UPDATE: Merissa Hamilton of EZAZ is accused (several Precinct Committeemen in her Legislative District 2 have come forward) of being heavily involved in this mail fraud which is currently being investigated.

This week, thousands of Precinct Committeemen received a fake letter impersonating the Maricopa County Republican Committee. The letter infringed and changed the logo adding a person within the C and changed “Committee” to “Committeeman”. It mentions the Tea Party prominently at the beginning implicating Dan Farley http://realdanfarley.com and his RINO cabal. It immediately shills for the RINO “Make Maricopa Great Again” slate headed by Dan Farley’s 1st Vice Chair of LD4 Morgan Perry. It claims AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit had nothing to do with the collusion with the MCBOS and delay of PCs, yet the video evidence proves that is a lie. The letter prominently mentions Candace Czarny and LD3, again implicating her. It mentions the Itsabouttruth.com web site, which Candace and Farley used against the true Chair of LD3 and her opponent Bob Gomez earlier in the year here: https://itsabouttruth.com/bobgomez/.

Make Maricopa McCain Again

These are deceitful liberal tactics because Czarny, Farley, Perry, Dewit and those associated with them think and act like liberals and will say and do ANYTHING to stay in power including bargain with and give the Democrats anything they want just as former Speaker McCarthy did. They project like lunatics, calling dozens liars when they themselves are lying and offer zero evidence to their claims except for more lies. They and their philosophy and tactics are directly responsible for the destruction of America. Do the opposite of what they recommend and sign the http://firejeffdewit.com petition today.

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