On Tuesday, February 15th, Legislative District 15 Unanimously voted to send the below two letters in support of HB2596 (pdf version) (now HB2743) and HCR2033 (pdf version) to Speaker Rusty Bowers and copy all members of the Arizona House of Representatives. Some may ask why the LD voted to send a letter on HB2596 (now HB2743) when Speaker Bowers effectively killed it by assigning it to ALL committees. The answer is to send a clear message as to the will of the people.

I ask you to repeat this process in your LD, with everything you need to know including templates, addresses and labels contained in this Zip File. (Thanks to Greg Dutton and LD18) See detailed instructions from Greg at the bottom:


































Detailed Instructions:

Attached are the final letters that were signed by all LD18 Committee Board members on Saturday. The letters are copied and the envelopes are stuffed! We will have them in the mail to ALL members of the AZ House today. Also, here you’ll find all of my documents, including Word versions of the attached letters, a letterhead template (for LD18) which you can modify for your own district, an Excel workbook with all members of the House ready to be used for mail merge, plus all the address labels already created in Word and .pdf for Avery 8160 address labels (OfficeMax or Staples.) I also included photos of process and of handwritten notes to each cosponsor.

You may be well-versed on parliamentary procedure, so pardon if the following is already familiar to you. I wrote the following for freshmen like me.

First, if your LD’s agenda was like ours, we didn’t have New Business on the agenda. My first motion was to amend the agenda to add New Business before the proposed Agenda was approved. You may have to be quick and stand to be recognized before the chairperson calls for a vote to approve the agenda. It should go something like this:

  1. Chairperson starts the meeting and calls for approval for the proposed agenda.
  2. Immediately stand and ask for permission from the chairperson for the floor.
  3. The chairperson grants permission.
  4. Make your MOTION:  “Mr. Chair. I move to amend the proposed agenda to add New Business.”
  5. The chairperson asks for seconds — this is where your pre-arranged team (see Note 1 below) will call out “SECOND!”
  6. The chairperson should then call for a verbal vote by the body, “Aye” or “Nay.”
  7. This is where we all call out, “Aye!”

If approved, then wait for New Business. The process for introducing each Motion is essentially a repeat of the above steps. (At the call for New Business, stand, wait to be recognized, make your motion.)


  1. Give AT LEAST three other trusted PCs a heads-up before the committee meeting so they’ll be ready to call out “SECOND!” and “AYE!”
  2. If you have a “friendly” Chairperson, I recommend the courtesy of giving the Chairperson a heads-up before the meeting starts. I was able to do this.
  3. If the chairperson does not call for approval of the agenda at the very beginning, you must stand to be recognized and call out a “Point of order” to respectfully request that the chairperson ask the body to approve the agenda.


MOTION #1 [You]:

Mr. Chair, we have an historic and extremely time-sensitive opportunity tonight to show our strong support for election integrity. I move to introduce a floor resolution to send a letter from this body (LDxx) to the Arizona State Speaker of the House, Russell Bowers, copied to all members of the Arizona House, to express support for HB2596, now HB2743, the most comprehensive Election Integrity bill introduced in any state legislature to-date.

This bill calls for:

                – One day, one vote

                – Voter ID Required

                – Hand count paper ballot

                – Smaller Precinct Polling Locations

                – No machines

                – No Mail-In/Absentee Ballots (except for Military, Disabled, those who truly cannot be at a physical polling location on Election Day)

                – Winners are announced the next day

HB2596 was introduced on Feb. 2nd by Representatives Fillmore: Barton, Biasiucci, Blackman, Burges, Carter, Chaplik, Cook, Diaz, Finchem, Hoffman, Martinez, Parker, Pingerelli, Senators Gowan, Leach.

LD18: The motion was seconded. All members voted AYE, not a single NAY. The resolution passed UNANIMOUSLY.

MOTION #2 [You]:

Mr. Chair, I move to introduce a floor resolution to send a letter from this body (LD18) to the Arizona State Speaker of the House, Rusty Bowers, copied to all members of the Arizona House, to express support for HCR2033, the House Resolution introduced by Representative Mark Finchem, to Set Aside & Decertify Three 2020 County Elections: Maricopa, Pima and Yuma, based on clear and convincing evidence that the elections in those counties were irredeemably compromised. We must encourage all members of the House to exercise their PLENARY authority to determine the manner of choosing electors.

HCR2033 was introduced by Representatives Finchem, Barton, Biasiucci, Burges, Carter, Chaplik, Diaz, Fillmore, Martinez, Nguyen, Parker, and Senators Borrelli, Rogers, Townsend.

LD18: The motion was seconded. All members voted AYE, not a single NAY. The resolution passed UNANIMOUSLY.


TEMPLATE FILES: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nt13l4yIjN2IkSPHFjrxc5wl3P9AunDd&authuser=duttonintl%40gmail.com&usp=drive_fs

House Members: https://www.azleg.gov/MemberRoster/?body=H

Senate Members: https://www.azleg.gov/MemberRoster/?body=S

HB2596: https://legiscan.com/AZ/text/HB2596/id/2487346

HCR2033: https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/2R/bills/HCR2033P.pdf

ARTICLE: https://dcweekly.org/2022/02/07/breaking-big-arizona-state-rep-mark-finchem-introduces-resolution-to-set-aside-decertify-three-2020-county-elections/

Here is my GETTR post with video in Comments: https://gettr.com/post/pttfnl2c60

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUOA2OGBctA

This was happening simultaneously while Liz Harris was presenting the HB2596 kickoff in downtown Phoenix. RSBN covered her event (https://rumble.com/vun5w1-az-voter-integrity-rally-to-support-hb2596-in-phoenix-az-21022.html) This was my way of showing support!

Thank you,

Greg Dutton, Precinct Captain

Stellar Precinct, LD18

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