Just yesterday, I wrote about the Paradise Valley Unified School District Superintendent potentially covering up a Teacher who allegedly confessed to sexually assaulting a student before committing suicide–also during the PVUSD Bond Election. Since that article was written, a former student from last year has verified that Teacher Keiko Yoshimine, who allegedly assaulted one or more female students in her role as Chemistry Teacher and Horizon Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, is indeed lesbian and “married” to a woman (conflicting reports indicate a former live-in partner who she separated from 6 months ago)

Anonymous Tip Confirming Reports:

Today, I received a tip from an anonymous whistleblower who provided this information:

“Definitely keep digging… there’s dirt on her mom, too, and the school tipped her off on the investigation, which is why she was able to avoid arrest and shoot herself. She briefed her mom of everything ahead of time, including transferring all of her assets even as early as the Wednesday prior (monies were all deposited with mom by Monday). and her mom has seemingly not grieved, but only focused on removing social media, and wiping Keiko’s computers. She’s made it clear she didn’t want anyone discussing what Keiko confessed — even to answer people or console them on why Keiko committed suicide even if it would help them not blame themselves for Keiko’s death.

For the record, Keiko wasn’t married (had a live-in partner, but split up ~6 months ago) and has three dogs.

Use these to keep asking the right people questions, definitely think multiple victims, and that mom was trying to erase evidence of all but the one confessed to.

These kids need to know they were the victims, they aren’t to blame for her suicide, and that there are people trying to protect them from people like Keiko who would prey on them.”

Copy of the Email Sent to Parents of Paradise Valley High School

The below message to parents makes no mention of the alleged sexual assault, possibility of multiple victims, or suicide, and could be construed as attempting to coverup the entire situation during the PVUSD Bond Election:

If anyone knows any of the alleged victims or their parents, please ask them to come forward using the contact form on my site and their anonymity will be fiercely protected. A full investigation is needed into these related criminal activities in PVUSD including Liberals caught on video stealing No on Bond Signs, along with the Bond Election and any bribery on contract pay-2-play schemes.

Brian Ference is an Independent Journalist and Citizen Reporter covering Politics in Arizona.
You can Contact him or Follow him on Truth Social and X.

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