Corrupt Mohave County Republican Chair Jeanne Kentch is instituting “Hitler-like” tribunals against dissent called a “Conduct Council” Just 4 days after Dan Farley (a violent, racist, narcissist who was recently censured and his resignation demanded for trying to destroy the Republican Party by a majority vote of the Maricopa County EGC including board and LD chairs) spoke at the Mohave County Republican Central Committee quarterly meeting on September 30, 2023 as a featured guest speaker. One Mohave PC said: “MCRCC is becoming the gestapo.  Seriously unglued.” A second commented “this is akin to Hitler-like policies, which are unacceptable in the Republican Party.” Below see the agenda from the quarterly meeting where Dan is mentioned. In the below email from Mohave County Republican Chair Jeanne Kentch, she creates the Conduct Council saying it: “accepts conduct violations and considers consequences for the inappropriate actions.

This is similar to the Nazi-like tribunals against dissent that fake LD3 Chair Candace Czarny created and tried to use to ban nearly a dozen of her elected PC political opponents from attending, speaking, or voting. Candace Czarny filed a fake lawsuit against the Maricopa County Republican Committee, which a judge recently dismissed saying “It is therefore ordered denying Plantiff’s claim for injunctive relief”. The audio of the judges order can be heard here, and the full ruling can be read on the Maricopa Superior Court site by anyone clearly demonstrating the truth that Candace lost as well as seen below. Dan Farley reportedly worked with Candace closely as well.

History of Tribunals Against Dissent

As the Nazis worked to consolidate their power and build a cohesive “national community,” suppression of dissent played a key role. In 1933, the Nazis issued a decree that required Germans to turn in anyone who spoke against the party, its leaders, or the government (see reading, Outlawing the Opposition in Chapter 5). That decree, “For the Defense against Malicious Attacks against the Government,” stated:

  1. Whoever purposely makes or circulates a statement of a factual nature which is untrue or grossly exaggerated or which may seriously harm the welfare of the Reich or of a state, or the reputation of the National government or of a state government or of parties or organizations supporting these governments, is to be punished, provided that no more severe punishment is decreed in other regulations, with imprisonment of up to two years and, if he makes or spreads the statement publicly, with imprisonment of not less than three months.
  2. If serious damage to the Reich or a state has resulted from this deed, penal servitude may be imposed.
  3. Whoever commits an act through negligence will be punished with imprisonment of up to three months, or by a fine.

To enforce the decree, the Nazis set up special courts to try people who were accused of “malicious attacks.” In December 1934, the government replaced the decree with the “Law against Malicious Attacks on State and Party,” adding a clause that criminalized “malicious, rabble-rousing remarks or those indicating a base mentality” against the Nazi Party or high-ranking government or party officials.

On Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 09:27:42 AM MST, Jeanne Kentch <> wrote:

Dear PC’s

I had already discussed the implementation of a Conduct Council with our ByLaws Committee.
We felt it best to have a separate “Conduct Council” that actually accepts conduct violations and considers consequences for the inappropriate actions.
I considered putting this on last Saturday’s agenda, but I held back due to the large list already on the agenda. Considering the actions of the last meeting, I do not want to wait until January’s meeting to get started with this council.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Conduct Council, please let me know.
I will put the 1st 7 people from all three districts, that ask for inclusion on the council and pick a chair.
Once the council is created the chair will call for a meeting.
Thank you for your interest.

Jeanne Kentch
Mohave County Republican Central Committee
Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
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