Chairman Morris,

I direct you to a quote from RNC National Committeeman Tyler Bowyer: “If ‘Country Club’ Republican leaders are not replaced at the National, State and County levels— the Republic will die at the hands of Marxists and money changers.”

This quote stands at the heart of the complaints against the dishonest actions and repeated lies of AZGOP Chairman Jeff Dewit and in rebuttal to your email dated Sept 6, 2023 where you mentioned my name several times yet neglected to copy me on the communication starting “Brian Ference comments and opposition to the AZGOP’s Chairman Jeff DeWits detailed explanation to the MCRC’s resolution is short sighted.” In fact, it is your comments which are short-sighted.

How can you speak about strategy, funding, logistics, and timing when you were denied the opportunity to even hear a presentation containing these details when Chairman Dewit went back on his word and refused to call a zoom meeting where you could receive this information? Chairman Dewit again showed his tyrannical nature in denying the people the ability to hear and decide for themselves. The duplicitous and pathetic excuse given by him through legal counsel was:

“The Party’s Bylaws specifically mandate that the Secretary notifies the Executive Committee of any special meeting a minimum of 30 days before the proposed meeting date. Considering this, any attempt to convene an emergency meeting without adhering to this 30-day notice would not only contravene the Bylaws but would also render the meeting unlawful.”

He asks us to swallow this craven lie despite previously called AZGOP Executive Board meetings with shorter notice by him and his predecessors, and the fact that no such rule exists for such a meeting. According to one AZGOP ExCom Member “The purchase of the AZGOP headquarters would be illegal then since we received a 3 day notice for that vote which was held via zoom.” See the email call letter from Nick Ivory Chief of Staff Republican Party of Arizona (AZGOP) which clearly shows only a 3 day call/notice for a zoom meeting of the AZGOP Executive Committee Members for a vote on purchasing the AZGOP headquarters. This clearly disproves Jeff Dewit’s lies that a meeting requires 30 day notice. The AZGOP bylaws Article 3 deals with meetings of the Full State Committee and clearly states in a section under calling for the meeting “…the members of the state committee representing at least nine counties…” which can only be interpreted as the entire body of elected state committeemen and not the Executive Committee:

Article III C. Special Meeting
Special meetings may be held at any time.
1. A written call issued by the State Chairman, or signed by 20% or more of the
members of the state committee representing at least nine counties, or signed by 40%
of the voting members of the executive committee; and
2. The call and notice must contain the time and place of the special meeting and the
object or objects thereof.
Any call must be delivered to the Secretary at least thirty days before the date of the
proposed meeting. In the event of a call issued by members of the State Committee or
of the Executive Committee, the Secretary shall immediately notify each person or
group who may be threatened by the object of the meeting and give them ten days to
inspect the call and challenge any questionable signatures. If at the expiration of such
time, the required number of qualified signer’s remains, the Secretary shall send notice
of the call.
No business other than that stated in the notice of call shall be transacted at a special

Article 5 deals with the Executive Committee:

Article V A. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the State Committee shall consist of the elected officers of
the State Committee, the National Committeeman and Committeewoman, the chairman
and first and second vice chairman from each county, three members at large from
each congressional district, and the
president/chairman of each nationally recognized Republican auxiliary organization with
at least 2,000 dues-paying members in the state. The State Chairman shall chair the
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall approve the annual budget and
review and counsel the State Chairman on all programs relating to the state party. The
Executive Committee shall meet at least three times each year.
The State Chairman may appoint non-voting members of the Executive Committee. A
quorum for the Executive Committee shall be one-third of its voting members present in
person and representing at least eight counties. If a quorum shall fail to attend in person
at the time and place fixed for the Executive Committee meeting, a majority present in
person may adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than an
announcement at the meeting until a quorum shall be present, at which time any
business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the original meeting.

Chairman Dewit has a history of proven lies including backing a fake Legislative District engaging in Nazi-like tribunals against dissent, improperly interfering with court cases, and lying to a judge; which you can read about here, here and here.

The AZGOP dependence on incorrect legal opinions and fear of lawsuits which the Democrats file no matter what anyways, is a large contributor to “Country Club” Republicans who are paralyzed by fear and unable to take any action while America is destroyed.

Chairman Morris, you incorrectly assign blame anywhere and everywhere on Chairman Dewit’s indisputable failure at raising funds saying “Even the RNC is experiencing great difficulties in getting contributions – all because of Republican infighting and the failure to united on a solid focus of getting Republicans elected.This is not the reason. Elections are being stolen and Republicans are doing nothing to combat it. The voters and Republican base are disgusted and have closed their wallets until Election Fraud is stopped (an important step is proving handcounts are viable which is EXACTLY what the MCRC Resolution attempted to prove). 

You state “And this current AZGOP/MCRC debate has already reached national news headlines further embarrassing Republicans.” Republicans like Mitch McConnell, Rona McDaniel, Kevin McCarthy, the Arizona Legislature, Jeff Dewit, and Gary P. Morris embarrass themselves with their inaction and betrayal of the will of WE THE PEOPLE.

Your further assertions “We all should recognize that the “prime directive” of Republican organizations is to get a Republican elected to the Presidency. And it’s so critical in 2024 that we get this done. We cannot be detracted from that effort.” are so out of touch and disconnected from reality, they could only be uttered by a “Country Club” Republican. Until Election Fraud is stopped, the Democrats will steal every single election regardless of candidates, unity, or funding. You and the above “Country Club” Republicans will be to thank for the utter destruction of America if you do not change course TODAY.


Brian Ference

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