#AZREVOTE Telegram: https://t.me/+mu_ygAdp-Q41OTlh

There have been 3 Consecutive Protests with ZERO violence related to the #AZREVOTE movement calling for a redo of the Maricopa botched election filled with 68% Machine Failures in only 3-to-1 Republican heavy areas. It looks like Merissa Hamilton, EZAZ, Trooper, AFPP, and the rest of the Doomers were wrong 3 times in a row. Do they just not want the people to exercise their 1st Amendment Rights? Merissa can’t handle and criticism so she blocked me on Twitter:

Meanwhile, Brazil doesn’t have half the rights we do, yet they are setting records as MILLIONS protest their stolen election. (Video Below). In Shanghai, China where the citizens have almost ZERO rights, a new round of devastating lockdowns over COVID19 is being enforced and protestors clashed with military and police.

The Next Maricopa Protest is the County Certification meeting Monday, November 28, 2022 7:30am. 301 W Jefferson, 10th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 More info how to comment and livestream here:

In Person: To make general comments during “Call to the Public” OR speak on an agenda Item, you must fill out a speaker form at the meeting and turn it in to the Clerk’s staff.

Written: To leave comments for the Board of Supervisors, please send them to agenda.comments@maricopa.gov.

Virtual: To speak on a Planning and Zoning Hearing or Statutory Hearing Item virtually, submit speaker form here: English or Spanish. You must submit your speaker form before 8 am on meeting day.

UPDATE: Monday, November 28, 2022 8:00 am Board of Supervisors Special/Executive Meeting

Residents may submit comments related to the Board Informal Meeting agenda before 7:30 am on Monday, November 28th by emailing Agenda.Comments@Maricopa.Gov or calling (602) 506-3766.
Residents may watch the Board meeting live-streamed at Maricopa.Gov or Maricopa.Gov/324 at the time of the meeting.
Residents may also watch via GoToWebinar.com, and enter the webinar meeting ID 929-337-331. Pre-registration may be done via this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/956352342581568781
Residents may listen to the Webinar by dialing +1 ((562) 247-8422 and enter the Audio Access code 475-030-253#. Long distance charges may apply.
No Audio PIN is needed to listen only.
If speaking virtually on a hearing item, desktop computer access is best. Cell phones must have webinar application downloaded to participate.


Stop being afraid and sacrificing your 1st Amendment Rights! Stand Up to Peacefully Assemble and Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances!

Brazil Protests Video

China Protests Video

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