UPDATE: Below is added a Written Statement who witnessed the proxy fraud in LD3 including filling out of fraudulent proxies outside the door.

New evidence has emerged from Legislative District 3 indicating PROXY FRAUD and ELECTION FRAUD.

In the below email sent on November 21, 2022 at 12:14 pm, Brad Newman, Granite Mountain PC Captain and Leader of the Desert Mountain Breakfast Club specifically instructs PCs to “COMPLETE ONLY THE HIGHLIGHTED SECTIONS” and “By not completing the assignment section it will be easier for us (to) match up your form with people.” These instructions and the highlighted form (also below) which Brad attached, clearly instructs PCs to sign with their signature but not designate an appointee. (Several PCs with decades of experience expressed shock that a PC Captain would give these instructions.) Then later, someone else would fill in the name on that proxy form. This invalidates the proxy per statute.

There are reports these proxy forms were later filled out by PCs waiting in line to get into the December 1st meeting with “organizers” or “proxy mules” having stacks of them to fill out just that section. This is PROXY FRAUD.

These proxies were then used in the December 1st LD3 Election to the benefit of Candace Czarny. THIS IS ELECTION FRAUD.

Remember that the County already conducted an investigation finding multiple rule and bylaws violations due to ballot handoffs etc and voted for a new election recommendation similar to LD11. The official minutes confirm the accuracy and validity of the recording of the motion. Proxy Parties were held in advance in a coordinated effort by Nancy Ordowski, Cathy Schwanke, and others who were very outspoken and sent emails indicating their support of Candace. Cathy Schwanke was also the Credentials and Tally Chair, and accepted ballots at the ballot box. She was personally involved in several of the documented ballot handoff violations.

At the December 1st Meeting, Sherry Gavin was checking in proxies, and according to an eye witness PC, did not know that she had to invalidate a proxy that wasn’t being carried by a PC in their same precinct. She called former Chair Rich over to the table and told him she needed to VOID it as invalid. Rich looked up, saw the eye witness, and then instructed her to do so for the one proxy. How many proxies from outside their precinct were not invalidated?

92 Proxies were used at the December 1st meeting. The board voted unanimously to audit and canvas the proxies and it was mentioned in the MCRC recording/vote here. Yet since then Candace has stubbornly blocked it. Why? Would a proxy audit and canvas reveal that many of the proxies used were invalid? Would it reveal that the chain of custody was broken for 2 days after the election? Would it reveal that proxies were fraudulently carried by pcs in different precincts?

An immediate new election for LD3 Board must be called. A full audit and canvas of the proxies in light of this PROXY FRAUD and ELECTION FRAUD must be completed immediately.

The Proxy fraud was then admitted to publicly in Republican Briefs by a PC stating they had been doing it for 14 years:

JEANNIE MCGILL: The unfortunate tone of Brian Ference’s comments on fraud have given me the urge to write this response. Granite Mountain Precinct has been an outstanding precinct. We have maintained a healthy forum for discussion, know each other and their spouses, give 100% of recommended contributions and always deliver good solid Republican turnout. I was the first/only Captain of the precinct for the last 12-14 years. When some of our PCs could not make a meeting where voting was taking place, I encouraged them to be a proxy vote. Since one is never sure who is going to the meeting until the last minute, putting a proxy carrier name on the proxy was done at the last minute. In my 14 years, I never had anyone designate who they wanted for their carrier. Ference has put a twist on this scenario with words like “evidence” and “proxy and election fraud”. Those are words Adam Schiff would use! Ference had a copy of Brad Newman’s email to his PCs. The sentence was “Unless you have a specific person to whom you want to assign your proxy, please COMPLETE ONLY THE HIGHLIGHTED SECTIONS. By not completing the assignment section, it will make it easier for us to match up your form with people who will be attending the meeting in person.” You have to be specific so that your PCs don’t goof up the form. Captains know this. How many captains see this as some kind of fraud? Ference later in his “evidence letter” wrote that Brad “clearly instructs PCs to sign with their signature but not designate an appointee.” Please compare what was written and how it was distorted. I find this fraudulent, misleading and with the intention to deceive. Is it Ference intent to be disruptive, divisive and sow discontent in our new LD which is struggling to get find its mojo. The main focus is to build unity and fight the real enemy, not each other. Brad Newman, who now leads our precinct and educates our area with the Breakfast Club, deserves praises and not a character assassination from a fellow Republican.

(PCs and LD Chairs in other LDs, you must work to eliminate proxies. The convenience is not worth the documented fraud being used to steal elections)





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