The Republican Party is UNITING holding elected representatives accountable. This type of UNITY has rarely if ever been seen before in the Republican Party. Below is an updated table clearly illustrating how many Legislative Districts and the sheer numbers of Precinct Committeemen showing a united front. Of course, this isn’t the type of unity the McCain RINO Uniparty Republican’s want. They want unity behind them meaning blind subservience and submission while they continue to line their pockets and destroy this country. Well the People have had enough and it has the McCain RINO Uniparty Republicans terrified. The wailing and gnashing of teeth can be heard as they claim censures are meaningless and use it to fear-monger; even as the US House of Representatives attempted and failed to censure Adam Schiff and the Arizona House of Representatives successfully censures “bible thief” Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton.

The latest such censure (read full text) Legislative District 23 Censured 24 Republicans (including Joseph Chaplik) which encourages them to not run for re-election and resign, “so that another Republican willing to Honor their Oath and Uphold the Arizona Constitution can take their place.” LD23 states they are in violation of “Maladministration, Maleficence, the Arizona Constitution, Oath of Office to which they consented to be governed and have furthermore lost the Trust of the PCs of Maricopa in LD23.” LD23 states that “All 24 Republicans no longer have the support nor the assistance in re-election efforts going forward from the PCs of Maricopa in LD23” and “All 24 Republicans are expelled from attending any Maricopa LD23 meetings.

The LD23 Chair Michelle Altherr commented: “It’s 24 Republicans: 2 from the ethics committee to include Chaplik, 4 from the BOS, 18 from the House.”

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