Powers of a Precinct Committeeman

What Powers Does a Precinct Committeeman (PC) Have?

  1. If a member of the House or Senate resigns or is removed, PCs of the same party as that representative in their Legislative District vote for 3 names to replace them which the Maricopa Board of Supervisors then select from to fulfill the remaining term. (Legislation should be proposed to remove the MCBOS from the process entirely) This happened multiple times in 2024 and 2023. No one else can select the three names; not voters, not the governor, only PCs! See ARS 41-1202 https://www.azleg.gov/ars/41/01202.htm

  2. PCs vote for State Delegates, who then vote for National Delegates, and the National Delegates vote for who the Republican Presidential Candidate will be. The delegates can and have chosen opposite of the popular vote in the past. In 1912, William Taft ran to become the nominee and faced the opposition of former President Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt won most of the states and received more than half of the popular vote. He even defeated Taft in his home state of Ohio. However, Taft received more delegates than Roosevelt and thus was nominated during the convention. Roosevelt started a new “Progressive Party” and he and Taft split the vote, giving the win to Democrat Woodrow Wilson who only earned 42% of the popular vote. 1912 Republican Convention. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1912_Republican_National_Convention
    This is why it is so critical that true Trump supporters were elected as State Delegates which fortunately was done this year.
  3. PCs have tremendous influence over who the candidates will be. Typically, the political elites and establishment select from their friends and allies and DICTATE who the candidates will be; immediately giving them dozens of endorsements. They COMMAND the PCs to fall in line and support, fundraise, and gather signatures and communicate to the voters for that candidate. But PCs can simply refuse this power grab and control and select a different candidate to support. When enough of the Legislative Districts and PCs support their chosen candidates, those candidates can and do win the Primary and make it to the General election ballot. Only candidates with an attitude of servant leadership who will honor their oath of office, follow the Constitution without fail, and will listen to the instruction of We The People should be supported in this way.

Learn more about the PCs and the process of becoming one on the Maricopa GOP Site here: https://maricopagop.org/sign-up-as-a-pc/

Utilize a Robert’s Rules of Order quick reference guide to practice different scenarios and Roleplay making different motions. See it below:

It is no secret that the Establishment uses red tape, rules, confusion, corrupt parliamentarians, and other tactics to silence the voice of the people. By becoming an Expert in Robert’s Rules of Order, you can take back this power and refuse to be silenced. At the bottom is a handy Quick Guide you can use and some additional information here and below:


Proxy Votes are NOT counted in a voice vote or rising vote as was modeled at the State Committeeman meeting. This specific question was asked and proxy votes are not counted in this type of vote.

#45:2 One Person, One Vote. It is a fundamental principle of parliamentary law that each person who is a member of a deliberative assembly is entitled to one-and only one- vote on a question.

#45:56 Absentee Voting. It is a fundamental Principle of parliamentary law that the right to vote is limited to the members of an organization who are actually present at the time the vote is taken in a regular or properly called meeting…

45:70 Proxy Voting. A proxy is a power of attorney given by one person to another to vote in his stead; the term also designates the person who holds the power of attorney. Proxy voting is not permitted in ordinary deliberative assemblies unless the laws of the state in which the society is incorporated require it, or the charter or bylaws of the organization provide for it. Ordinarily it should neither be allowed nor required, because proxy voting is incompatible with the essential characteristics of a deliberative assembly


#3:30 Before a member in an assembly can make a motion or speak in debate-the parliamentary name given to any form of discussion of the merits of a motion-he must obtain the floor, that is he must be recognized by the chair as having the exclusive rights to be heard at that time. The chair must recognize any member who seeks the floor while entitled to it.



  • Parliamentary Inquiry 33:3-5
  • Point of Order 23
  • Request for Information 33:6-10


#4:17 When a member who has legitimately obtained the floor offers a motion which is not in order, the chair may be able, in certain instances, to suggest an alternative motion which would be in order and would carry out the desired intent to the satisfaction of the maker. If the chair is obliged to rule that the motion is not in order, he says, “The chair rules that the motion is not in order because [briefly stating the reason] He must not say “You are out of order,” nor, “Your motion is out of order.” To state that a member is out of order implies that the member is guilty of a bread of decorum or other misconduct; and even in such a case, the chair does not normally address the member in the second person. If the chair rules that a motion is not in order, his decision is subject to an appeal of the judgement of the assembly.


#24:1 By electing a presiding officer, the assembly delegates to him the authority and duty to make necessary rulings on questions of parliamentary law. But any two members have the right to Appeal from his decision on such a question. By one member making the appeal and another seconding it, the question is taken from the chair and vested in the assembly for final decision.

Recruit a New PC Today!

To find their Legislative District, Supervisory District, and Congressional District: https://recorder.maricopa.gov/Elections/PollingPlace/getdistrict.aspx

Once they know their LD, click the link below for the list of LD Chairs https://maricopagop.org/district-chairmen

To find Voter ID, clink on the link below https://recorder.maricopa.gov/Elections/BeBallotReady/




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