post from known violent, racist, narcissist grifter RINO Dan Farley clearly shows his connection to McMahan and likely that he was the one who brought him into the Arizona politics.

Farley was recently censured in Maricopa County for trying to destroy the Republican Party and resigned in shame as the Legislative District 4 Chair.

The two are also connected by the “Tea Party”. Dan Farley falsely claims to be a Tea Party President in several states. Below McMahan mentions presenting at a Tea Party Meeting.

Is this another attempt by Farley to create division through lies and trying to destroy the Republican Party? If not Farley, who is paying for McMahan to conduct and produce daily podcast interviews and conduct “hours of research” while not working any type of paid job after a troubled financial past and while going through a divorce?

The answer is simple: the unseen hand of the deep state is funding him. To the real puppeteers, money is no object. When they need more, they print more. Though McMahan is extremely rotten low hanging fruit, if we were to uncover where the money comes from, it would tell a great deal.

McMahan is clearly evidencing loyalties to a group he is not disclosing. The deep state occult loves a devotee, especially one like McMahan who takes perverse pleasure in slandering honest people.

McMahan has publicly supported Ron Desantis over Donald Trump:

McMahan is the Fake Christian He Portrays Others to Be:

According to first-hand witnesses in Michigan, McMahan “advocates for electronic voting, a softened stance on abortion, and claims to be a Christian but in many of his videos slanders Christians and those praying as ‘anarchists’, ‘communists’, ‘cult members’, and ‘extremists’.”

At 11 minutes into the above video, Scott states “there is no Truth in the church and Christianity” and that he “grew up in Sedona Arizona and got involved in new age early” he claims “Dream City church is the center of the disruptors.”

In a “Christian testimony” video on Good Friday, McMahan admits his wife is divorcing him because he “just wanted her affection so much” and “idolized her”. This is a huge narcissistic red flag that points to a delusional megalomaniac complex. McMahan’s wife is certainly not divorcing him for these reasons.

McMahan admits to ordering a “spirit machine” which he knowingly used to deceive others and make money. McMahan claims he has it stored in a closet currently and no longer uses it.

In his Good Friday video, McMahan admits “My mind was tied up in all these knots”. He speaks extensively about Islam and says:

“I had such strong feelings against Christians”
“Everything I know is probably not true”
“I still didn’t see myself as a sinner in need of a savior”
For McMahan to go after reputable freedom fighting Christian people like this tells all: McMahan is an obvious biblical wolf in sheep’s clothing. As the apostle Paul once warned “After my departure savage wolves will come in amongst you, not sparing the flock.” (Acts 20:29)
(1 John 4) “Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

Disturbing Connections to Those Trying to Mislead Hundreds, Cause Division and Confusion, and Destroy the Republican Party

“I was selling timeshares at the time. You can’t sell timeshares without lying” (This is incredibly interesting as one of his show guests was fake LD3 Chair Candace Czarny who was also living in Sedona at one time, was also involved in New Age and Ouiji Boards and “disc magic”, and is an admitted “White Witch”. She was also a failed timeshares saleswoman and sued Hyatt for 9 years when she was terminated for incompetence. Czarny is also tied to Dan Farley mentioned above. The deposition of Candace’s former manager in the lawsuit is incredibly revealing. See the below videos: )

Video of Candace Czarny Running a Meeting



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