Dan Farley, candidate for AZGOP State Chair, has sent emails (publicly posted in Republican Briefs) defending the FBI, Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer, and MCBOS Chairman Bill Gates, saying:

What did passing this censure accomplish? Has Richer resigned? What if he did, then where would we be?” and “Richer is providing us more information at MCRC than he is required to. Is the best timing to do something like this now?

Meanwhile Stephen Richer continues to push Ranked Choice Voting statewide. The clear sabotage of printers in only Republican areas under Richer and Gates in the 2022 General election and the release of “The Twitter Files” proves both the Richer and Gates censures and the Maricopa LD3 Censure of the FBI in August was absolutely correct and lead the way with courage and integrity despite massive backlash from Dan Farley.

Much more evidence is available at https://realdanfarley.com/ including an audio leak of Dan Farley’s racist rant against Muslims, how he really feels about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and security video footage of Dan Farley’s unprovoked physical assault on a Republican MCRC MAL. The Maricopa County Republican Committee has since passed a ZERO TOLERANCE policy of physical assault by members. 

Instead of apologizing or admitting any fault, Dan Farley has continued to gaslight everyone, spinning lies about how he supports love and cooperation, conflating facts with unrelated events and groups, and building a hypocritical campaign all around “bullying“. A cease and desist letter, police report, security video, and dozens of email and social media attacks from Dan reveal the irrefutable evidence that Dan Farley is the biggest bully of them all.

View Dan Farley’s Email Below from 10/7/22 Saying He Thinks 1/3 of Republicans are Money Grubbers, 1/3 are Nazis:

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