On Friday, Legislative District 3 Precinct Committeeman Michele Swinick on her show played the full audio (fast forward to 13:40) of the divisive, Biden-like speech which LD3 1st Vice Chair Nancy Ordowski gave on September 8th in lieu of an officer report. Michele described Nancy’s speech as “this is really Liz Cheney” and “Biden-esque without the red lights and the marines”. She noted it was “uncalled for” and “out of order” and that the statements Nancy made were “not true” and asked “where is all this hatred coming from?”

Michele mentions the door knocking Golden Ticket was “put together by the grassroots people, because leadership didn’t.” This references that there was no plan, committees, or communication to get out the vote created or shared, so a motion was made by the membership at the August meeting to create a door knocking Golden Ticket with $5,200 budget. This project was delivered one month later on-time and under budget with 25,000 flyers printed and was distributed at the September 8th meeting. The door knocking Golden Ticket has been VERY well received among Republican and Independent voters according to several PC captains and is even being used and printed by other LDs and other Counties. See more: https://onedayvote.org/ .

Nancy’s speech made several false statements including that the LD did not understand or have the opportunity to review bylaws before approving them. In fact, a 5-person committee met for over 16 hours before voting unanimously to recommend a fair and balanced version of the bylaws which was then approved by a majority vote of the body. The committee made sure that a red-line and final version was sent out by the Chair to the entire body far in advance of the vote which was near unanimous.

Nancy falsely states that “censures and resolutions have no consequences”. If that were true, how did the AZGOP censure of Rusty Bowers and the GOP censure of Liz Cheney directly result in their being primaried and barred from office? Why was one of the LD censures recognized by President Donald Trump himself on September 6th?

She falsely claims a “select small group” rams through motions, yet many censures and resolutions were UNANIMOUSLY approved by the entire membership.

She continues with rhetoric on “losing elections”, “voters left with nothing”, and “political suicide”.

Nancy continues her lies, accusing up to 1/3rd of the membership of being associated with the “Patriot Party” and “far-right militia”. These are completely false claims without any merit whatsoever.

Nancy claims “recently, only some PCs have been invited to training.” What training are you referring to Nancy? Aren’t you in charge of Training as the 1st Vice-Chair? Yet ZERO LD3 trainings have been scheduled or communicated by Nancy in recent months.

Nancy continues her propaganda speech accusing the membership of being radicals, seeking only power, subverting the Republic, destroying LD3, and an infiltration of the LD and Republican Party.

Nancy claims prior LD15 leadership will force the body to do “only what they say”. If that is true, why did the approved bylaws bring the power and voice back to the entire body instead of dictator-like power? Why does Nancy desperately want these bylaws changed back? Sit down and shut up seems to be a recurring theme, and you hear Nancy say just that several times during her speech. Who wants the membership to do only what they say?

Nancy spends a great deal of time focusing on RINOs and falsely claimed the definition is anyone with “experience or authority”.

Nancy continues her tirade with fear mongering, claiming she has knowledge certain members are “under FBI surveillance” and that “LD3 leadership and PCs are on the FBI watchlist.” How would Nancy know this? How would anyone know who is being targeted by the FBI? Has Nancy initiated or participated in such an investigation?

Yet the FBI on September 24th conducted yet another unwarranted political raid on a Pro-Life speaker, holding his wife and screaming children at gunpoint.

An FBI whistleblower warned that “the bureau has been transformed from a law enforcement agency to an intelligence-gathering operation that spies on law-abiding Americans to help advance a political agenda”.

Many members objected to Nancy’s speech, raised questions, called for the Chairman to end it, and demanded she give up the microphone.

It now appears that Nancy and her establishment allies were so upset at their terrible candidates such as Karrin Taylor Robson losing the Primary, that they were attempting to sabotage the Golden Ticket and the Election itself. The September 8th meeting was to be a uniting and very positive meeting. Nancy put a stop to that. Since then, she has gone even further, causing great confusion by telling PCs to “not distribute the Golden Ticket.” The Chair of LD3 even responded, acknowledging it and saying that “neither he nor the board supports any comments which discourage distribution of the Golden Ticket.” And “Nancy did not seek any advice or approval from me regarding her comments. Any comments made by her should be considered her personal opinion and are not a reflection of my opinion or the opinion of the Board.” The end result of Nancy’s statements and actions is helping Democrats.

I join many other voices demanding that Nancy Ordowski immediately resign as 1st Vice-Chair of LD3 and the MCRC EGC.

See the video of Michele’s show below: (fast forward to 13:40)

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