First-hand reports have been pouring in of the Illegal sham of an election in Legislative District 4 (the second largest and wealthiest in the state). 10 days ago, RINO LD4 Chair Dan Farley and a close ally of resigned AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit also resigned. Farley endorsed his lackey Morgan Perry who ran the meeting with a tyrannical fist to steal the outcome. In this process, reports of as many of 75 precinct committeemen not receiving the required call letters, and 14 PCs who were previously approved by the Maricopa Board of Supervisors as appointed PCs were denied the right to vote. The final outcome was Morgan Perry 90 votes, Karin Royster 80 votes. The LD4 bylaws were cited as the reason the 14 PCs were disenfranchised. However, bylaws cannot violate statute and these clearly do. You are a PC once the MCBOS approves the appointment. Yet they were denied. This is an outcome changing steal.

The County Chair and many others were denied entry to the meeting by Perry and supporters in direct violation of Bylaws.

One thing to note is how few total votes there were, only 170 for the second largest LD in the state? Perhaps this is because many were not properly notified as required.

This election was clearly stolen and cannot be allowed to stand. Contact the MCRC Executive Board Here

According to the Recorder, LD4 had 431 pcs on 2/2/2024 and on 2/7/2024 the MCBOS voted to approve 14 more LD4 appointed pcs bringing the total to 445. Why did only the low number of 170 vote for their LD4 Chair? Was it because the call letter was not properly sent out to all LD4 PCs as required?

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