The Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer has unblocked over 30 social media accounts after being served with the below Cease and Desist letter. This was confirmed with the user accounts, all of who are astounded at the success of our efforts, some of whom have been blocked for years. One expressed his thanks saying, “Just replied to his (Stephen Richer’s) tweet and it was accepted. What did you do? Thank you.” Another wrote “Thank you for your efforts! Also, I’ll gladly donate!”.

The Cease and Desist also allows for other citizens to contact the Recorder or his office with their social media username, requesting to be unblocked:

Maricopa County Recorder
111 S. Third Ave.
Phoenix AZ 85003
Phone: 602-506-3535

We will be sending out additional Cease and Desist letters and continuing to help protect the First Amendment rights of citizens on social media. Please share this message on social media and if inclined make a donation here:

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