Watch the below video of the event which happened last night in Scottsdale, Arizona. The pre-show includes interviews with Mark Finchem, Wendy Rogers, Josh Barnett, and more! The presentation itself starts at 1 hour and 12 minutes in.
- 11 times normal ballot adjudication rate.
- Intentional use of inferior paper and sharpies were used to force ballots to be adjudicated.
- 2 million over-votes detected.
- 3 million machine inserted ovals on down-ballot races were detected.
- 142,091 ballots where no fold was detected, indicating swapping of ballots.
- 10,943 ballots were found to be entirely counterfeit, which gave Biden a 7% margin.
- 235,367 ballots were modified electronically, 1 out of a 100 in 2016, 1 out of 8 in 2020 election. AI was used to adjudicate ballots with no human interaction. No physical ballot examination of the adjudicated ballots was carried out. 99% of ballot batches were modified without physical inspection to confirm there was an original paper ballot that was actually scanned.
- 53,866 ballots were cracked, where ballots that are returned as undeliverable are then stolen and voted as if they had been delivered.
- 110,092 were returned as undeliverable according to USPS records, Maricopa said only around 8,000 were returned. -12% of the voter roll were phantom voters, 20% of the voter roll was scrubbed immediately after the election, 226,691 phantom voters, 332 per precinct.
- 12,112 provisional ballots were rejected, 66% rejection rate in 2020 compared to 29% rejection rate in 2016 (Trump votes likely dumped in the trash).
- Largest ballot stuffing machine order in history was placed in March of 2020. April 1st mail image scanning was suspended by USPS, it was turned back on after the election. This occurred before there was any announcement that the election would be vote by mail in most places.
- 7,000 politicians control national elections. 7 billion dollars could buy off each one of them with a million each.
- 32 states hand over all voter roll data to a company with four people that was funded by Soros to supposedly have them manage their rolls. It’s suspected two voters rolls are being maintained by these states, where one is corrupt and the clean one is maintained
keep on working on it.
So why wait 2 years until after the 2022 election to bring all this out into the open?
You are 2 years too late. There was no apparent effort to correct the system and get the bad actors OUT of office prior to the 2022 elections. just a lot of complaining and belly aching and no action from you all.
I’m as enraged at you who discovered whats going on and took no action as I am at the bad actors themselves.