How interesting is it that Jeff Dewit, the corrupt Chair of AZGOP has appointed the completely inexperienced Gina Maloney LD5 Chair as the AZGOP Bylaws Chair, when she openly violates her LD5 bylaws by improperly appointing an LD5 officer to an elected board position? What other dishonest bylaw shenanigans are she and Jeff up to?

There has never been a better time to sign the petition as hundreds have already.

Make Maricopa GOP RINO Again – Establishment Support Corrupt Slate for Maricopa MAL Race

In related news, the RINOs of Maricopa County (the same ones who colluded with Jeff Dewit and the Maricopa Board of Supervisors to illegally block over 180 PC Applications for 3 months in direct violation of statute while begging the government for more oversight and process) are supporting a slate of 2 establishment lawyers, an EZAZ grifter, a Dodie Londen Alum (read Women’s RINO Bootcamp); all #RINOs led by compulsive liar and psychopath Morgan Perry, the right-hand man of Dan Farley who cancelled all LD4 meetings for 5 months . This is the worst possible slate ever and might as well be Democrats.

Several Precinct Committeeman responded saying “Tatiana IS A RINO and that’s why she supports this RINO SLATE OF TRUMP HATERS!” and You’ve got to be Crazy Tatiana to push this RINO slate! Been hearing that Rex Ford is stepping down, asked a SC to fill in. The response was “NO!” James Roth is PC captain of Rio Verde, he keeps a good % of PCs in the dark. We all know of Morgan Perry supporting Dan Farleyand #enemywithinand “Morgan has backed Dan Farley in SHUTTING DOWN LD4 for 6 months this year. Just because bylaws permit it doesn’t make it smart or patriotic! Yet that’s always their justification/protection when questioned. He’s RUDE and delusional with self importance to boot. BAD NEWS!!” and “That’s a dumpster slate that belongs in the fire can. Hell no to the rino’s.”

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