On Thurday night, LD3 had a “Vote of NO CONFIDENCE” in Candace Czarny and demanded her immediate resignation. The vote passed with majority 92 Yes votes and 51 No votes.

This came after new revelations in the Treasurer’s report which called out Candace’s unapproved spending (including huge amounts on unnecessary police) with no approved budget (a requirement of the bylaws) and having violated the Bylaws multiple times including REMOVING THE TREASURER from the bank accounts. Earlier in the evening, Candace ejected Maricopa 1st Vice Chair Shelby Bush from the meeting.

Resigning should prove easy for Candace, as after another disorganized and terrible start to the meeting, she abdicated the running of the meeting to hired gun Parliamentarian Dan Grimm, appointing him Chair for the evening.

*Note the Treasurer has since been re-added, but is calling for a full audit.

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