I have written recently on the reported fraud and failures of the 2022 Primary Election. Tonight I will introduce a censure of Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer, demanding his resignation or recall. Chairwoman of the AZGOP, Dr. Kelli Ward has called Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer “ill-prepared and incompetent” https://twitter.com/kelliwardaz/status/1555208590662721546, has no confidence in his ability to perform his job, and supports a recall 1:18 and 8:20 point in Kelli Ward interview on War Room: https://cloud.operationtulip.com/s/6HwPy59yPXztJ8x

Please contact your Legislative District Chair immediately and ask them to support this critical and timely vote! See the full proposed censure below:

Dated: August 4th, 2022

Be it resolved by the Executive Guidance Committee of the Maricopa County Republican Committee:

WHEREAS Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer made several false and misleading statements in his August 19, 2021 Open Letter to Maricopa County including:

  • “Nobody stole Maricopa County’s election. Elections in Maricopa County aren’t rigged.”
  • “…there had never been a report of significant tabulation problems or widespread fraud.”
  • “Accordingly, I know Joe Biden won Maricopa County.”
  • “That brings me to the event that precipitated my public criticism of Senator Fann’s audit, and the Stop the Steal movement.”
  • “Maricopa County has a strong statewide reputation, technology and cybersecurity resources that other counties can’t afford, and had no serious mishaps or anomalies…”
  • “Yes, the Sharpies used on Election Day bled through the ballots. Because of the global paper shortage, the County used thinner paper than it would have otherwise. Yes, the County asked voters on Election Day to use Sharpies because Sharpie ink dries the fastest. Unlike ballots voted any prior day, ballots voted on Election Day are fed immediately into the tabulation machine.”
  • “I’m embarrassed listening to my party concoct the most outlandish theories (Chinese ballots!) to avoid accepting the reality: we lost the top two races in Arizona.”

WHEREAS Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer’s maladministration of his duties resulted in significant failures (including reports of printers and scanners not working and the Pentel felt-tip pen smearing and not drying), late counting and delayed results, and irregularities; all of which significantly tarnishing the reputation of Maricopa County on the national stage;

WHEREAS Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer’s actions and statements have directly undermined confidence in Maricopa elections;

WHEREAS Chairwoman of the AZGOP, Dr. Kelli Ward has called Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer “ill-prepared and incompetent”, has no confidence in his ability to perform his job, and supports a recall;

WHEREAS We also have zero confidence in Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Guidance Committee of the Maricopa County Republican Committee hereby formally censures Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, and shall immediately cease any and all recognition and support of him as a member of the Republican Party for his inaction on election integrity, his specific actions addressed herein including lack of confidence to perform his duties as County Recorder, his general disregard for the irregularities reported in the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 Election, and his continued failures in the 2022 Primary Election.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Executive Guidance Committee of the Maricopa County Republican Committee demands that Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer immediately resign or be recalled and calls on the Republican Party in Maricopa County to encourage all registered Republicans to expel him permanently from office.

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