Clear #Lawfare Against #FreeSpeech and the #FirstAmendment  by the RINOs of Mohave County just like LIBERALS. It has been reported that Misty Devenney won 2/3 of the vote to become Director. According to Misty Devenney, they did not even inform her of the final vote counts. The Mohave County Republican Committee immediately filed an injunction against workplace harassment, stripping her of her 2nd Amendment even though she does not own or use firearms, and completed an improperly done censure without a vote by the whole body, and then barred her from the office and email database demanding a revote:

UPDATE: @MohaveCountyGOP your #RINO Chair Jeanne Kentch exposes herself with her lies as she uses lawfare filing workplace harassment injunction, closes offices, in an attempt to thwart the District 2 Director (Elected Chair) and overturn the vote of the people and PCs. She tries to request her rivals be deemed a vacancy. Then she invokes Rino @JeffDeWitAZ before she LOSES and the Mohave Board votes UNANIMOUSLY there is no vacancy. Watch the videos:

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