On Monday, August 21, 2023, a UNANIMOUS vote by the Mohave Board of Supervisors denied the Mohave County Republican Chair Jeanne Kentch’s disgusting political attack on her opponent, the lawfully elected Director of District 2 Misty Devenney (who won 2/3 of her vote by a landslide). Kentch filed a bogus injunction against harassment which was served upon Devenney’s win and Kentch shuttered the Mohave Republican offices. Kentch is very light on any actual evidence and seeks to punish dissent and Free Speech. The Injunction is currently being appealed.

Kentch then moved against multiple Precinct Committeemen including Devenney, stating their positions were vacant when this was not true. During her testimony (video below) Kentch outed herself as abusing her power, constantly playing the victim like a Democrat would and using lawfare like a liberal. Many PCs spoke against Kentch during the Board of Supervisors meeting, also dispelling the lies that it is only a “small group of disruptors” a common lie that other RINOs like Jeff Dewit frequently tell. She lied several other times including that she had “unanimous support form her board” and you can clearly see that 2 board members including the 1st Vice Chair (only 6 of the 8 did) did not sign her false letter below.

Misty Devenney had this to say: “Yesterday was a victory! Yet District 2 Office is still closed and a lot more work has to be done! I’m standing up for myself, my district, and my country. Beyond the absolute absurdity of these proceedings and wasteful time and expense to the Mohave County tax payers without one example, situation or detailed evidence of my “bad behavior” was stated or provided, yet again! It is a very ALARMING fact the elected Mohave County Tax Assessor Ms. Jeanne Kentch so egregiously miscalculated 3.5 weeks since winning my election as District 2 Director on July 27, 2023. That Ms. Kentch herself declared then barred me from fulfilling my duties, to Equal and equate to 3 months Vacancy of seat and duties. Not only misrepresenting this fact once but multiple times! Seriously raises questions on her ability to perform simple calculations.”

Comment was sought from Jeanne Kentch and the Mohave County GOP but they did not respond as of the update time to this article.

Judge for yourself and watch the videos below:

Mohave Board of Supervisors Agenda Item 8 Comments and Vote:

Call to the Public Comments Many of Which Are in Support of Devenney:


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