Update: Additional Response from another PC and The email From Jeff Dewitt sent to a larger audience is found below:

Jeff Dewitt is a LIAR and Here is the Proof:

In an secret email to a small number of LD3 PCs (I and many were not deemed worthy to receive it despite being elected State Committeemen), Jeff Dewitt is proven a LIAR. He claims:

“I have spent 100+ hours of my first month at the AZGOP involved in trying to mediate a solution for LD3”.

One of the common definitions of mediate is: to interpose between parties in order to reconcile (see RECONCILE sense 1a) them.

Tell me Jeff, how is it you “mediated” without meeting or talking to the opposite side? It seems like you spent 100 hours with the establishment hearing lies and zero hours meeting with anyone who witnessed the indisputable, hard, documented proxy fraud and election fraud in LD3.

Then Jeff goes on to say falsely: “…at a meeting of the LD3 PCs on January 12, 2023, where the PCs of LD3 voted in favor of upholding the previous election.” Yet you can CLEARLY hear that the motion in question was to accept the results of the STATE COMMITTEEMEN only an NOT THE OFFICERS in this video here:

Jeff Dewitt is a LIAR!

Additional Response from another PC:

“Election Integrity in Arizona elections, including our own intra-party elections, is among our utmost concerns at the AZGOP. ”
~~ It certainly wasn’t the concern 12/1/22. The amount of ballot harvesting, ballot completion at the door and allowance of questionable proxies was rampant. I was stationed at the entry door and witnessed this with my own eyes.

“To have the MCRC now go rogue and blindside everyone by circumventing all the great work people were doing to resolve this issue in a congenial manner is destructive to any solutions that could amicably mend the rift in LD3, which is troublesome and disappointing.”
~~ What great work are you referring to? The 12/1/22 vote was compromised by illegitimate proxies and PC’s recognized immediately that a revote was needed. Chairman Czarny tried to remove (DID remove temporarily) the ballots and refused to have an immediate recount. Efforts made at following meetings were ignored by telling PC’s they were “Out of Order” in anything BUT a congenial manner. Video recorded at the time will confirm this.

” …our Executive Board voted unanimously to request that LD3 postpone their March meeting until April,…”
~~~ Why does this can continually get kicked down the road? This could’ve been solved immediately (12/1/22).

“… Do we allow a county party to go rogue…”
~~ I attended the last two ECG meetings which were conducted quite well. Opposite of what LD3 Chairman Czarny’s leadership tactics.
Evidence was brought to light that could not be refuted. Chairman Czarny tried to pack the agenda with her cronies, use up the allowed Audience Speaking time by arriving and signing in 1+ hours early and refused to accept the MCRC vote (19-7) for an LD3 revote.

“There is no language in the ARS, MCRC or LD3 bylaws that permit an Organizational Meeting outside of the above timeline. As such, there is no method, course, or process for a re-vote for LD3 Officers by MCRC.”
~~ We wouldn’t have to ask for one if we revoted on 12/1/22 as we asked, but the request was refused by Chairman Czarny.

We already had met with our legal counsel for hours about this issue”
~~ A waste of time and money just like paying for PHXPD to attend our LD meetings. No one was violent. No one was threatened, but some used their anger at not getting their way as FEAR to sway the future decisions. They’ve been successful judging from your letter. Just watch the daily news and you’ll see the same tactics being used by the Left.

WHY is the AZGOP stepping into this just when we are on the verge of solving the issue by holding another vote 3/30/23?
Chairman DeWitt, you’ve stated that ” I am on neither side of this,…” however you are clearly ignoring the voices of the LD3 PC who want ELECTION INTEGRITY that starts at the grassroots level.

Look at the 2020 election please. Many Republicans won their offices, however Pres. Trump was defeated by a basement dweller?
You accept that?
The same situation occurred in LD3 where 3 candidate from the same slate won, BUT the top position(s) were won by members of the opposing slate? C’mon now….you really think that happened without some sort of credentialling/proxy/ballot misconduct?
I was witness to it! I picked up a handful of blank voting cards laying on a table! I say PC Captains running in and out of the entry door handing out paperwork. For God’s sake, a woman was filling out a proxy right outside the entry door as I stood there. Did I question it? CERTAINLY, but the vote was accepted anyway.

Now, Sir, please tell me why I shouldn’t want a revote under those circumstances?

Here is the forwarded email from Jeff Dewitt.

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