Update: The MCRC has released an official press release about the Election results.

On Thursday March 30th, 2023 One hundred and ninety- six (196) credentialed Legislative District 3 PCs met and voted in a new Board which were sworn in the same night by the Maricopa County Republican Committee Chairman. Even more PCs would have attended, if not for the EXTREME intimidation, lies, and deception of illegitimate chair Candace Czarny and even the AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit sending communications telling PCs not to attend. Czarny even went so far as to use lawfare and file an injunction as reported by The Gateway Pundit, which was not granted, signed or served. The PCs were not fooled by the Democrat-like tactics and truth, justice, and the will of the PCs and the people prevailed! The night was filled with prayer, positive energy and a spirit of cooperation to win in 2024, a major change from the disastrous prior meetings, haphazardly run by the Tyrannical “Czar” who was not qualified or able to run them. Praise God that the truth was revealed!

An LD2 Board member, assisting as a volunteer for the election had this to say:

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice” – Proverbs 29:2

Tonight I had the opportunity to help the MCRC as they conducted a new election in LD3. It was a joyful and positive night as they finally were able to hold transparent elections. 196 PCs were represented either in person or by proxy. They elected their Chairman ( Bob Gomez), 1st Vice Chairman (Michelle Rugloski), Secretary (Carol Torkko) and Treasurer (Kevin Maldonado) by unanimous acclamation. The 2nd Vice Chairman slot was a 3-way race and David Genge was elected on the first ballot with 146 of the 196 votes cast.

What does this mean for LD2? First, just watching the establishment attempt (and fail) to stop the election by bombarding LD3 PCs with misinformation and ultimately engaging in lawfare to attempt to stop them from choosing their leaders, made it apparent we still have work to do in rooting out those who crave power. Being a leader in the GOP means being a servant. I think of Solomon testing the two women by threatening to split the baby, and the true mother, willing to give up her child so that it might live. A true leader will sacrifice for the health of the body. The disputed Chair chose (and continues to choose) to damage LD3 and now the MCRC in an attempt to hold on to power. I understand that feelings are hurt and it’s a shame things devolved as they did when they didn’t have to. What I witnessed tonight, though, was true Liberty and it was inspirational! I would like our takeaway to be that even in the GOP, we have to remain vigilant about demanding transparency. I believe our Chairman has modeled this in an exceptional way and its is my honor to serve with him!

Over the next few weeks, we will be holding our PC’s to standards set forth in our bylaws. 50 of them have missed the last 3 meetings of the district (our first 3 of the new LD2). They will be contacted and asked for an explanation of those absences. Being a PC is not an emeritus position. It’s a commitment to the voters of their precinct and to the party. We may lose some, but hopefully, most will take this as a challenge to do better. We owe nothing less to all of you who work hard.


Mark Beach, LD2 First-VC

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