Maricopa County Recorder candidate Justin Heap has been caught in so many lies I can barely keep count. Not to be outdone, his defacto Campaign Manager Merissa Hamilton was again caught in another lie over why Heap skipped the June 11th, 5:00pm MST Public PBS Recorder Debate. More on that in a minute.

Merissa Hamilton as AZGOP Member at Large can be seen below quoting a statistic that only a CAMPAIGN MANAGER or one intimately involved with a campaign such as a paid employee or volunteer in charge of scheduling would be able to, further proving she is in total violation of the AZGOP BYLAWS and must immediate resign as AZGOP MAL:

In the below post, Merissa falsely claims of PBS “They didn’t give Heap the information for the debate until less than an hour before they said he needed to arrive. He could arrive 30 minutes before the debate started, but PBS refused to allow him to attend.”

There are several problems with that including that Heap put out a statement contradicting it saying: “I made a good faith effort to rearrange my schedule to attend; however, it simply wasn’t possible without disrespecting the voters who had already made plans to come and meet with me about my plans for the Recorder’s office.”

But that wasn’t true either. What was Heap really doing on June 11th? He was on the Agenda to speak at the Legislative District 3 meeting, but he didn’t attend that either. So where was Heap?

Heap was at a fundraiser with Representative Joseph Chaplik charging $250 per person and $500 per couple:

Really Heap and Hamilton, if you could try and limit yourselves to under 30 lies per day it would be really helpful.

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