On December 14th, Legislative District 15 voted to censure David S. Schweikert and Debra Kay Lesko, two Republican Members of the US House of Representatives who voted against the will of the American People and all other members of the Freedom Caucus. They chose instead to side with unanimous democrats for the fiscally irresponsible, $440 million dollar, democrat sponsored, HR 550 Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021. HR 550 violates the Medical Privacy and Constitutional Rights of the American People by “improving the secure biderectional exchange of immunization record data among Federal, State, local, Tribal and territorial governmental entities and non-governmental entities”. This Bill provides additional funding for and creates the needed infrastructure to facilitate vaccine passports and further violate freedom and liberties. As noted in Frosty’s Brief’s, Paul Goser voted against the bill saying “The bill will allow the federal government to track unvaccinated Americans, who could be targeted, segregated, and forced to comply with vaccination mandates.” The full text of the bill is only 7 pages long and can be easily read here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/550/text?r=6&s=1

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